God’s Providence to Establish the World Transcending Religions and Nations Based Upon the Absolute Values of True Love

Sun Myung Moon

Four City American Speaking Tour
October 2004

Respected leaders representing the religious, political, journalistic and academic spheres of America and the world, ladies and gentlemen.

A thousand emotions crowd my mind as I stand here today. Thirty-four years have passed since I first set foot on this land chosen by God. I came here to uphold God’s will to make America a foothold for world salvation by reviving Christianity and bringing reconciliation to all religions.

Some of you who are sitting here may remember the warning I proclaimed when I first arrived in America. I boldly declared to the American people, “If there is an illness in your home, do you not need a doctor from outside? If your home catches on fire, do you not need fire fighters? God sent me to America as a doctor to heal this wounded land. He sent me to America as a fire fighter because this house is on fire.”

In the early 1970s I called the two hundred and seventy million people of America to a great awakening. My “Day of Hope” speaking tour visited twenty-one major cities throughout the United States. I warned the people then that God was leaving America. I clearly stated that America would not have any hope if it did not end the racial strife between blacks and whites, reverse the moral degradation of its youth, stem the tide of self-centered individualism, resolve the problem of communism, and bring reconciliation among religions. The solutions to these problems could not be found in the federal government or in the schools. I called upon enlightened religious leaders to come together, surmounting differences of religion and ethnicity, to combine their strength and address these issues. Now, thirty years later, what do we see in America.

Only God knows the sweat and tears I shed in America as I labored to establish world peace. You who are here today are the chosen fruit of that sweat and those tears. Yet, a thorny path still awaits this nation. I, Rev. Moon, am not an American. In accordance with God’s command, I have returned to Korea to lead His providence to restore my homeland to God. The future of this nation is now in the hands of conscientious leaders like you. Who else shall save your nation? Where else but among the people gathered here can we find a politician who would willingly sacrifice him or herself for the future of this nation, or a professor who would spend sleepless nights anguishing over its problems? You are the only ones who can do it. You must stand up now and become the locomotive that leads America’s two hundred and seventy million people.

In this regard, I would like to convey a portion of a new understanding given by heaven for this age, titled “God’s Providence to Establish the World Transcending Religions and Nations Based Upon the Absolute Values of True Love.” Please engrave this message in your hearts. Let its teachings give you direction and purpose in living for the sake of this nation and humankind. This message is not only for you and for the people of America; it is the new decree of heaven–the absolute, unavoidable truth–to be declared to all six billion people of the world and even throughout the spirit world.

A World Created in Mutual Relationships

Dear guests, what was God’s purpose in creating human beings? The omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God did not want to live in solitude. He wished for counter.parts whom He could love; these are human beings. He created the cosmos in stages to make an environment for human beings, and on that foundation, He created humankind to receive His absolute love.

God created us to be His children. God’s desire for us is unlimited: out of love He desires for human beings to become even better and greater than Himself. Don’t all parents wish for their children to surpass them? This is the tradition of parental love, with which God has blessed us.

God’s purpose of creation is to experience complete joy in seeing His children grow to maturity in a true family, marry under His blessing, and multiply true children who will build a true, ideal Heaven on earth in which to live eternally. They would be the fruits of God’s true love, true life and true lineage.

Does America today resemble God’s ideal of Heaven on earth? Can you Americans say that you possess God’s true love? I am here to teach you the path to becoming an owner of God’s true love.

We become owners of true love through practice. How do you practice true love? By giving first, by investing completely for your beloved, sacrificing and not remembering what you have given.

In the beginning, God practiced true love. Before God created human beings, He first established the standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Then He invested Himself 100 percent. These are absolute values of love. Thus, God established the principle that any true relationship must be founded upon these true love’s absolute values.

You cannot become an owner of true love by yourself. You must be in relationship with a counterpart. Thus, a man and woman can never become parents without having children. And it is the parent-child relationship where we practice the absolute values of and become owners of parental love.

This principle also applies to God. In order for God to stand as the owner of absolute love, He needs human beings as His true children. He practices the values of absolute love as He relates with them as His object-partners of love. Ultimately, the relationship between God as the subject-partner and human beings as object-partners becomes absolute, creating the realm of unity and perfection.

This principle applies throughout the universe, but has been sadly misunderstood. Mistakenly, we have been taught that the strong always devour and exploit the weak. The theory of the survival of the fittest–the so-called “law of the jungle”–is rooted in the Hellenistic worldview. It is fundamentally wrong! Its proponents overlook the absolute values of living for the greater good that aim for the perfection of every creature, allowing all to be owners of love.

The owner of love lives for the sake of his or her counterpart, investing true love and forgetting ever having invested. The counterpart responds to that investment of love with complete submission. If true love were excluded from this equation, only the concept of struggle would remain. But God’s principle of creating does not base existence and development upon exploitation. Rather, He creates through a mutual process of giving and receiving, as the partners unite within a greater harmony rooted in love’s absolute values.

Sometimes an entity is sacrificed for the sake of a greater good, but we should not interpret this as moral evil. It is an investment for the sake of mutual development. Is it evil for an individual to sacrifice for his or her family? Is it evil for a family to sacrifice for the nation, or a nation for the world? No, these noble acts display love’s absolute values. They are the way to fully realize true love.

Selfish Individualism Is Satan’s Last Gasp

An owner of true love strives, first of all, to lift up his or her object-partner as an owner of true love. Therefore, we must completely rid ourselves of the individualistic mind-set and the self-centered behavior that flows from it. This is the root of fallen nature and the cause of evil. This applies to an individual’s self-centered behavior and to collective selfish behavior of communities and nations.

Selfish individualism is in direct contradiction to the spirit that blossoms when we live by true love’s absolute values. Instead of sacrificing and giving for the sake of others, self-centeredness calls others to sacrifice for me. This leads us to be concerned first with our own interests.

Through the Fall, Satan diabolically injected self-centeredness into the mind-body relationship. He planted this poison mushroom in the human heart. Although the embrace of self-centeredness may lead to a beautiful appearance, worldly fame and earthly comfort, it is a trap. Enter it recklessly, and it leads to addiction and a life of suffering that is difficult to escape.

Consider your physical body. All the elements of your body were already present in your parents’ sperm and ovum. You were born from the love of your parents; 99.999 percent of the body came from your mother’s bone, blood and flesh. Your father’s sperm provided the other 0.001 percent. You must acknowledge the fact that your entire body is an extension of your mother. No one is an exception to this. In this respect, there is nothing that we can call our own, nothing that can justify self-centered individualism.

Everything exists in relation to its complement. When we say “front,” it presupposes a ‘back.’ Top is meaningful only in relation to bottom. Left is a precondition for right. By the same logic, masculine presupposes the existence of feminine. The moral lesson is that men are born for the sake of women, and women are born for the sake of men. Without men, there is no need for women. In the same way, without women, men cannot claim any value to their existence.

In the end, nothing is born for its own sake. All beings exist and act for the sake of a partner. This means that God created all things to move toward the ideal of His Kingdom through the operation of mutual relationships.

Consider a human being’s five senses. Do your eyes exist to gaze at themselves? No. Our eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands were created to sense others. What force energizes our five senses to sustain our life and maintain our activities? It is the force that exalts the values of true love. Our five senses are nothing but essential tools that exist in order to practice true love.

Nothing comes into being for its own sake. A life for the sake of others, giving and sacrificing through love and perfecting the ownership of love through willing submission, is a life aligned with God’s ideal of creation.

Today I ask you to recognize that each of you was created for the sake of your partner. Know that the law of nature calls you to live for the sake of your partner. Practice this way of life, and you will come to embody the absolute values by which you can become an owner of true love.

The Root of Free Sex Was The Human Fall

When God created the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, He gave them sexual organs. Why did He do that? It was so that they could grow to maturity, marry, beget children without sin, and establish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Thus were they to perfect God’s ideal of creation. Adam and Eve should have accomplished this within their lifetime.

The problem was that Adam and Eve fell. They became people of false love, false life and false lineage. Instead of embodying and multiplying God’s love, God’s life and God’s lineage, Adam and Eve received the satanic lineage. They fell into disgrace; and worse, they transmitted Satan’s lineage to their children. They lost love’s absolute values, and instead became beings of no value. Hence, God had to drive them out of the Garden of Eden.

Adam was supposed to have become God’s body on earth. Eve was supposed to become not only Adam’s bride but also God’s bride. Instead, their minds and bodies were corrupted, they lost their ideals, and they turned into enemies. How grieved was God’s heart as He viewed that tragic reality!

The Fall was Adam and Eve’s grave. It robbed God of what belonged to Him. The Fall was the root of free sex and the origin of self-centered individualism.

Take a look around you. We see self-centered individualism of the worst kind. Everywhere people are over-consuming out of greed. Free sex is rampant among the young. Whether in the East or the West, people are casting aside the dignity and value of the family and pursuing physical pleasure. Millions fall into drug addiction, contract deadly diseases and meet tragic ends.

The conscience does not desire a decadent and meaningless life. Even as we pursue paths of extreme individualism and bodily pleasure, our conscience raises an alarm. Every person has a God-given original mind that longs to live in a universe, nation, neighborhood and family wrapped in the loving embrace of parents and siblings.

Still, we continue to walk contrary to the original mind’s desire, and eventually the conscience burns out. Faced with the inescapable conflict between the body’s selfish desires and the conscience, we deaden the pain with escapist drugs and, in the extreme, resort to suicide. Our lives testify to the truth of the proverb, “you shall reap what you sow.”

What seed did Adam and Eve sow in the Garden of Eden? They planted the seed of free sex, through an illicit sexual relationship. That is why it is written that after they fell they hid their lower parts. In the Last Days, the time of harvest, rampant free sex among young people will surely manifest throughout the world. Through promiscuity, Satan is carrying out his last campaign to deter anyone from returning to God. Satan’s goal is to destroy humankind and perpetuate hell on earth.

When young children are caught stealing sweets, their natural reaction is to hide their hands or mouth. If Adam and Eve literally had eaten fruit from a literal tree, they would have hidden their hands or covered their mouths. So, I ask you: Why did they hide their lower parts? We cannot deny that the Human Fall was caused by an illicit sexual relationship between the first human ancestors. God could not do anything in the face of the tragedy of the Fall, because it was connected to Adam and Eve’s responsibility to create their lineage.

Dear guests, do you know the dividing line between Heaven and hell? Is it in the air? Is it in a church sanctuary? Is it in a national government? No, the dividing line between Heaven and hell is found in your sexual organ. This is where the greatest tragedy in human history occurred, which turned heaven and earth upside-down.

If you use your sexual organ recklessly, like a blind man, you will surely go to hell. On the other hand, if you use it in accordance with the standard of God’s absolute love, you will go to heaven. Who can deny this? If you doubt it, I ask you to carefully read the Divine Principle, which contains the laws of heaven that were revealed to me. If that does not answer your doubts, please pray about it sincerely. I am sure that God will answer your prayer.

Hundreds of thousands of young people throughout the world who have accepted the teachings of the Reverend Moon have ceased engaging in free sex. The message of the pure love movement, which advocates “absolute sex,” is now spreading like wildfire. While free sex is based upon false love and motivated by selfish desires that come from Satan, absolute sex is the expression of absolute love centered on God. Literature, films and the media have been highlighting and fanning the flames of free sex. Now, leaders of all spheres of life, including politicians, businessmen, writers, journalists and religious leaders, must stand as one to overturn the culture’s obsession with free sex. This disease cripples individuals, families and nations.

We must bear in mind the importance of Adam’s family, the ancestors of humanity. It was Adam’s family that destroyed the path to true love and world peace. Yet Adam’s family had the potential to establish the absolute values of true love and lay the cornerstone of world peace–if only they had maintained their pure love and received God’s holy marriage blessing. The reason why 10 years ago I brought an end to the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and raised instead the banner of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification is because the time had come to call people of all faiths to receive the holy blessing.

How can we transform this world of conflict and war into a world of harmony and unity? The only way is by practicing true love and establishing love’s absolute values as a global ethic. These eternal, unchanging, unique and absolute values are the attributes of God, the owner of true love. We must inherit them as our own and live accordingly.

The Beauty of a Family that Embodies God’s Original Ideal

Dear guests, why is the family a good thing? A good family, overflowing with parental love, is the place where we can express our original freedom. It doesn’t matter whether a family is rich or poor; if true love is at the core, their bond of heart is liberating. That family can liberate humankind and even liberate God.

Freedom cannot exist without true love. If you visit someone as a guest, you feel reserved and inhibited. This is because initially you may lack a deep bond of true love with that household. In other words, because your love does not spread in all directions, you feel awkward and shy. However, after you visit that home many times and your bond of love with that family grows, you lose your shyness and begin to relate freely.

In God’s blueprint for the family, the parents embody the highest and greatest value. Parents are the initiators and the center of eternal true love. No bond is closer than the life-long relationship between parent and child. When a child is born, the first person it relates to is its mother. Mother and baby share indescribable joy. When the child is happy, the parents share that happiness. When the child is sorrowful, the parents are the first to shed tears of sorrow. Thus God intends that parents be the beginning and the end of their children’s joy.

For this reason, we have sympathy and compassion for children who have no parents.

A loving couple, husband and wife, is the second most valuable existence in the family. A true husband and wife give and receive love that is unconditional. As newly-weds, their love does not begin as absolute, eternal love. But as their relationship matures, their love should become an absolute bond, taking after God’s attributes of absoluteness and eternity. Then their true love will bring happiness and joy to the family.

But even if a husband and wife enjoy the most ideal relationship, and it goes no further than the couple, it will not bring the absolute value of eternal happiness and joy. Therefore, couples need to have children. Imagine what would happen if all couples decided not to have children, saying that they would rather just enjoy their own happiness? Humankind would become extinct in one hundred years or less. When a husband and wife receive love from their children, they rise to the position of parents. Only then can they be called a true couple.

Therefore, in God’s blueprint for the family, the third most important value is the true love of children for their parents. Children are to love and serve their parents with a bright and positive attitude, even as they seek to fulfill their goals and create a hopeful future for themselves. Their true love for their parents can become original love, adding pure and genuine value and expanding the family’s field of happiness.

This is God’s design for the family: It extends over three generations, completely endowed with the sacrificial love of parents for their children, the true love between husband and wife, and the true love of children for their parents. Families anywhere in the world which manifest this pattern will become the paramount, ideal, true families.

What kind of person does the world call happy? What is the basis of happiness? Does power and authority bring happiness? Does having tremendous wealth bring happiness? Does happiness come from possessing a unique talent? Does happiness come by becoming a world-renowned scholar or gaining a coveted position? None of these guarantee happiness.

Nothing external can be the basis of eternal happiness. Sooner or later the happiness it brings will fade, stimulating anew the search for happiness. In the end, a person finds genuine happiness in a family that has loving parents, a couple bonded in true love, and children who are devoted and faithful to their parents.

Family Relationships are the Basis of Heaven

Dear guests, what kind of place is heaven? According to the principle by which God created the universe, heaven must first be perfected on earth. Men and women were created to live their lives in heaven while on earth in their physical bodies. Then, when they naturally discard the flesh, they will make the transition to heaven in the spirit world where they will live for eternity. Our task, then, is to build the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Then what should the Kingdom of Heaven on earth look like? The answer is near at hand. The Kingdom of Heaven has the same form as God’s design for the family. In an original family there are parents of the original standard, husband and wife of the original standard, children of the original standard, and siblings of the original standard.

If the members of a family unite in true love, they automatically create harmony and unity. In this way, true love, true life and true lineage are passed on through the generations. The grandparents convey the tradition of true love to the parents. The parents bequeath the same life of true love to their children. In their sibling relationships, the children take after their grandparents and parents by living for the sake of others and forming original relationships of true love.

When this happens, that family becomes a heavenly family. Such a family may be called an original family, a true family, a family that fulfills God’s purpose and ideal. Unfortunately, if even one of these components is missing, it is impossible to create an original family that can be a unit of the heavenly kingdom.

In an original family, love for one’s parents should be stronger than the love between husband and wife, and love for one’s grandparents should be stronger than the love for one’s parents. This sets up the tradition and ethics of true love.

The original family is the model of Kingdom of Heaven. The parents are analogous to the leader of a nation; the children correspond to the citizens of a nation; and the family’s house and property correspond to the land of that nation. When the values of true love in the original family apply to the governance and social life of the nation, that nation takes the form of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Individual Perfection through Mind-Body Unity

Thus, the starting point of the Kingdom of Heaven lies not in the individual or in the nation, but in the family. Once we enter heaven and are surrounded by our beloved family, we will not want to leave. Though we see each other hundreds and thousands of times, we will still want to see each other again and again. This is our original homeland, for which everyone shares a common longing.

Yet, heaven is not created in an instant. Just because the age has changed and heavenly fortune is with us does not mean that heaven will fall from the sky and appear before our eyes. We first must become people of character who can create heavenly families. In other words, we must achieve individual maturity.

The path to becoming people of character, to achieving individual maturity, lies in perfecting the harmony and unity between our mind and body. Originally, we were created to live without any inner conflict. The mind is supposed to guide to the body, while the body acts in absolute obedience to the mind. Thus, mind and body were created to function in perfect harmony. However, all human beings have inherited fallen nature, as a result of the Fall of the first ancestors, Adam and Eve. Humankind has lived in suffering because of the unavoidable conflict between mind and body that has its roots in the Fall.

No one in history has ever achieved mind-body unity during his or her life on earth. Despite the steady progress of God’s providence of restoration and His determination to save humanity, not a single person has been liberated from the struggle between the mind and body and achieved individual perfection. Although countless monks and hermits have followed the arduous path of asceticism, living in caves deep in the mountains and devoting their entire lives to meditation and prayer, not one has ever triumphed in that struggle.

The reason that even enlightened sages have been unable to stop the struggle between the mind and body is simple. No one has known the method to win the unrelenting, internal war. Self-discipline alone is not enough to win the victory. All such efforts are worthless unless one understands the providence of Heaven, receives the call, reaches the stage of completing the providence of restoration that God has guided for thousands of years, and gains victory in a position publicly recognized by heaven and earth.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus came to the earth as Savior, Messiah and True Parent. As God’s only begotten Son, Jesus had the mission to complete the providence of Heaven and end forever the struggle between the mind and body. But when Jesus died on the cross due to the failure of certain crucial religious and political leaders in Israel to recognize him, he was no longer in a position to bring an end to the struggle between mind and body. And even though Jesus took every opportunity to call on people to love their enemies, his teachings could not bring an end to the struggle between mind and body.

Heaven can wait no longer. Heaven is now revealing all its secrets based on my foundation of victory. I have successfully completed the mission of the Lord of the Second Advent, Savior and True Parent. Now I am revealing this truth, bringing to a conclusion the final stage of the providence for humankind’s salvation. The absolute values of true love that I am teaching you today will bring a revolution of character within humankind. Those who follow my teachings will achieve individual perfection and participate in the construction of the ideal of Heaven on earth.

Dear guests, the only way to bring harmony and unity between mind and body is to live by the absolute values of true love. Live for the sake of others. Invest yourself with true love and forget what you have invested. Practice this, and you will perfect yourself as the owner of love. You will gain the authority of a subject in relating to others, and they will willingly submit to you in response. Unity of mind and body is impossible unless you live according to love’s absolute values where you give yourself for the sake of others completely. Please discard self-centeredness. It is the root of fallen nature.

Ultimately, the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth depends upon the existence of original, true families. Individuals who have achieved harmony and unity between the mind and body create such families. They will form a society, nation and world characterized by interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values, in which people live in harmony focused on the greater good.

Unity between mind and body means to live in absolute obedience to the voice of the conscience. The conscience is like the root of the mind. You must listen to your conscience that arises from within your mind, and be able to modify your course of action at any time, anywhere, while remaining as clear as crystal. This is a necessary condition for becoming a true parent, a true teacher, or a true leader.

No matter how strong the desire of the body, if you can intentionally place greater force behind your conscience in accordance with the teaching of the Principle, your body will follow your mind. If you cannot, you had better control your body through fasting and asceticism. If clear water continually flows into a muddy pond, eventually the pond will become clear.

Dear guests, don’t cause your conscience any more grief. Don’t disobey its call. Disobeying the voice of your conscience only brings sorrow to your heart. It brings sorrow to your parents, to your teachers, and even to God.

Instead, cultivate a joyful mind. Although you may be lonely, and appear miserable in the eyes of the world, create an unbreakable bond with your mind and try to be your mind’s best friend. Within the harmony and unity of your mind and body, you will discover a world where all of heaven and earth are spread out before your eyes. In the state of mind-body unity, your conscience and body enter a realm of resonance. Referring to this dimension of the mind, the Buddha said, “Throughout heaven and earth, I am my own lord.”

Ask your mind if God is dwelling in you, and it will tell you. You will reach a state in harmony with nature, able to communicate freely with animals and plants. You will be able to converse freely with the beings of the spirit world. You will thoroughly prepare yourself for eternal life.

By attaining this unity of mind and body, and establishing the absolute values of true love in relating with your reciprocal partners, you participate in establishing the Peace Kingdom on the levels of the individual, family, nation and world. This is God’s most earnest desire.

Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, and Absolute Obedience

But in order to attain this state of perfection, as descendants of the Fall, we must first shed our fallen nature. How can we do this?

First, we must resemble God. When God created all the creatures in the universe, He practiced absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Didn’t He believe and act in accordance with the absolute standard of the principle and according to the order of creation that He had established? He also planted within each of us the absolute standard of love.

In your lives, too, if you adhere to and practice these three major principles of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, your happiness will be guaranteed. Your good ancestors and even the great religious leaders in the heavenly world will assemble to guide your way. See what happens when you practice such an absolute standard of faith, love and obedience for the sake of your parents, your husband or wife, and your brothers and sisters. Heaven will protect you to the same absolute degree. There will be no room for selfish individualism or the pursuit of unprincipled pleasure.

The Three Revolutions

Second, although no fault of our own, we are descendants of the Fall and have inherited fallen nature from birth. Therefore, it is the urgent task of each of us to bring about three great revolutions in our individual lives. I refer to the revolution through making atonement, the revolution of conscience, and the revolution of heart.

The revolution through making atonement means that you are to offer up everything. By this offering you can regain your internal and external rights of ownership, and establish a standard that transcends the realm where Satan has any claim.

First, you must carry out a revolution in your own lives by boldly shaking off all the old habits and ways of thinking that you acquired during the age when we lived under satanic rule, called The Age Before the Coming of Heaven. You need to make that victorious foundation in order to practice the absolute standard of true love, which is the standard for our lives in The Age After the Coming of Heaven, and live eternally as God’s true children.

In addition, you must go through a revolutionary course and give up all your property and your external rights of ownership to Heaven. Then, once you have cut off all ties to the satanic world and separated yourselves from Satan, you will inherit Heaven’s blessings. That means to increase Heaven’s wealth of sanctified assets such that Satan can never again claim ownership over them.

What is the revolution of conscience? It is an internal revolution that we carry out by practicing absolute obedience to the voice of our conscience. I am sure you cannot deny that within you there is still the unending struggle between the commands of your conscience, which pursues what is good, and the inclinations of your physical mind, which follows the desires of your physical body. To bring this shameful internal conflict to an end, we must have a clear understanding of the function of the conscience.

The conscience knows everything about you–your every move and your every thought. It knows them before your teacher does. It knows them before your parents do. It knows them before God does. What happens when you go against the commands of your conscience? You will be attacked by pangs of conscience. Dust gathers, grime builds up and wounds appear on your soul. These wounds can never be erased. They are fearful baggage that you carry with you when you go to the spirit world. Therefore, you must work in a revolutionary way to suppress your physical mind and accept the guidance of your conscience. Then you will become a clear, unblemished and clean soul, ready for the day that you make your way forward into the presence of God.

What is the revolution of heart? I have said that God created human beings as His children. What, then, is the connection that binds each of you to God? It is the love and heart between parent and child. If there is no communication of heart between parent and child, how can they maintain a relationship of love and respect? Yet human beings, having lived for thousands of years under the influence of the fallen realm, are still slaves in our hearts to false parents, false love, and false lineage. If we are to escape from this yoke, we must constantly live lives of true love, practicing forgiveness and always giving to others. Through this process, we are able to return to the realm of God’s ownership based on heart.

If your heartstrings are still tied to selfish, individualistic inclinations, or are in pursuit of the vain glory of the satanic world, you will end up on a path of hopelessness and grief. On the other hand, if you live for the sake of others, always constructive, always seeking to be the first to yield and the first to give, your heart will be tied to the heart of God eternally.

In sum, you must completely cut your ties with the false parent, receive the Holy Blessing from the True Parents, who have appeared in this world as the substantiations of the invisible God, and secure Heaven’s true lineage.

Grade Yourself

Third, you must scrutinize your own lives every moment of every day. I am sure you all had experiences back when you were in school, looking at a problem on a test paper and not being able to make up your mind whether a particular answer was right or wrong. The same is true with your lives. I am asking you, in the course of your daily lives and faced with innumerable different situations, to analyze and scrutinize each moment as to whether or not you are right or wrong. Grade yourselves, giving yourself an “O” if you are right, or an “X” if you are wrong.

Whenever you give yourself an “O,” it means you met the situation in an affirmative and hopeful way. Most likely you set a vertical axis that extends up to heaven, and you lived as at high noon–without casting any shadow. Your life undoubtedly had such depth and breadth that you were able to forgive and embrace even your enemies in the spirit of true love. Whenever you give yourself an “X,” however, it means that you acted shamefully. Possibly your heart was filled with negative elements such as insecurity, irritation, bitterness, and envy. Maybe your mind and thoughts were narrow and intolerant, and you were selfish and individualistic to the point that you did not see what was happening to others around you.

I believe that your choice could not be clearer. Every moment of your lives should deserve an “O” grade. You should be like the letter “O,” which is perfectly round and not out of shape in any way. You must come to have the form of an “O,” which forms a 90-degree angle with the center no matter where it is placed. Please lead lives in which you pursue the true “O,” so that you can look at the brightly burning sun and not be ashamed, you can face the vast and infinite universe with honor, and you can stand before all of creation having nothing to hide.

An “O” symbolizes harmony, unity and peace. “X” symbolizes death, while “O” symbolizes love and life. When your mind and body become completely one, you will take on the appearance of an “O,” and when your mind and body are in a state of chaos as a result of conflict, your appearance will take on the shape of an “X.”

Ladies and gentlemen, today humanity has entered the Age after the Coming of Heaven. The realm of true liberation and complete freedom stands before us. This is an unprecedented event in history and one that will never be repeated in the future. Shall we return gratitude and glory to God and True Parents for making this day possible?

Now the time has come for humanity to boldly break out of the fallen realm, covered as it is with falsehood and blood as a result of Adam and Eve’s transgression. Let us all rise up with extraordinary determination in response to Heaven’s call.

Please give careful thought to the reasons you are here today. Is it simply because you received an invitation from the sponsors, and therefore you came to attend a banquet? Whether you desired it or not, you have been called by Heaven. Just as I suddenly received Heaven’s call as a young man of fifteen and began an eighty-year course of blood, sweat and tears for the sake of bringing true liberation and complete freedom to God, and for the sake of saving humanity from Satan’s yoke, so you also must now go forward determined to offer your lives in order to accomplish God’s exalted will for the liberation and complete establishment of the world transcending religions and nations.

Ladies and gentlemen! Heavenly fortune is now shining upon this world, as the sun that rises powerfully in the eastern sky. The darkness that has covered this earth for tens of thousands of years has now been dispelled. The heavenly decree has already taken root in your hearts. It is the path–your destiny–that you cannot avoid. Be strong and rise up. The time has come to truly experience the meaning of Jesus’ teaching that whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever is willing to lose his life will find it. All of us without exception, including myself, are bound to go to the spirit world someday. I sincerely ask you to engrave tonight’s message on your heart, that from this time forth you will live a life that will not leave you with any regrets.

The heavenly discourse that I have given tonight is my last message to God’s chosen nation, America. I pray that God’s blessings be upon you, your family and this nation of America for all of eternity.

God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom Are Built on the Foundation of the Realm of His Liberation and Release

The Reverend True Father Sun Myung Moon

Address on the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the
Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity

May 1, 2004
Seoul, Korea

Respected present and former heads of state, distinguished guests from around the world, leaders of all fields of Korean society: I am sincerely grateful that such a large number of you have taken time from your busy schedules to attend today’s event.

It seems like yesterday that on May 1, 1954, in a humble dwelling known as the “House of Three Gates” in Seoul’s Buk-hak Dong, I and a few disciples who were with me raised a signboard that read “Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity” and offered a most serious prayer to Heaven. Today, this has become the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, which continues its steady development and has mission headquarters in 191 countries. How could anyone say that this is anything other than a miracle of Heaven?

I received God’s call when I was a vibrant youth of 16 years, and started out on this path of Heaven with unbending determination. It has been a path of indescribable pain and suffering. At each climax of indemnity, sacrifices were made that led to pools of blood, sweat and tears. It was the path of a lonely man. I swallowed desperate tears of blood and hid them within myself to comfort the heart of God, who was grieving over the tragic situation of the son He had sent forth.

My life of over 80 years has been lived to teach the truth that I received from Heaven. As a way of summing up what I have taught, I would like to speak today on the topic of “God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom Are Built on the Foundation of the Realm of His Liberation and Release.”

Distinguished guests, everything I have ever taught is permeated with one point above all else. That is that we must know God and spirit world with certainty. It is not enough to have God vaguely in our head, like a mathematical formula that we once memorized. Instead, we must carve His existence onto our hearts, even into our bones. We must know the relationship that God has with us, and the attributes He possesses. We must know about the ideal world that He desired in the beginning, and when that world will be brought about. We must have the same degree of knowledge of spirit world. The world after death definitely exists independent of human beings’ will, and we must know it accurately, if we are to use our time in this world to prepare thoroughly for the next.

Ladies and gentlemen, please quietly place your hand on your heart and think seriously. If everyone truly knew that God exists and always lived in attendance to Him, what would keep us from solving the problems in today’s world?

I declare to you very bluntly today: God exists and He is our Parent. He lives and carries out His work within each person’s life. He exists without form. If you think of Him as large, He is infinitely large, but if you think of Him as small, he is also infinitely small. Every human being possesses a mind, but can anyone locate the mind with confidence and certainty?

Energy clearly exists and sustains life, but energy is invisible. In the same way, God absolutely exists with attributes of eternality, changelessness and uniqueness, but He cannot be seen with the human eye, which is one part of the human physical body. Because God is the original body of energy, we will not be able to see Him even in spirit world.

This is why we say that God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. Because He has no form, there is nothing to keep Him from going anywhere He pleases in the world of existence. He could pass right through your body without you feeling anything. He could step on you as He passes by while you doze off, and you would not know it. Think how convenient that is. What would you do if God were to appear and involve Himself in every little thing you do? If you had to live with God visible to your eyes, what would you do? Probably you would not last a day before having a nervous breakdown. You cannot see the incredible amount of air that is passing through your body even as you sit here. So how could you possibly know how God, who exists without form, passes through you as He carries on His work? Rather than foolishly saying, “Show me God and I’ll believe,” you should be grateful that God is invisible to our eyes.

Leaders from around the world, do you have love? Do you have life? Do you have a lineage and a conscience? Then, have you ever seen love? Can you say that you have seen life, lineage or conscience? You clearly know these exist, but you must acknowledge that you cannot feel or see them. You only know them because you sense them with your mind. A similar logic applies to the question of whether God exists, or whether a person has or has not seen God. No one can say that they have not seen God or that He does not exist.

When God enters into the mind, the mind knows it. When the omniscient and almighty God is with you, you can call for saints who died thousands of years ago to come to you and you can clearly see who is sitting on the other side of a thick wall. When the eternal God enters your heart, such things are possible. Eternity cannot be grasped in the context of time, but time exists within eternity.

The universe in which we live is wrapped in mystery. The size of the vast universe is as great as 21 billion light years across. If a light year is the distance light travels in a year at a speed so fast that it can go around the Earth seven and a half times in a second, then try to imagine what God, who created the universe and manages it, must be like. How large would He have to be, and how heavy? God is the great king of wisdom, so He made it so that He would exist without form, enabling Him to go anywhere in the universe instantaneously or enter even into the eye of a needle. When we search within for the best place to receive God, our greatest treasure, the natural conclusion is, “The heart is the only appropriate place.” No place can be safer or more comfortable for Him. The heart is able to stand in the position of God’s object partner and exist for eternity by engaging in spherical motion, and this is the reason that human beings can have eternal life.

If humanity had not committed the fall but had been born through parents possessing an original nature of goodness, then it would not have been necessary to argue with each other about whether God exists. We would have known this naturally from the time we were born. Just as an infant does not learn how to suckle its mother’s breast while it is in the womb, but naturally learns how to do so as soon as it is born, so also people born into a world where the fall of the human ancestors had not occurred would have naturally attended God as their Father throughout their lives. When God created Adam and Eve as the first human ancestors, He wanted to establish them as substantiations of Himself. So He arranged for His masculine nature to be placed within the mind of Adam and His feminine nature to be placed within the mind of Eve and remain there for eternity. This did not mean that God would be divided in two. Instead, while residing in the minds of Adam and Eve, He would exist as a harmonized being of dual characteristics and as a unified being centering on love.

As a result of the fall, humanity lost everything. We fell into a false world. We appear to have sight but in fact are blind, not even knowing whether God exists. What could be more tragic in the history of humankind?

If Adam and Eve, created in the image of God, had grown to maturity without falling, achieved perfection, and acquired the position of the parents of humankind, all human beings would have been able to recognize the reality of God’s existence through Adam and Eve. It would have been impossible even to imagine people arguing with each other, saying, “God exists,” and “No, He doesn’t.” God would have lived with us and shared our emotions for eternity as the Parent of humankind. He would have been the center of our life and the root of our existence.

We truly know God only when we feel Him in our heart and understand the reality of His existence in the course of daily life. We know God’s existence only through experience.

When we understand the reality of God’s existence directly through experience in our daily life, we will be able to sense God’s will from moment to moment naturally. We will be able to act in accordance with His will without being told. We will become people who cannot sin even if we try. It was intended that the formless God would take on substantial form as human beings and exercise dominion with the character and appearance of an owner, not only over all of creation in this world, a world of form, but even over the sprit world. This is why our highest priority in life is to know God with certainty.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us think for a moment about human life. We spend our first lifetime in the womb of our mother. The ten months that we spend there as a fetus is a period of water-borne life, because we are bathed in the amniotic fluid. We cannot speak or move about freely, but this does not mean that our term in the womb is not life. During this period, we clearly possess a life given to us by Heaven, and it is a period for us to prepare for life on the earth, which is the next phase. The fact that we don’t breathe through our nose during this period doesn’t mean there is no life. The human being as a fetus in the womb cannot imagine what life will be like in the next phase, on the earth. It cannot imagine a world outside its mother’s womb. It cannot imagine not receiving all nourishment from its mother through the umbilical cord.

Human beings, though, are created so that when the time comes we bring our life in the womb to a close and begin life on the earth. Irrespective of our wishes, this happens in accordance with the laws of the universe. A new, vast world that we could never have imagined appears before us. Our water-borne life ends, and our new life on earth begins. The ten months of life in the womb transitions into an earthly life of 100 years. Human beings then live in a wide variety of unique ways and prepare for the final phase of our existence, in the spirit world, that is, the world after death.

A world that is eternal and endless awaits us, but human beings living in a physical body are no more capable of imagining the spirit world that we were of imagining life on Earth while we lived in the womb. Our lives of some 100 years on Earth will transfer into an eternal world that transcends time and space. In the womb, we received nourishment from our mother through the umbilical cord, and during our time on earth we receive the three basic elements, the universe’s water, air and light. Once we enter the spirit world, however, we will no longer have need of physical nourishment. We instead will breathe love as we live eternally. So human beings, without exception, live through three stages: ten months in the womb, 100 years on earth, and an eternity in the spirit world. This is not something that we do by our own choice. It is a blessing and grace given by Heaven. What could be a blessing and grace greater than this?

So when I say you need to know the spirit world well, it is not enough to live with a vague faith in the existence of the spirit world. On Earth we must know how to prepare for life in the spirit world, where we will live eternally, and then prepare ourselves thoroughly. Just as a child that develops a problem while in the womb may spend his entire life after birth in poor health, so too if we fail to recognize Heaven’s will during our short life on Earth and commit sin or carry out evil deeds, we will eventually pay the price in the spirit world according to the principle of cause and effect. It means that our spirit self will have to suffer indescribable pain and indemnity in spirit world.

Once the physical body has been shed, it will be too late. When the physical body dies, it returns to the earth as a handful of dirt, but do you think that our life, our mind, our heart, and our hopes are also buried? It is absolutely not so. Our 100-year-long life is recorded, photographed and automatically evaluated without fail in our personal computer, built by God, called the spirit self. This is why all of us, during life on earth, will stop and check ourselves again and again, and ask our unsteady mind and heart: “Where are you going?” The saints, sages and spiritual masters are those who spent their entire lives wrestling with such issues. None of them, however, were able to present clear answers.

It is true that their teachings have remained with us, allowing religions to be formed and sacred texts to be published, guiding the mass of people for their lives. It is also true, though, that humanity still lacks even the ability to have dominion over our own mind. I have toured the world hundreds of times to declare Heaven’s truth and educate people. No matter where I go in the world or what kind of audience I face, I always ask one question. I issue a challenge, saying, “If there is anyone here whose mind and body are not in conflict, please raise your hand.” So far no one anywhere has dared to raise a hand.

What does this tell us? It means that human beings are still slaves to the fallen nature that we inherited from our first ancestors, Adam and Eve. We have not yet escaped that yoke. This is evidenced by the confessions of saints and sages who spent their lives in fasting and abstinence and consistently pursued paths of incredible suffering. Their confessions that they could not root out the desires of the flesh before they had to leave this world remain as pitiful cries to their disciples who still insist on following in their footsteps. Those who are counted among the saints and sages are now declaring with one voice that I, Sun Myung Moon, have brought for the first time from Heaven the truth of true love that they could not grasp, and that their followers and descendents on Earth should follow my teachings absolutely and practice them. People in spirit world who regret that they could not meet Rev. Moon while they were on earth and attend him as Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord, and True Parent during their lives here are sending a flood of messages. The resolutions that these people adopted in the spirit world now echo around the world. In the near future, all religious people will begin to receive revelations directly from the founders of their own religion, and there will be a great migration of people being guided to attend Rev. Moon as the True Parent. They will gather as the clouds to learn from Rev. Moon the truth of true love that enables them to unite their mind and body. They will learn the way of the true family, leading to their singing together the praises of eternal happiness as parents and children on Earth and in Heaven.

Communists of the world who insisted there is no God and passed away as sacrifices to materialism, intellectuals of the world who as journalists commanded an entire generation, and even dictators and emperors who brandished the sword of absolute power and sacrificed countless lives, have shed tears of repentance before me and begged for forgiveness through their messages and resolutions from spirit world.

Any among you who still cannot believe with certainty the reality of the spirit world may still not be sure whether to believe these messages. To you my advice is this: “You will see for yourself when you pass on to spirit world!” But once you go down that path you can never return, no matter how much you may strike the ground in lamentation. Once in the spirit world, a person cannot do anything on his own about the sins he committed while on earth. So your ancestors now are observing your life in tears, waiting for an opportunity to help you in a way that indemnifies their sins. I am telling you clearly that thousands, even tens of thousands, of your ancestors’ eyes are watching your every step and every action, sometimes with tears of heartbreak and other times with joy. Is there still anyone who cannot believe the reality of spirit world?

Distinguished guests, once we come to know God with certainty and know not just the concept of the spirit world but also its reality, our life can move forward as smoothly as a car on an expressway. Just as the car will reach its destination safely if the driver follows the rules of the road, keeps his hands on the steering wheel and doesn’t fall asleep, so too we only need to live in line with the direction from our conscience, which is given by Heaven. This is where our mind and body become one and where the blossom of human perfection blooms and bears fruit. Going deep into the mountains will not perfect one’s character, and extensive reading of sacred texts and philosophy books that line library shelves will not unite the mind and body.

God is the great King of wisdom. He did not place the path to perfection in some far off place. Instead, He placed it in the place that is nearest to us, the place that is most private and safe. He prepared and placed that path inside your conscience.

Ladies and gentlemen, your conscience is your master. It is your teacher. It stands in the place of your parents. Your conscience is the first to know everything about you. Your conscience knows all your thoughts. It knows before your teacher, before your parents and before even God knows. Think how much advice your conscience gives you over your lifetime. Day and night, every time you have an evil thought, it scolds you, saying, “Hey you!” It never grows tired as it works constantly to pull you over rivers and mountains. The conscience always stands as the true master, protecting you and trying to help you. Yet, how often have you gone against your own conscience? What should be done about your body, which has thoroughly mistreated this precious irreplaceable teacher that the universe bequeathed to you? Your conscience was given to represent the Parent who makes it possible for you to inherit the original love. Do you intend to idle your life away, embracing only your physical body and enslaved by its desires, allowing it mercilessly to trample the conscience?

That is why I, too, as I began to pioneer the way of truth, set as my slogan, “Before seeking dominion over the universe, perfect dominion over yourself.” I discovered that there is only one way to resolve the conflict between mind and body, and that is “the way of true love.” Unity between mind and body can be achieved only when the mind sacrifices itself for the sake of the body time and again, thus practicing “true love that lives for the sake of others.”

When you follow the path set out by your conscience, your mind will come to embrace the universe. When this happens, you will be able to communicate with your heart. Whenever you start to do something, your conscience will immediately show you the effects of that action. This experience proves that God resides within your heart.

The person who attains this position will enter the state of being of one mind, one body and one thought with God. He or she will live in a world of one circle and one harmony. This is the ideal world, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth that God desired in the beginning when He created Adam and Eve.

Respected guests, it is now more than 80 years since I began my search for such incredible secrets of Heaven and began to walk the path to lead humanity. It has been the path of a lonely and pitiful man pushing my way through suffering and difficulties that are unprecedented in the past and unrepeatable in the future. It has been a path that has proven and taught the reality of an omnipresent God. Every one of the six billion people in the world are blind. Though they appear normal, they cannot see even an inch in front of themselves. But this has not kept people from pretending to be philosophers and theologians with respect to Heaven’s truth, bringing grief to God throughout history. The providence of restoration that sought to live for the sake of God and take pity on God never even had a chance to begin.

I cannot count the days I spent in tears and lamentation after I came to know this world of God’s inner heart. Who could even dare to imagine the grief-stricken God? He has carried out His providence for thousands, even tens of thousands of years after the first human ancestors, whom He created as His children and tried to place in the eternal position of His object partners in true love, fell into the path of the human fall. God was sorrowful and mortified. Anger exploded within Him, and His heart overflowed with grief as He walked this course. He came as the Father and King of glory, but the enemy Satan stole His throne and His position as Parent. Though He was clearly alive and carrying out His providence, people said “He’s dead,” and they mocked and mistreated Him. Still, He persevered on the path with patient endurance, waiting for the day when human beings would themselves understand the truth. Please understand that it is because God conducts His providence on a foundation of true love, which lives for the sake of others, and on the basis of eternity, that He did not just annihilate the universe and begin again after witnessing His children descend into the bottomless pit of the human fall.

With the power of His omniscience and omnipotence, He could have judged the world and Satan at once, smashing them to pieces. Though He has this power, He has chosen until now to absorb all the contempt and accusation into Himself. He has placed Himself in a prison-like environment, because He is our Father. Ladies and gentlemen, have you spent even one day before our Father God, shedding tears of sincere sympathy and repentance? Can you stand before God and close your eyes as if to block out how He bites His tongue and endures humankind that inherited the lineage of the devil and became the tool of Satan, and how He waits impatiently for the day of His liberation and release?

This is the reason that my life has been more serious than any other in history. As I walked this fateful course of restoration through indemnity, I had to go the way of the perfection of character in order to stand as the Lord of judgment and determine the sin of the devil Satan and judge him. I had to send as many as four of my young children, whom I loved deeply, to the spirit world, and I have had to cast even my remaining children out into the wilderness.

I stand before you as one who has received Heaven’s appointment as Savior and True Parent for the sake of liberating and releasing God and, on that foundation, liberating and releasing humankind. I do not come out of a need for money and power, or honor and fame. For more than 80 years, I have lived oblivious to morning or evening, day or night, even weathering the coldest winters and harshest snow and rain, in order to move as quickly as I could along the heavenly path. Even in the torture chamber, where my flesh was torn from my body and I was made to vomit blood, I never prayed for God to save me. Instead, my life has been that of a filial son, patriot, saint, and divine son of Heaven and Earth who sheds tears to comfort God’s heart as He weeps to look upon the tragic state of His children. I left my parents and homeland behind to follow the straight and narrow path to human salvation, that is, the path of true love that lives for the sake of others. My life of never compromising and never acting in a cowardly manner may seem incredibly pitiful and bleak from a worldly point of view.

No torture or punishment could make me compromise from the heavenly path. Neither could six imprisonments stand in the way of the True Parent’s search for his children. As I sat in a cold prison cell and watched drops of water fall from an eave, I pledged to myself, “Just as those droplets will eventually bore a hole through a boulder, the day will certainly come when these hot tears that fall from my eyes will melt the heart of God frozen in grief and liberate and release Him.” That is how I have lived. It has been a sacrificial course of practicing a love that loves the enemy more than my own children and of offering everything to teach all six billion people in the world.

In line with this, I went to America in the early 1970s, and announced, “I have come as a fire fighter to extinguish a fire and as a physician to cure a disease.” It is important that we understand that, more than 30 years later, humanity has entered a new age. Finally, heavenly fortune is settling on the planet Earth. The blood, sweat, and tears I have shed on the course of restoration through indemnity for the sake of human salvation are now beginning to bear fruit.

In 2001, at the opening of the 21st century, I dedicated the “Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship,” offering to Him the day of His liberation and release. This marked the beginning of the opening of the age of God’s direct dominion. On that foundation, the “Coronation Ceremony of the King of World Peace” was held this year on March 23 in a Senate building of the United States Congress. World leaders of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and members of the United States Congress gathered to crown me as the king of world peace. How can this possibly be a human work? Just as the French prophet Nostradamus prophesied, and as is clearly recorded in the Orient’s greatest book of prophesies, “Kyeok-Am-Yu-Rok,” Rev. Moon has come as the one who has received Heaven’s appointment and fulfilled the responsibilities of humanity’s True Parent and the king of peace. So now, leaders from all walks of life and from all over the world are surging forward in a giant wave to join the ranks of people working to build the Peace Kingdom on this earth. They are acknowledging that peace cannot be achieved without my help. This is true not only on the Korean peninsula, the only place in the world where the conflict between democracy and Communism still divides an innocent people and land, but also in the Middle East, which has become the most serious and bloody conflict threatening world peace.

On April 10 this year, I declared the “release of the angelic world,” the “release of Cain and Abel,” and the “release of the Parents of Cheon-ju, Cheon-ji, Cheon-ji-in.” [Parents of the Cosmos, of Heaven and Earth, and of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.] By marking May 1 with the declaration, “God’s Homeland and the Peace Kingdom Are Built on the Foundation of the Realm of His Liberation and Release,” I am completing the spiritual conditions on many levels that are needed for God to exercise His authority of all-immanence, all-authority, all-power and all-transcendence. Together with God’s liberation and release, a world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness is spreading across this land. In this respect, there is a special meaning to today’s commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, which I established.

Heavenly fortune is with each of you present here today. Though our time together is short, you can become people of the Kingdom of Heaven simply by living according to what I have taught you today. That is, first live in the certainty of God’s existence to the point that you can feel His presence against your skin. Second, be certain of the reality of the spirit world and use your life on Earth to prepare for your eternal life in the spirit world. Third, live in attendance to your conscience as you would your teacher, your God, or your parents.

The flames of true love, now fanned by the spring breezes of the 21st century, are spreading like a wildfire across the Earth. Exchange marriages are becoming accepted among young people belonging to traditionally enemy countries as a matter of faith. Just as water, air and light will flow to fill even the smallest space, the movement of true love is flowing and covering the Earth. Young people of intellect who will inherit God’s love, God’s life and God’s lineage and settle the Peace Kingdom on the Earth are now waking from their sleep.

Eminent world leaders, I hope that you, too, will join the ranks of the owners of Cheon Il Guk [the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth] who are to “establish His Kingdom and His righteousness,” and become a revolutionary army of true love, putting into practice the truth of true love that grows larger the more that it is given.

Thank you.

Declaring the Era of the Peace Kingdom

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Address to the United States Congress
March 23, 2004
The United States Capitol
Washington, DC

Respected members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives, religious leaders from around the world, distinguished guests,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your presence here this evening in such a large number, in spite of your busy schedules.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The starting point to unravel the problems humanity faces today is the certain knowledge of God, the Father of all creation and, on that foundation, the building of true families that live in attendance to God. This calls us to establish and attend God in our families, not as a concept but as the substantial Parent of us all. To do this, we first must clarify the relationship between God and humanity. God is the original entity of true love, true life and true lineage, and He is the True Parent of all people.

If human beings had not fallen, we would have reached perfection in God’s true love as His true children and lived in attendance to Him as our Parent. God’s plan was for perfected human beings to bond as true husbands and wives, bear and raise true children so that they would live in a Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and then live together eternally in the heavenly world as families in the Kingdom of Heaven. Think about it for a moment. If your father went to hell and only your mother went to Heaven, what kind of Heaven would that be? If your parents were to go to hell and only you children went to Heaven, how could that be called Heaven? The Kingdom of Heaven is where the whole family lives together in an eternal peace kingdom. On earth as well, God will reside where a whole family has established a kingdom of heaven. In such a family, the world of God’s original ideal, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, takes root. How, then, are we to bring about this family heaven on earth?

First, each member of the family needs to complete his or her individual character. Each person has to shed the fallen nature that has passed from the fall down through the generations, and achieve the perfection of his or her character. In other words, each person must be victorious in the struggle between mind and body. Then the world of harmony will bear fruit in each individual’s perfected character, a state of one heart, one mind and one thought. Fallen nature, which causes jealousy, envy, greed, hatred and all other evils, will never again take root in the person who has achieved this state.

Shedding the fallen nature is not easy. The reality of fallen human beings is that we vacillate even when trying to break habits formed over the relatively short span of a few years or decades, like smoking or drinking alcohol. We cannot expect, then, that it will be easy to cast off fallen nature, which we inherit through lineages going back thousands, even tens of thousands of years.

It is impossible by human effort alone. We need to stand on the foundation of absolute faith, establish God as our vertical axis, and struggle our entire life. Even then, it is a difficult fight. We cannot even think we will gain victory unless we enter a state of absolute love for God, loving Him even more than we love our own parents and children, and attending Him as our True Parent. We cannot hope to win this fight without a foundation of absolute obedience to God, following Him even at the cost of laying down our life.

Herein lies the reason that religions place fasting, sexual abstinence, sacrifice and penance in the uppermost position. We must be born again, recast as new persons in whom Heaven can reside and with whom the spirit world can cooperate. We cannot betray an iota of shame even if our entire life and being is exposed before all God’s creation. Our character should be like a “high noon settlement,” on the straight vertical line of God’s grace without the slightest shadow, so that Satan will flee from our presence for eternity.

Second, individuals who achieve such completion of character come together to form true families, and the members of these families work together to establish what I call the “four great realms of heart.” Such families resemble, in form, an individual who has accomplished the complete oneness of mind and body. I have said that the Kingdom of Heaven is a place we enter family by family. Not every family, however, is qualified to enter Heaven automatically. You need a foundation to be a true family and to complete the four great realms of heart. A true family that can enter the Kingdom of Heaven is composed of true individuals who have completed the four great realms of heart in themselves and who are of a lineage centering on God.

What do I mean, then, by the “four great realms of heart”? I refer to the perfection of the heart of parents, the heart between a husband and wife, the heart of children, and the heart of siblings. This is found in a true family bound by God’s original true love, true life and true lineage through a chaste three-generational lineage of grandparents, parents, and (grand) children. Here, the love between parents and children establishes the vertical relationship between upper and lower; the love between the husband and wife establishes the horizontal relationship that brings left and right into definitive oneness, and the love between siblings establishes the relationship between front and back. In this way, God’s ideal of creation is no longer a mere concept or dream. It is perfected in reality through the completion of the four great realms of heart centered on true lineages, family by family.

The realm of parental heart is acquired naturally as parents go through the process of bearing children and then raising and educating them with true love. In other words, it is the heart that enables the parents to own true love with respect to the children. Without children, no one can own love as a parent.

Next, the realm of conjugal heart is the love relationship that extends true lineage. In this, husband and wife each are grateful for the other having established them as an owner of love, and each learns true love through giving and receiving with the other. They enjoy learning of true love when the husband lives for the sake of his wife, even if it means sacrificing his own life, and the wife attends her husband with the heart of attending God. The perfection of the husband-wife relationship is possible only on this basis.

The moment a bride and groom share love on their wedding night with God’s blessing, they inherit the palace of true love, the palace of true life, and the palace of true lineage. The wife, through her husband, receives God’s ideal son, who is also Heaven’s older brother, Heaven’s husband, and Heaven’s parent. The husband stands in the corresponding position in receiving his wife. When the realm of conjugal heart is perfected, the relationship between the husband and wife also becomes absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal, because God is absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal. So the term “divorce” cannot even exist. Theirs will be a life of happiness, filled only with the blossoms of mutual respect and love.

Next, how can we describe the heart of children, and how is it obtained? The parents are the center, in God’s position in the family, and it is impossible for a child to be born without parents. For these reasons, the relationship between parent and child is established not by human morality but by a heavenly morality. Thus the parent-child relationship is a vertical relationship, not horizontal. It is not a relationship of destiny, which means that human effort can change it, but it is a relationship of absolute and eternal fate.

Children experience and learn the heart of true love as they attend their parents in daily life, placing their parents in a position higher than themselves. Through a natural process, they come to understand that the love, life and lineage that they inherit from their parents originate in God. Children who watch and learn from their parents in this way will grow up to become husbands and wives who have no fallen nature, and ultimately they will obtain the position of true parents themselves. The spherical motion of the family unit that continually repeats the three-generational pattern in this way is the basic model for building the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lastly, the realm of the heart of siblings arises through brothers and sisters who live as a family in attendance to the same true parents. I said earlier that the heart between brothers and sisters establishes the relationship between front and back. True parents are a husband and wife living in truth, and children who attend such parents will naturally learn the discipline of heavenly morality and ethics among siblings.

It will be a beautiful sight, where a younger brother attends and reveres his older brother as he would his father, and the older brother looks after his younger brother with a loving heart. The older brother represents “front” and the younger brother represents “back.” The older brother represents the father, while the younger brother represents the mother. The perfection of the realm of heart between siblings is the foundation for all people to live for the sake of others through love and service.

Respected guests, as the number of “true peace family kingdoms” perfecting the four great realms of heart increases, “true peace tribe kingdoms,” “true peace nation kingdoms,” and ultimately the “true peace world kingdom” will appear. In this way this will become the original world of God’s ideal, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the eternal Kingdom of Peace on Earth. I am declaring this here today. Humanity has lived without the certain knowledge that establishing true families is the most serious, foundational commandment of Heaven.

A new era has arrived today. The number of people around the world who have received my teaching and are standing resolutely for the sake of building the Kingdom of Peace is growing by leaps and bounds. Heaven and earth are shaking with the cries of bright young people who are determined to build true families even if they must offer their lives in order to protect their purity. Already, we find hundreds of millions of blessed families around the world. These families are shoring up a world in which ethics and morality are rapidly deteriorating.

That is not all. The spirit world is one step ahead of us in breaking open the age of the peace kingdom. Starting with the five great saints, more than 120 billion blessed families are working day and night to cooperate with us on earth and prepare for the day that is to come. According to the Principle of Creation, God’s ideal world should be completed first on earth. Although people today are descendants of the fall, God’s unending love and the spirit world’s cooperation now allow us to understand the nature of the heavenly kingdom. Please recognize that it is time to accomplish a true love revolution of overwhelming proportions, taking as our example the miraculous accomplishments of the spirit world.

The time has come for you as well to open your hearts and receive the secrets that Heaven is disclosing in this age through me. In one sense, I am a human being living with a physical body like each of you. But in the context of Heaven’s providence, I am God’s ambassador, sent to earth with His full authority. I am sent to accomplish His command to save the world’s six billion people, restoring them to Heaven with the original goodness in which they were created.

The five great saints and many other leaders in the spirit world, including even Communist leaders such as Marx and Lenin, who committed all manner of barbarity and murders on earth, and dictators such as Hitler and Stalin, have found strength in my teachings, mended their ways and been reborn as new persons. Emperors, kings and presidents who enjoyed opulence and power on earth, and even journalists who had worldwide fame, have now placed themselves at the forefront of the column of the true love revolution. Together they have sent to earth a resolution expressing their determination in the light of my teaching of the true family ideal. They have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity’s Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent. This resolution has been announced on every corner of the globe.

Respected guests, it is now only a matter of time. Look at the world. Do you see anything that gives you real hope for the future? Sooner or later, we have to give what we have to our descendants and leave this world. What gift could be more precious than that of completing the family ideal in your family, so as to guarantee eternal peace and happiness for your children? Surely no one who has such an opportunity should hesitate to take up the task of building the peace kingdom on earth, for which God has waited thousands of years.

I have reached the advanced age of eighty-five, by the Korean way of counting. But I will continue to work harder than anyone else until the day the Earth overflows with God’s true families, guns in the Middle East fall silent and give way to fireworks of peace and joy, and shouts of mansei [eternal victory] celebrating the unification of my homeland Korea echo across the Pacific to be heard in America. I hope that you leaders representing the world’s six billion people in this ceremony will join hands with me. I call you to take the lead in building what is God’s original ideal and the desire of all humanity, the peace kingdom on the Earth.

Thank you.

God’s Fatherland and the Peace Kingdom

World Summit on Leadership and Governance

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Special Remarks

Chamshil Gymnasium, Seoul, Korea,
January 27, 2004

Respected Current and Former Heads of State, Distinguished World Leaders, Ladies and Gentleman,

I would like to convey deep appreciation for your many expressions of congratulations on this occasion of the birthdays of my wife and mine. But this is not for us. I would like to offer all of this as glory to God who has protected us until today. Early in our lives we were called by God and have devoted our entire lives to fulfilling His will. Therefore I cannot accept your congratulations without including God in this celebration!

For my address this evening, I would like to talk about “God’s Fatherland and the Peace Kingdom.”

Ladies and gentlemen, what kind of world would have been realized if Adam and Eve, the first human ancestors, had not fallen? Adam would have become the head of that family, the tribal leader of that tribe, and the king of that nation. That world would have begun from that ideal of Adam, and would have become Adam’s world where only the tradition, language, culture, and lifestyle of Adam would have existed. That world would have been Adam’s fatherland as well as God’s fatherland.

But unfortunately, human history began with the fall of the first human ancestors. Our world was reduced to being under the dominion of Satan, a world that had nothing to do with God. Humankind was originally meant to establish and live in a peace kingdom for eternity, with God as their True Parent. But instead, the human race became enslaved to Satan, the origin of evil, residing in a world ridden with sin and suffering. This has brought great anguish to God.

Please think about this in the context of your own life. Contrary to the will of the Creator, our minds and bodies are in constant struggle and conflict. Has there been anyone who has completely unified his or her mind and body? Among the six billion people of this world today, has there been anyone who has lived according to the original relationship, where the body is in complete submission to the mind? What about the societies and nations of today’s world? The barriers of conflict and selfishness rooted in the mind and body of the individual exist even between societies and nations like an impregnable fortress. Human beings were supposed to live as brothers and sisters, yet the interracial strife that we see today still remains as a crucial problem threatening world peace. Religions originally had the mission of reviving human spirituality, thereby accomplishing the will of God by bringing humankind back to Him. But religions have abandoned their original mission and instead are lost in the swamp of prejudice and conflict. This has escalated to the point where today, we see them being used as tools for bloodshed and war.

Where does our original mind lead us? Does it indicate that we desire to live oppressed within the many walls and boundaries that surround us? It does not. The world that we desire is a place where no barriers or borderlines are seen. It is a world of freedom and peace. All people long for that kind of original fatherland. It is the fatherland that for thousands of years God has sought to establish. Likewise, it is the fatherland that humankind has longed for throughout history. Of course, when we talk about a “fatherland” it may denote a particular nation, but the original fatherland cannot be compared to any nation of the today’s secular world.

To establish a nation there needs to be sovereignty, people and territory. When we look at history we can see the rise and fall of nations, the countless transitions of sovereignties and a great many lives sacrificed in the process. All these martyrs died in the hope that the original fatherland would someday appear. But that does not mean that the United States, or Korea, or any other nation can become the fatherland which these people have longed for. It would be a place where there is neither democracy nor communism. Such a fatherland would have no need for any religion. It is a world that does not commit the folly of trying to measure the value of a person by the color of his skin. It is a place that does not allow any form of boundary or national border, including the barriers that divide the mind and body within each individual, bringing pain to them all.

Ladies and gentleman, this very planet earth on which we live, the entire globe, is the very fatherland that humanity has longed for. It is the fatherland for which God has longed for tens of thousands of years. Humankind now has the responsibility to establish a global nation in line with God’s standard and to remove evil from this earth by rendering judgment upon Satan who has been the archenemy in front of heaven until now. In so doing, a heavenly kingdom of peace on earth, with goodness at its center, will be brought about. We must never forget that this has been the desire of God, the desire of Jesus, and the desire of our ancestors who have contributed to the course of God’s providence by going the path of martyrdom.

But that kind of ideal world is not created automatically. It is not something that anyone can have by just wishing for it. It is impossible to attain unless we, the offspring of the fall, receive a new blood lineage through the Marriage Blessing and practice a life of true love. Then what is a life of true love? In a nutshell, it is “living for the sake of others.” It is living for the sake of others before you even wish for the other to do something for you. It is a life of living for the sake of the others and forgetting that you ever gave. It is not giving in hopes of receiving something in return. It is a life where you give and give, regretting nothing for not having given more. Even as you give, you bow your head in humility. Thus, Jesus said, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” He also said that “For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.” Even our almighty Creator, God, would not engage in creation and destruction at whim in disregard of the very principles of creation that He Himself set up.

Therefore, this is the reason why I have been conducting the Marriage Blessing providence throughout the past several decades. Humankind, who had inherited false life, false love and false lineage due to the fall of the first human ancestors, had no choice but to live this false kind of life. Thus my wife and I began our God-given mission as the True Parents. Throughout our lives we have walked a lonely path to carry out this heavenly decree to eliminate Satan, the devil, through the Marriage Blessing providence and, as the True Parents, to bequeath true life, true love, and the true lineage to humanity. We knew that God could not do anything about the false blood lineage because it had been planted by the false parents. Upon this victorious foundation of having fulfilled all the necessary indemnity conditions, my wife and I stand as the True Parents. We have been multiplying the true blood lineage by separating humanity from the blood lineage of the false olive tree and engrafting them to the true olive tree. A false olive tree will always remain as a false olive tree, even if a thousand years pass. Only by engrafting to the true olive tree can the lineage be changed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the bright age of heaven is upon us now. Please accept my message with hope. The Marriage Blessing history began with just three couples in the 1960s has now reached 400 million couples around the world. Furthermore, there are more than 120 billion blessed couples living in the spirit world. The field of the true olive tree has now overwhelmed the field of the wild olive trees. All these blessed families are united in the life of living for the sake of others. The life of the true olive trees, through the true blood lineage, is now spreading like wildfire throughout the entire world. In this way God’s Fatherland and Peace Kingdom, a nation of joy and happiness, a nation of freedom and equality with no walls or national borders will be realized on this earth.

For this purpose I founded the Peace United Nations’ in New York, U.S.A. on October 3rd 2003. In doing God’s providence, this Peace United Nations is developing initiatives of a revolutionary dimension that will rock heaven and earth. By educating each and every one of the six billion people on this earth, and giving them the Marriage Blessing, we are building God’s fatherland, our fatherland, where the entire globe becomes our home, my home. Our goal is already set. The flag of the Peace United Nation is already waving high. The battle cry of victory is erupting across the world. Victories are won in America, Europe, Jerusalem, Palestine, Japan and Korea. Nothing is impossible with God and the numerous martyrs, patriots, saints and sages in spirit world running with us at our side.

They say, “blessed are those who have faith.” On this meaningful day, I would like to ask you all to engrave this message in the deep center of your heart. I pray that you all join in the grace of the Marriage Blessing and create a great revolution of lineage. I dearly hope that you will all become the brave soldiers of heaven, courageously standing on the front line of God’s providence in order to build God’s fatherland on this earth, so that the Peace Kingdom can prosper for all eternity.

Thank you very much.

The Messiah and True Parents

World Summit on Leadership and Governance
Congratulatory Banquet

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Founder’s Address

Shilla Hotel, Seoul, Korea,
January 27, 2004

Distinguished leaders from around the world, respected dignitaries from Korea and other countries, ladies and gentlemen:

This banquet was prepared to celebrate my 84th birthday and the birthday of my wife, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. Instead of receiving congratulations on our birthdays, though, the two of us would prefer to offer this banquet to the saints and sages in the spirit world who are present here now, to the blessed families of the spirit world, and to the participants of the World Summit on Leadership and Governance. I understand that you have been engaged in many discussions and meetings during the past few days on the theme, “Good Governance for a World in Crisis.” I know that your hard work and passion will combine to create the opportunity for new hopes and dreams to be planted in a world that, until now, seems to slide deeper into crisis with each passing day. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to each of you again for coming to my homeland, Korea, to join me in opening the fourth year of Chun Il Guk (the Kingdom of Peace and Unification). This is a new year of great hope and this evening, in keeping with a tradition I have maintained throughout my life of more than 80 years of only speaking the will of Heaven, I would like to convey to you Heaven’s message entitled, “The Messiah and True Parents.”

In the beginning, human beings were created as God’s children. They were destined to grow to maturity, form families with His blessing, and multiply His descendants for endless generations in a lineage of goodness unstained by sin. The first human ancestors, Adam and Eve, were to have attended God as their vertical True Parent, and with God the True Parent as their axis, they were to have become the embodied, horizontal True Parents. In such a world, the word “messiah” would never have come to exist. Their family would have been the ideal family reflecting God’s ideal of creation, and the world would have been the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, where God’s ideal of creation was completed. After living out their lives in this world, human beings would have automatically been registered as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world, where they would live eternally in freedom, peace, and happiness.

Perfected Adam and Eve would have communicated directly with God using their five spiritual senses, and at the same time, they would have freely worked with the creation using their five physical senses. They would have lived as true masters, true parents, and true kings representing both the spiritual and physical worlds.

But, with the fall of the first human ancestors, all humanity descended into a hopeless hell from which they could not escape by their efforts alone. Their five spiritual senses became completely paralyzed. They fell into a state similar to that of a blind man whose eyes only appear to be normal to an observer but do not function at all. Forced to live with just their five physical senses, they became only half human. They could not see God. They could not hear His voice, or feel His touch. So how could they experience His love as their own Parent or understand His suffering heart?

Satan forced his way into the true-parent position that rightfully belonged to God, falsely pretending to be the parent. He placed humanity in complete bondage, making them his slaves. For this reason, the love, life, and lineage that we possess today is false. It is precisely that false love, false life, and false lineage first planted in Adam and Eve that persists in us today.

What great pain God must have felt as He watched humanity, though born to be His direct lineal children, receive Satan’s false lineage and descend to the position of servant of servants. Because God is a God of principle and law, He would not break the principles by which He created nor violate the ideal of creation that He established. So He has had to wait tens of thousands of years before introducing the Messiah to the course of the providence of salvation. Different religions refer to this person by different names such as Maitreya, the Man of the True Way, or the Coming Savior, but the person needed by humankind to open the way, and the person sought by God, is only one person, the Messiah and True Parent.

Then who is the Messiah, and what is he like? He is the owner and substantiation of faith, hope, and love not only for the individual but also for the family, tribe, society, nation, world, and cosmos. And only in an age when humanity attends this person as the Messiah, will the faith and hope that still remains, finally bear fruit. The life and breath of human history is contained within this fruit. Our past, present, and future are linked to it. This fruit is linked not only to human beings but to Heaven as well. The Messiah comes for the sake of human beings, who became forlorn orphans after losing their parents through the Fall. He becomes our substantial True Parent, True Owner, True Teacher, and True King. He is the substantiation of God’s true love, true life, and true lineage, coming to restore His lost children, who have been groaning in travail under a false parent, to bring them back to their rightful positions as the true sons and daughters of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, Heaven sent Jesus to the earth 2,000 years ago as the Messiah. Jesus was none other than the one who came to embrace the children who had lost their parents and to restore them back to the original ideal of Heaven. He was the True Parent. Through the Fall, Adam and Eve lost their positions as True Parents. They failed to receive God’s blessing and so could not form a union as a true husband and wife, and could not produce true children. Their failure meant God could not embrace three generations of His lineage, including His grandchildren. So God tearfully made preparations over a period of thousands of years, establishing the nation of Israel as His chosen people. And then he sent Jesus, the Savior and Messiah, through the lineage of Abraham. Jesus came as the commander-in-chief for the struggle to establish the sovereignty, territory, and people of a single nation of God for the first time in history. On that foundation, he would then restore the whole world from Satan’s false blood lineage to the true blood lineage of God’s goodness.

Tragically though, Jesus was unjustly put to death on the cross, because he was not received by the people of Israel, whom God had chosen. The Messiah, Jesus, who should have restored the position of True Parents, then produced true children, and risen to the position of King of Kings, was prevented from establishing even the position of a true husband with God’s Marriage Blessing. Because of this, he could not establish the position of True Parents or multiply true children. Instead he died on the cross.

The “Marriage of the Lamb” that the Book of Revelation in the New Testament speaks of is none other than the ceremony by which the Messiah receives a bride and forms a union of true husband and wife. If Judaism had received and attended Jesus at that time, then the world of God’s earnest desire, the world of His original ideal of creation, the peaceful Kingdom of Heaven, would have been realized on the earth at that time through Jesus’ kinsmen. As it was, the True Parent providence intended to be fulfilled by Jesus, the second Adam, was thwarted midway by the faithlessness of those who had been chosen. As a result, humankind was forced to wait for the Second Coming of the Messiah. Heaven though, had mercy yet again on pitiful humankind.

Heaven gave its blessing for the Messiah of the Second Coming to appear on the foundation of the spiritual restoration Jesus carried out throughout the 2,000 years of Christian history. The returning Messiah comes with the incredible burden of completing the mission of True Parents. To accomplish his mission, he must first, above everything else, achieve victory over the satanic realm. He must then go on to achieve victory in the spiritual realm as well. He must fully engage the satanic and spiritual realms, both of which cannot be sensed through the five physical senses, and be victorious in the life-and-death battle to subjugate the devil, Satan. Additionally, he must win over the many religious and philosophical leaders who are in the spirit world. None of this, however, can be accomplished through forced subjugation. Centering on God’s character of absolute love, he must convince them by revealing the universal principles of religion and the universe and in this way bring them to a natural surrender. Reverend Moon, who stands here before you, is the one who has appeared in this world bearing this incredible mission of the True Parent.

The phrase, “True Parent,” does not appear in any encyclopedia. It is not a phrase that I created, nor is it something that anyone in the world can attach to my name easily. Instead, it is the destiny and blessing that Heaven has bestowed on my wife and me. The position of True Parent carries with it the vertical missions of Savior, Messiah, and returning Lord, responsibilities that have never been realized before in history or will ever be seen again in the future. For this reason, human beings still affiliated with the fallen realm must fulfill a number of conditions in order to attend the True Parents and accomplish Heaven’s will.

First, they must participate in and complete a revolution of indemnity. This means they must cast everything aside and follow the True Parents. They must cast aside their friends and teachers, even their parents, and follow the True Parents. It is only when everything is cast aside and a standard of “total living offering” is made that Heaven can bestow blessings and grace upon us. This means that humanity must mercilessly eradicate all bonds and relationships with the satanic world, not showing even the slightest attachment, and in this way, return to the zero point and mark the dawning of a new creation.

Second, they must complete a revolution of conscience. This means that they must maintain a tradition of true love, true life, and true lineage in accordance with the predisposition of the original mind and conscience endowed in us by God. They must do this without even the smallest variance, regardless of whatever worldly sovereignty or ideology they may encounter. They must live a life of “noon-time settlement,” where they do not leave any shadow or even a speck of shame in the presence of the spiritual and physical worlds. The revolution of conscience is completed when our lives reach a harmonious state of one mind, one body, one thought, and so establish the realm of pure love and pure lineage as an eternal and unchanging tradition in which the age of unity and harmony blossoms.

The third condition is a revolution of heart. This means that humanity must complete a world of true love in which God will want to come to human beings, consult us on all matters, and will want to reside with us. In other words, the revolution of heart is a revolution of true love. “Living for the sake of others” speaks of the practice of unchanging, sacrificial love. Think what it would be like if all of us lived for the sake of others more than for ourselves. God, the root source of true love, would reside within us and would live for our sake. What greater joy and glory could there be for us? Wherever the revolution of heart has been completed, there will be no such thing as family breakdown, racial strife, international border disputes, friction between religions, or any other vestiges of the satanic world. An eternal Peace Kingdom will be established.

Respected guests, in 1996 my wife and I declared an end to the Unification Church and gave it a new beginning as the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification in order to fulfill the heavenly command to build a world of peace on the earth. The will of Heaven resides in human peace grounded in true families, not in the progress of any particular church or religion. Over the past decades, we have carried out many activities on interreligious and international levels. On this foundation, we founded the Interreligious and International Peace Council, that is, “the Peace U.N.,” in New York on October 3, 2003, as a way of making a substantial beginning toward realizing a world of peace.

A movement to remove crosses from church buildings in accordance with my declaration is spreading like wildfire in many areas of the world. Thousands of clergy have journeyed to Jerusalem, the epicenter of the strife in the Middle East, to participate in interreligious and international peace rallies. On December 22, 2003, many Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clergy took each other by the hand, sang the praises of peace, and performed a ceremony to crown Jesus as the King of Kings. It was a miracle performed in Jerusalem’s Independence Park before a crowd of some 20,000 people. This was a day when Jesus’ grief was resolved and the victory of True Parents could be declared to all of heaven and earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the same way that the mission of True Parents, to which my wife and I have been called, is a matter of heavenly destiny, your mission and that of heaven is to join hands with us in building a peaceful Kingdom of Heaven on this earth. Now, Heaven’s time has come.

I pray that each of you will return to your communities and become passionate workers as messiahs and true parents yourselves in the effort to bring about world peace.

Thank you.

Let Us Perfect the Peace Kingdom Through the Peace United Nations

Keynote Address
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Inaugural Assembly of the Headquarters of the
Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC)

October 15, 2003
Seoul, Korea

Respected and distinguished guests:

Wherever we look today — ahead or behind, left or right, to the east or west, south or north — we see a world of hopelessness filled with war and disease, racial conflict and religious struggle, and immorality and corruption. With more than 200 countries, large and small, scattered across the five oceans and six continents of the world, and struggling against each other, which country could possibly solve the problems humanity faces today? What has happened to the United Nations, which set out some fifty years ago as a model for peaceful world governance? It has become a forum only for people suffering from extreme selfishness who are slaves to political power relationships and are frantically pursuing the interests of their own countries. It has become so crippled that it is incapable of taking even one step forward. It is not just incapable of bringing about world peace; the United Nations can neither present solutions nor offer hope in response to the totally unpredictable situations confronting the world today.

Ladies and gentlemen, as I stand here today, my heart is filled with excitement and inspiration. Let us all first give thanks to God. A new day of hope is dawning for humanity. The dawning of the peaceful Cheon Il Guk 1 (God’s Kingdom), where His grace and love will shine on all the world, is being announced with a great cry that is shaking the Earth to its core. Today, I would like to convey to you one part of God’s Word for all people living in this age, by speaking on the topic, “Let Us Perfect the Peace Kingdom through the Peace United Nations.” 2

Humankind at the Meeting Point of Good and Evil

Over six billion people are living in the world today, but no one has clear knowledge about the origin of humankind. History began through some indistinct process — whether it was good or bad, we don’t know. That history has continued to the point where today the world’s population exceeds six billion. Since the origin and process are unclear, the end can only be unclear as well. Thus, in the world today, we see continuous disorder and confusion. If humanity had found the correct path in the beginning, we would have traveled on a one-way path to the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, without any confusion or disorder. The fate of humankind, after losing sight of this one-way path as a result of the Fall, however, has been to drift down the river of history as something good at times while evil at other times, rising at times while falling at other times.

Why would a path that human beings traveled in goodness suddenly start to go downhill? We did not want to go downhill, yet went down nevertheless. This is the issue. We wanted goodness to continue, but we went down. Why would goodness decline? When human life violates the absolute, fundamental principles of goodness, it will deteriorate. What does this mean? It indicates an intersection of good and evil. All kings and presidents in this world live without any knowledge of when their sovereignty will rise or fall. All sovereigns want things to be good forever. Any sovereign who is not in harmony with or aligned with the standard of true goodness, however, will certainly be defeated and perish.

Who, then, is in charge of good and evil? We know that even the most powerful royal dynasty cannot influence good and evil by its supremacy. In other words, no sovereign, on his or her own, can adjust good and evil according to his or her own wishes. We cannot deny that good and evil are determined by some unseen power lying in the background.

Each nation has its own laws. National laws exist to establish goodness. Each nation’s constitution was enacted for the purpose of safeguarding goodness, and there are no laws that were established for the purpose of destroying goodness. That is why anyone who breaks a nation’s laws is sent to prison. The problem, though, is that in any given country the standard of goodness can be applied incorrectly, depending on the temperament of the sovereign. That is the reason that humankind has always languished at the crossroads of two paths until this day, with one path leading to prosperity and the other to ruin.

The Universe Protects United Subject and Object Partners

Human beings have a dual structure. The mind is a “positive” (plus) standing on the side of Heaven, and the body is a “negative” (minus) standing on the side of Satan. Mind and body were originally intended to form a complete oneness automatically, but this did not happen because of the Fall of our original ancestors. Instead, the body attempted to take the position of another positive, and this brought mind and body into mutual contradiction. Ultimately, this led to Satan conquering the human body. By means of the Fall, Satan took the bond of love, connected humanity to the satanic lineage, and let human beings multiply themselves. This is the problem. This struggle between mind and body has become a chronic ailment more terrible than cancer or AIDS. That is why we must, no matter what the cost, push the body back into the position of negative. By the law of the universe, poles with the same charge repel each other. When a pair of subject and object partners forms a complete oneness, however, they receive heavenly fortune and the universe automatically protects them.

An Absolute Subject Entity Gives Rise to an Absolute Partner

If there is an absolute subject entity, an absolutely objective entity that is a partner to that subject entity, will come into being. This can be seen in the course of my life. America and the entire world stood in opposition to my life as absolute subject, which began when I received Heaven’s command. Yet, the side that struck the absolute subject eventually became the negative realm and was absorbed. This is because anyone who receives opposition while standing on the side of goodness is protected by his or her surroundings, that is, the universe. It is because I knew this principle with certainty that I was able to fight and win in the struggles involving individuals, the struggles involving nations, and the struggles involving the world. We see in history that God always proceeded in the direction consistent with fundamental principles, that is, toward the purpose of true love, but that the Devil has used forces opposed to this to establish himself as a destructive enemy power. Satan struck the first blow by causing the first human ancestors to commit the Fall, and he has come to control families, tribes, nations, and the world. The first people to go to hell were the first ancestors of humanity, Adam and Eve. They could not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Please understand that the created world first came to be occupied by the satanic realm.

What, then, is the Devil? He is a being who attempts to take God’s people, make them his own and control them. He is a shameless criminal who kidnapped someone else’s child, turned that child into his own, and then tried to claim legitimate ownership of that child. Now he is worried that all his sin may be exposed and that he will lose everything, so he sits blocking the plans for the future that God, the author of Creation, is being led by His conscience to carry out. In so doing he is blocking the liberation of God and humanity. He has occupied the bodies of all human beings, and has completely spoiled love, which God considers of such importance that He treats it as His first ideal. The free sex that you see in the world today is an example of this. The Devil creates confusion on the path of love, and prevents us from exercising total control over our consciences. These are two of Satan’s strategies and tactics.

Ladies and gentlemen, free sex is Satan’s trap. People in the world who have a lot of money are falling into the trap Satan dug for them because of their riches. These people enjoy sensual pleasures, but they are dying. To establish his defensive line, Satan gives material blessings to evil people, so that they can never escape from the quagmire of moral decadence. You need to understand that alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse and free sex are Satan’s four main weapons. Satan uses these to put people into a stupor of carnal satisfaction, and then he has them board the train to hell. This is the reason I teach that people must stop this tragic advance into hell, become true people who are not accused by their own consciences, and return to the life of true love. This is the only way that people can make their mind and body one and board the train to heaven.

Despite indescribable opposition and persecution, I have lived my life of more than 80 years walking the path of sacrifice, at times at the risk of death, to realize peace through the recovery of true love. I have never faltered, not even for a moment. Even when Satan threatened to kill me, I maintained an absolute “plus” position and overcame everything. This made it possible for me to acquire the absolute “minus.” In a word, it has been a life of following the original fundamental principles of Creation.

The Absolute Necessity of True Parents

I have lived according to the fundamental laws of the universe. I am a single-minded man who has walked Heaven’s path, absolutely refusing to compromise even in the midst of the worst hardship and adversity. I could do this, because I knew for a certainty from the outset that when I have followed this path to the position of the victor, God and all of creation will greet me with joyful cheers.

Satan has always mocked Heaven and me, and boasted of his domain of power: “My weapons will never rust. Even the omniscient and omnipotent Creator God cannot defeat me in this fight. See how the side that is focused on the body completely tramples the conscience. Love has been completely degraded, just as I planned. Has this not become a world of fun, where grandfathers pair with granddaughters and sons with mothers? How can such a world of evil ever be reestablished as God’s ideal world? Who could accomplish such a task?”

God, though, has shouted back in this way: “Just a moment, Satan! Isn’t it true that through the active work of Rev. Moon, the True Parent, true love’s realm of influence in the earthly world is increasing? The True Parent is the owner of true love. He is the king of true love. Satan, is it not true that you are helpless in the presence of true love?”

Ladies and gentlemen, how are we to restore true love? This is the responsibility of the True Parent. The True Parent must establish the original world where the conscience is always victorious, that is, the world of absolute goodness that is most treasured by humanity. The secret for accomplishing this is simple. When faced with True Parents, true love, true life, and true lineage, the false parent, Satan, is completely helpless, no matter how much he may kick and struggle. To align ourselves completely with God’s Will, God and human beings must form eternal relationships as subject and object partners, centered on true love. Satan has no way to wedge himself into such eternal relationships. When you begin to live by altruistic true love, you will receive the Holy Marriage Blessing and be connected to the true lineage. Then your eternal life will be assured. True love, true life, and true lineage will expand eternally through your descendants. True Parents are absolutely necessary in this process.

All people without exception are descended from the Fall. As a result of the Fall, we have become like those whose eyes look normal but who are actually blind. Can the blind save the blind? Someone sent directly by God must come. This person must be someone who stands in a position unrelated to the Fall, closely examines the world, and has the ability to save humanity from the path of death. I have come in that precise position. God sent me with His seal of approval as the Savior of humanity, the Messiah, the returning Lord, and the True Parent. Humanity needs only to restore the absolute realm of the conscience by following the teachings of the True Parent. Then, absolute ownership will also be recovered. The realms of absolute love, absolute life, and absolute lineage will also be recovered.

You must first find the path leading to oneness with God. How is this possible? Where does the foundation of love for the sake of others originate? It originates with your love organ. Your reproductive organ is your palace of love, palace of life, and palace of lineage. Until now, humanity has lived without knowing the truth that it is through the love organ that bonds of life are created, love is realized, and the connection of lineage is established. Now we see that no truth is more precious than this. Satan has controlled humankind for thousands and tens of thousands of years by means of the reproductive organ. He turned things around 180 degrees in order to bring about the human Fall. If the Fall had not occurred, there would be no need for such words as “Savior,” “Messiah,” “Lord of the Second Advent,” and “True Parent.” Because the True Parents of humankind have returned to this earth, humanity can now be liberated from Satan’s yoke. It has become possible to recover all that was lost through the Fall. Through the original mind, it has become possible to recover the original value of human beings. We can accomplish a worldwide realm of absolute goodness that will not tilt toward Satan ever again.

Inherit the True Parents’ Realm of Victory and Become Tribal Messiahs

What does the True Parents’ realm of victory mean? It means that complete victory has been achieved in the fight against Satan. Victory was achieved in the realm of individuals. There was victory on the level of families. Complete victory was achieved on the level of tribes, societies, nations, and the world. It was a steep path that was never easy. I overcame every difficulty and won the victory however, and on January 13, 2001, I dedicated to Heaven “The Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God,” which accomplished the miracle of liberating even God. On the world level, I am also the one who is rooting out communism and pouring life into Christianity in America. This is a part of the True Parent’s responsibility. The True Parent forgives with true love and embraces even the collapsed communist countries. I am liberating and pouring life into the communist realm.

Ladies and gentlemen, beginning some ten years ago, I have been commanding all blessed families to become tribal messiahs. This means they must become the new ancestors of their tribes. All your ancestors throughout history have cherished the hope and earnest desire for tribal messiahs. The True Parents who have won all the victories as the Messiah of humankind bequeath to you their foundation, and on this foundation you must become victorious messiahs on the tribal level. Families who have received the holy marriage blessing from me and have joined the ranks of blessed families must now become leaders who guide the world and saviors who save humanity as tribal messiahs. You must become devoted children and patriots who erase the grief of God, who has been waiting for this time for thousands and tens of thousands of years. You will work in all countries of the world as the vanguard, expanding the realm of victory gained by True Parents, who have been victorious over Satan’s vicious opposition and persecution and have now bequeathed everything to you. You will liberate the world and establish it anew before Heaven. In relation to the Messiah of humankind, a tribal messiah is like a branch growing from the main trunk. When leaves sprout, blossoms bloom, and fruit ripens on these branch messiahs, that fruit will possess 100 percent of the value of the original Messiah. You will advance into the realm of protection, where good spirits can protect you.

Refugees Who Lost Their Homeland

Ladies and gentlemen, humanity is in a position of having to recover its homeland. A person who temporarily leaves his homeland can return, but a person who has lost his homeland cannot return whenever he chooses. At the moment that history began, we lost our homeland. We were expelled and have lived as nomads. We have not been in a position to return, and we have not even known the way back. So we have lived as wanderers without a homeland, roaming aimlessly for thousands of years. Those who came alone from North Korea as refugees and now live as people without a homeland will know this mortifying and weary life. All your friends, siblings, and even your parents were taken from you. You know your homeland exists, but it is not a homeland that you can go to anytime you choose. You don’t even know the way there. People in this position must carry on their lives under extreme circumstances. It is a position of extreme sadness, where you must start from point zero and build a new life for yourself without the benefit of any foundation. Even if you have the good fortune to become rich and become prominent in society during your life as a refugee, nothing can take away the sad longing, deep in your heart, to return to your homeland.

In the same way, people who have become lonely orphans as a result of the Fall, committed by the original ancestors, have lived until now in the pitiful position of people who have lost their homeland. God, who is the owner of our homeland, solemnly waits for our return, but until now we have lived without even the desire to return. We have become such a shameful sight that we dare not even lift our heads before heaven and earth. During the course of the world’s population expanding to more than six billion, people have experienced such misery in their lives as to be unable to discern night from day. The feeling in God’s heart must surely leave Him unable to speak as He looks upon the distress His children are in. When a child meets with tragedy, no one feels more sorrow and pain than the parents. God created us as His children.

What, then, is God’s heartfelt desire? It is to liberate His children by any means possible, so they can find their way back to their homeland. Religion is God’s strategy to open this way. Through religious movements, He laid a foundation so that we could return to the homeland together, transcending our various environments, languages, cultures, ethnic backgrounds, ideologies, systems, and philosophies. He has countless times come to see the situations in which each of you lives. He waits anxiously for the day when you can return to your homeland.

You must understand that God is the vertical True Parent who has conducted His providence in ways that were appropriate to each historical period and culture. He did not do all this for the benefit of any particular religious body or any particular country. It was a manifestation of God’s true love for the sake of your liberation. It was an effort to lay a bridge that would allow you to return to your homeland in freedom. So please remember that you each stand in the position of representing not only your families but also your country and all of humanity, and even all your ancestors in spiritual world and all the descendants who will be born in the future. We must achieve this precious, liberated state and fulfill our responsibilities before Heaven and humankind.

We have such longing for our homeland, because there is love there that exists for our sakes. The love of our mother and father, of our older brother and sister and of our younger siblings, the love of our wife and children and of our relatives can be found everywhere in the homeland. In the homeland, all these relationships and bonds are connected in altruistic love; we want to embrace them all at once. The traveler who yearns for his homeland longs to return home as a proud liberated person, so that he can embrace the mountains, rivers, grass, and trees, give love to his family and relatives, and sing joyous songs. Having been vanquished and expelled from the homeland, and having lost the connection of heart rooted in their homeland, people have been unable to return and have been doomed to wander through eternity on a lonely path until eventually going to hell. Now, however, we can be liberated, and the path to the homeland that we can never forget, even in our dreams, has been cleared. This is surely the day of greatest blessing for humanity. You are going to recover the homeland lost by Adam and Eve.

The Family of Four Generations Living in Harmony

When you go to your homeland, you do so in the position of the perfected Adam, the perfected Jesus, and in the position of a representative of the returning Lord. God will reside in your family. The four generations of grandparents, parents, children, and grandchildren will live together in harmony. The grandfather must be attended as the ancestral root. The root of history lives in such a family, and the root of the heavenly kingdom extends itself into such a family. This would be a family where the Kingdom of God on earth has taken root. Also, the root of the kingship that will continue forever will be put down in such a family. The roots of the past, present, and future are represented by the grandparents, parents, and grandchildren, respectively. The root of the past represents the spirit world, the root of the present is a palace representing the present world, and the root of the future will establish the grandchildren as princes and princesses living in a palace of peace representing the two worlds — that is, the spirit world and physical world. The mission of the tribal messiah is to establish the families of God’s kingdom of Cheon Il Guk, where four generations — grandparents, parents, children, and the children’s children — live as one family that is attending the eternal God. This is also God’s heartfelt desire. The mission is to establish families that God, if He were to go to another land, would want to return to. It is to prepare families where God can feel comfortable visiting anytime, just as a parent would visit the home of a child. That is a life of service to God. In such a family, God becomes, vertically, the subject being of conscience. Your own mind will follow this vertical subject being and bring your mind and body into unity as your own vertical subject being. In this situation, parental love, conjugal love, children’s love, and sibling love — that is, the four great realms of love, or four great realms of the heart — will be perfected. This is how a family must be in order to exist eternally through continuous spherical movement connecting up and down, front and back, and left and right as one.

Ladies and gentlemen, why is it necessary to marry? We marry in order to obtain the position of owner. A man or woman alone can only be half a person. That is how it works in God’s Creation. That is why God separated the ownership and placement of the reproductive organs, which are the love organs. The husband is the owner of the wife’s reproductive organ, and the wife is the owner of the husband’s reproductive organ. If they are to establish themselves as each other’s owner, they each must stand centering on a love that is for the sake of their partner. It is to obtain this position of ownership that people marry. For what purpose, then, do we want to obtain the position of owner? It is to use that position to occupy God. God is the subject being of the three great loves. As the owner of the cosmos, He is the teacher of true love, owner of true love, and parent of true love. These are the true “three great subject ideas.” All these teachings and truths will be realized centering on the lives of true families. When they are expanded, societies, nations, and even the world and cosmos can be changed to form the Peace Kingdom.

The tribal messiah who returns to his or her homeland must have an imposing and resolute demeanor. There can be no complaining. It is our destiny to go this way, even if we must go weeping bitterly. Those who understand the circumstances of the Father — how for thousands and tens of thousands of years He waited with a heart filled with grief for the loss of His children — cannot travel this path without shedding tears. Your steps, as you go to plant the seeds of love, must be filled with hope. Once these seeds of true love are planted, no one will be able to steal them. They are the seeds of the heart of true love. The families and countries where these seeds sprout will remain forever in God’s possession: those families will become distinguished families of Heaven producing God’s representatives generation after generation, and those countries will become great nations under Heaven.

A Time of Fruition in the Providence

Ladies and gentlemen, we have come to a providential time of great urgency when God’s providence for human salvation must be brought to a conclusion. God’s heart and love for humanity has been the heart of a parent who loves a child. God could not ignore the immorality and wickedness of this world, so He finally sent me to correct these things and to tear down the barriers of war and conflict for all eternity. In doing so, He gave me the qualification to be the Savior, Messiah, returning Lord and True Parent who appears in the world as the substantial body of God Himself. Recently, God Himself sent me a letter in which He comforted me on my difficult life and offered me encouragement. In addition, many people in spirit world, including the five great saints, many prophets and kings who appeared in the course of history, and even notorious murderers such as Hitler and reprehensible Communists such as Stalin and Lenin have received my teachings, repented, and sent me letters expressing gratitude.

Looking back on my life, I can say that humankind, which should have properly attended and served the True Parent, Rev. Moon, with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, instead made him go through a wilderness course lasting some eighty years, interspersed with persecution and suffering. I am not the type of person who would ever let such things discourage me or make me give up, however. If I were, God would never have sent me to earth as His representative. As I clawed my way through indescribable suffering and adversity, I never once reproached God or turned away from my mission. I always worked for the ultimate fulfillment of God’s Will. You who do not know Heaven’s providence have probably lived your lives only for the purpose of fulfilling your own desires. By contrast, I have lived my life in accordance with Heaven’s Will and as a public person of the cosmos. Without the slightest deviation, I have lived by practicing the true love of a True Parent so as to gain victory in the course of indemnity needed for the salvation of humankind.

Respected and distinguished guests, humanity has now entered a historical realm when we only need to focus on the future and march forward forcefully with hearts filled with hope and desire. We have seen the birth of the “Abel-type United Nations,” 3 which will lay bare the unreasonableness and the absurdities of the existing UN and provide fundamental solutions to the various problems facing humanity today. On October 3, more than 1,500 leaders from around the world who follow my vision gathered in New York, U.S.A., and accomplished the founding of this historic and providential “Abel United Nations.”

An Abel UN is a Peace UN

It is already 38 years since I met former United States president Dwight D. Eisenhower and explained to him the necessity for an Abel United Nations. Because of the ignorance of those in charge who could not understand the significance of the hour, the fulfillment of that aspect of the providence was delayed until today. Now, Heaven can wait no longer. This year, by the demands of the providence, many righteous people who follow me made a stand to rid themselves of their enmity for each other. Religious leaders who had previously refused even to sit down together — Jewish clergy representing the First Israel, Middle Eastern clergy representing Islam, and American clergy representing Christianity — gathered in Jerusalem. These traditional enemies took each other by the hand and announced the Jerusalem Declaration. Next, a large number of religious leaders from across religious boundaries gathered in Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States, which represents Christianity, the realm of the Second Israel. These religious leaders proclaimed a resolution from the earthly world in response to the resolution adopted by many leaders — including the five great saints — in the spirit world. On the basis of these declarations in Jerusalem and Washington, a third declaration, the Seoul Peace Declaration, was adopted in Seoul, Korea, on August 15 and announced to the world by its Jewish, Islamic, and Christian clergy signatories. Please bear in mind that these steps were the providential preparations for the founding of the Abel United Nations.

“Abel United Nations” means “Peace United Nations.” The existing United Nations is a Cain-type United Nations, a United Nations of strife. In contrast, the Abel United Nations will be a structure that guarantees world peace. This is nothing less than the most revolutionary and wondrous event to happen since God created humankind. Now the world will begin to change rapidly. More than 120 billion blessed couples on the side of goodness in the spirit world have been mobilized. On earth, tens of thousands of Ambassadors for Peace and millions of other leaders around the world are carrying the torch of the Peace United Nations.

Humanity now has the responsibility to work through the Peace United Nations to build, on the earth, the Peace Kingdom that God and all people have longed for. Attending God as our King, and, aligned internally on Cheon Il Guk and externally on the Nation of the Fourth Israel, it is our responsibility to build a world of peace that represents both the spiritual and earthly realms and that transcends religions and nations.

Realizing World Peace Through the Peace UN

I want to make it clear to all the world that I will gladly transfer to the control of the Peace United Nations the entire foundation that I have built with blood, sweat, and tears over more than eighty years. To begin with, the Family Federation, which now has missions in 191 countries, and dozens of other groups and organizations founded by me will be placed under the control of the Peace United Nations. All media organs, including the Washington Times and United Press International (UPI) in the United States, the Middle East Times in the Middle East, Tiempos del Mundo in Central and South America, Segye Ilbo in Korea, and Sekai Nippo in Japan, will promote the work of the Peace United Nations. Moreover, Sun Moon University in Korea, the University of Bridgeport in the United States, Sunhwa (Little Angels) Middle and High School, Sunjung Girls Middle and High School and other educational institutions will be dedicated to the purpose of educating leaders capable of carrying out the lofty purposes of the Peace United Nations. In the area of sports, too, the Ilhwa Cheonma Soccer Team that has become the premier team in the Republic of Korea, and Sorocaba and CENE, which have become prominent professional football teams in Brazil, will dedicate their energies to the same purpose.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have no lingering attachments to this world. I received Heaven’s command as a young man of 15, and I have pursued this throughout my life until now, when I am more than 80 years old. I will spare no effort in dedicating the remaining years of my life to God and to fulfill the heavenly mandate. Working through the Peace United Nations, I will without fail resolve God’s anguish and build God’s Kingdom of freedom, peace, unity, and happiness based on true love, on earth and in heaven.

Distinguished guests, please, even now, open the gates to your hearts and receive your calling from Heaven with a spirit of one heart, one body, and one mindset with God. Follow the tradition of the True Parents to practice the life of a true teacher, true owner, and true parent. This path will lead to your becoming representatives and heirs of Heaven and True Parents. It is the path and mission of true love that builds the Peace Kingdom.

Distinguished guests, I pray that Heaven’s great blessings will be upon your journey as you preciously place deep within your hearts the bond created today by our sharing these wonderful words of Heaven, and that from this time forward you will pioneer a life that is on a new and higher level. With this thought, I will now have my prayer of report read by a representative and offer this gathering before Heaven.

Thank you very much.


  1. The (Korean) term Cheon Il Guk means God’s kingdom of true love.
  2. The term “Peace United Nations” refers to the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC), inaugurated on October 3, 2003.
  3. Rev. Moon refers often to the character of “Abel” in the Bible, a man who was faithful to God, yet who was killed by his elder brother, Cain. The word describes a person or entity that exists for the sake of others and seeks the realization of the greater good.

The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace

Inaugural Assembly Interreligious and International Peace Council

Founder’s Address
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

New Yorker Hotel
New York City, NY, USA
October 3, 2003

Respected guests, over the past 50 years, as humanity has experienced many trials and wars, both locally and internationally, it has placed its trust in the United Nations as the only institution that could address these issues on a global scale. However, the world we live in today has reached a point where the United Nations, as it currently exists, cannot successfully address this enormous challenge. Likewise, although the United States has emerged as the world’s lone superpower, it does not have the capacity to deal with the crises that we confront today. We must conclude that political, economic, and military power, by themselves, cannot meet the critical challenges of the day.

Today I would like to take this precious opportunity to speak on the topic “The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace” and convey to you Heaven’s message for this age. Truly, this is a joyful, historic, and providential declaration before the hundreds of billions of human beings now living on earth and in the spirit world.

Today, on every level, boundaries cause division and conflict. If we can eliminate all the boundaries in this world, a world of peace would inevitably come about. We must recognize who owns those boundaries. Clearly, it is not God. It was the devil, Satan, who first created boundaries. Wherever a boundary exists, there is always the devil and his cohorts. This is a result of the Human Fall, when the first human ancestors switched their lineage, and good and evil began to diverge from each other. When we look at the division between the East and the West, we see that different cultural spheres have led to antagonism at their boundaries and that the devil is encamped there. It was Satan, not God, who created boundaries, by digging all sorts of traps and enmeshing people in racial discrimination and evil cultures, histories, and traditions. God’s desire is for a world of goodness and unity — a world of oneness in which all humanity lives as one great family. Boundaries have no place in such a world. In a world without boundaries, there can be no enemies. The concept of “enemy” entails the existence of boundaries.

When we love our enemies and make oneness with them, the boundaries between us will collapse. That is why God’s strategy and tactic has always been “Love your enemy.” There can be no greater strategy for peace than this. Throughout history, this incredible fact has escaped humanity’s understanding, and it has yet to be grasped even in modern times.

Today, I tell you clearly that God’s strategy and tactic for human salvation is to love your enemy. You and the members of the Unification Church who have followed me until now are the representatives of history as well as of the current world who now know Heaven’s incredible secret. Our responsibility now is to inherit this principle, put it into practice, and become a true human being. If you accomplish these things, you are sure to become a key player in bringing about a world of peace.

Respected guests, when and where are boundaries formed? Boundaries first take shape within ourselves. They form in places where our hearts find something disagreeable, where our bodies find something disagreeable, where we find our own actions to be disagreeable, and where we find our own words to be disagreeable. When, in response to our five senses, our mind and body are in disharmony, boundaries of all sorts come into being. Please take a moment to consider all the different kinds of boundaries, both large and small, that fill our lives.

If you are determined to practice the maxims “Don’t have enemies” and “Don’t create boundaries,” there may come a time when you will need to pluck out one of your own eyes. This is because it is possible to have two kinds of eyes. If you have an eye that says, “This is nice, and that is nice, too,” and likes everything it sees, good and bad, then a huge boundary will form in that eye, separating how that eye sees the world from how God sees the world. The same is true with our hearing. On the one hand, we like listening to words of goodness and truth, while on the other, we also listen to the evil words of the world and conform ourselves to them. When we do this, we create boundaries in our ears.

When I initiated the Unification Church, I did not forbid our members from listening to popular songs even though many Christians banned such music. The issue is not whether the music is a popular or classical piece, but whether the person singing a particular song is able to digest its content correctly. Good and evil are not determined by genre. The question is whether singing a particular song eliminates an existing boundary or creates a new one. If a person is able to build a bridge of true love that is pleasing to God, then it does not matter what kind of song he sings, whether it is a popular song or even a song whose words are in some exotic language.

From this perspective, the fact that the boundaries found in your environment are the result of sensations received through your five senses as well as everything that has been passed down to you through the ladder of historical tradition means that it is not by your own choice that you find yourselves belonging to Satan’s domain. In other words, if there were no boundaries in our lives, we could stand on God’s side. Please remember that Satan is a king who has used every means possible to create boundaries in our lives, and that God is the King who hates boundaries more than anything else.

As you know, the Korean peninsula where I was born is still divided between North and South near the 38th Parallel. Those who like having this division along the 38th Parallel are on Satan’s side, while those who offer their lives to fight for its elimination will become the champions whom God finds most pleasing. If all 70 million Koreans were determined not to leave this division in place, even at the cost of all their lives, then the unification of the Korean peninsula would be accomplished automatically. But this will not be an easy task.

Wherever such a “38th Parallel” exists, Satan is the owner; and wherever a “38th Parallel” is eliminated, God is the owner. For this reason, the members of the Unification Church who have followed me have carried on a reform movement to digest and remove all of humanity’s “38th Parallels,” that is, to eliminate all boundaries.

When the day comes when everyone feels desperate to have exchange marriages for their children — that is, choosing their sons-in-law and daughters-in-law from enemy nationalities — everything under heaven will automatically be unified as one. Respected guests, this message from Heaven is my gift to you today. Let me remind you again: Wherever there is a boundary, that is where you will find Satan’s kinfolk living; wherever people live in harmony and peace without a “38th Parallel,” there you are certain to find God’s kinfolk — true people of goodness who have inherited God’s lineage.

Respected guests, I am now very interested in pursuing projects to open up a new world of tourism and hobby industries. There are many places throughout the world where people would like to go to live and pursue their leisure activities. Such areas — whether they are near an international border or in a desert area — should be owned peacefully and in common by all humanity through a new international and interreligious organization that would be on par with the United Nations. To accomplish this global task, I have already proposed to everyone who follows me that we collect a Total Living Offering Fund. This entire fund will be placed under the Interreligious and International Peace Council, which will stand at the level of a new international organization like the United Nations.

We see in the Bible that during the Old Testament age, animals symbolizing all of creation were sacrificed in the place of human beings. These were cut into two parts and their blood was drained. The left part represented Satan’s side, while the right part was on the side of Heaven. This is how the struggle over ownership had been historically carried out. Then, Jesus, God’s only begotten Son and first-born, came to earth and shed his blood. In the end, Jesus’ physical body was claimed by Satan, while his heart returned to God in the spirit world. Because of humanity’s disbelief, Jesus, too, was divided into two on the cross.

After going to the spirit world, Jesus said he would come again, because he must recover his substantial body. His death was a terrible tragedy. The mind and body of Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, became divided and, because of this, the spirit world and the physical world remained divided. At the beginning of history, men and women became divided against each other, as were mind and body, and Jesus came to unify all these. Toward this purpose, he claimed the spirit world’s right of ownership, but he must come to earth again to claim ownership on earth as well, and make everything one. What will he do when he comes? He will marry, establishing the true lineage and thereby creating a true family.

Satan, who seized the physical body of Jesus, God’s first-born, continued to hold possession of the earthly world, while God held the heavenly world. After going to the spirit world, Jesus spent 2,000 years preparing the path. While he worked in the spirit world to focus the world of the mind on the goal of unification, he was working in the earthly world by establishing the foundation for Christianity. However, Christianity became divided between Catholicism and Protestantism, which were in the roles of the struggling brothers, Cain and Abel. These adversaries continue to fight each other today. The first-born, in the position of Cain, came to be on the side of Satan, and the second-born, in the position of Abel, came to be on the side of Heaven. Within this paradigm, history has developed through continual fighting, as people adopted ideas and concepts that resulted in the creation of increasingly more boundaries. Liberation must be brought to this situation.

The Lord who comes again will unify the heavenly kingdom and establish a unified country on earth that fulfills the ideal of the biblical nation of Israel. He will also perform a new model of marriage that creates oneness for the first time between heaven and earth, and between man and woman, who have been fighting each other for thousands of years. This is what Christianity refers to as the “Marriage of the Lamb.”

Historically, the period immediately following the Second World War was an excellent opportunity to unite the heavenly world and the earthly world centered on Christianity. The Christian cultural sphere stood in the same position as if it had unified the entire world. It was the best opportunity for Jesus, who had become a victorious supreme leader, to return to the earth, together with the Holy Spirit, centering on the unified Christian cultural sphere on earth. Then, with himself as the groom and the Holy Spirit as the bride, he could have initiated a new marriage that would have brought resolution to all of humanity’s problems. Everything in God’s creation would have become a peaceful Kingdom of Heaven. This is not a vague or ambiguous notion.

When you look at God’s ideal of creation, who was supposed to be the first couple ever to be married? It was Adam and Eve. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve fell, and this resulted in humanity becoming enslaved to thousands, even tens of thousands, of boundaries. But when three things happen — the walls that originated with Eve are torn down to make the land flat, the positions of Adam and Eve before the Fall are restored, and they are married anew — then this would be welcomed not only by our ancestors but also by God. When such a world is brought about, this will be the Kingdom of God on Earth.

This has never happened in human history. Until now, human beings have been slaves, entangled and tormented within countless boundaries. They have lived their lives groaning in agony. If we can only find the answer to the question of how to abolish all boundaries, this will also be the first step toward human peace. Until this moment, humanity has lived in ignorance of this. Now, for the first time in history, I have appeared on this earth in the capacity of True Parent. I am teaching this answer, and giving the new Holy Marriage Blessing, in the presence of God, to all good men and women for all to see. Even if there were a million boundaries in the world, it would not be a problem for me. They can be eliminated easily. How can this be so? It is possible because of true love. Unless a person knows God 100 percent and stands in the same position as God, it is impossible to resolve such a situation.

In the spirit world, there is hell and heaven. If we compare heaven to the daytime, hell is like the night. How can a person who has not experienced both day and night exercise control over the borderline between heaven and hell? There is no way. Only a person who knows the content can naturally come to exercise control. Only the person who knows with certainty the content of hell can wipe away the darkness.

God is omnipotent and omniscient, so He is able to wipe away the darkness. The problem is for us to come to know God. How well do you know God? Does He like money? Does He like power? Or is He only interested in knowledge? If God were like this, we could not be certain about humanity’s eventual liberation.

It is only when we know God completely that we can banish Satan completely and bring total resolution to the issue of boundaries. We need to know what God has that can be used to resolve the age-old problem of boundaries. This is important. If God is the owner of the universe, should there not be a neighborhood and a country where this owner lives? If we are to know God, then we must stand in the reciprocal position to God and go in search of that country where we can become members of the royal family.

All environments, though, are cut off by various kinds of boundaries, so it is by eliminating these boundaries that we can go about creating a world that God will find pleasing. When that happens, all creation will want to receive God’s direct dominion. They will want to be liberated from the rule of the devil, which has brought persecution, agony, and the weight of countless boundaries.

Respected leaders, it is most important that we know God with certainty and know the heavenly world, or spirit world, with certainty. Just do this, and no matter the time or the place, you will be able to figure out how to adapt and deal with any situation.

God definitely lives in the heavenly world. How can it be, then, that the world in which we live is divided by thousands and tens of thousands of boundaries? It has become such a nonsensical world, because not only is there no one who knows God correctly and knows the heavenly world, but also there is no one who knows the content of the tradition of the heavenly world. When we come to know that content with certainty, a realm of liberation will appear in the spirit world and in the earthly world. All we need do is become a true person who is knowledgeable about all the secrets of the heavenly world and capable of immobilizing Satan. Then we will come to know how to live in a culture and tradition that lets us be as one body with heavenly law. Such a person is a true person who embodies “true love that lives for the sake of others.” This is not a person who seeks selfish love for his or her own sake only, but a true person who makes it possible for his or her partner to become an owner of true love. A true person sacrifices everything for the sake of his or her partner and makes it possible for the partner to dance and live within true love. Such a true person becomes an heir to the heavenly world and is protected and loved by the heavenly world. Satan cannot lay a hand on such an heir to the heavenly world.

When we go beyond feeling anger at the sight of someone being killed and instead live for the sake of our enemy with true love, then we can rule the world of the enemy, and Satan automatically withdraws. The world of the enemy will come to respect and attend you. If you live for the sake of those around you and give them true love to a greater extent than you would your own children or parents, Satan will automatically withdraw. God will come and fill that position instead and repay you thousands and tens of thousands of times over.

What did I say is the secret to forcing Satan to run away? In the presence of a true person who is determined to live for the sake of others in true love, die for the sake of others, and love for the sake of others, Satan, no matter how determined he may be, will have no choice other than to forfeit his boundaries and run away. Even if he runs away, he cannot do so without first tearing down the boundaries. What will happen then? Because Satan has left, a process of eternal life will unfold in which all those countless numbers of people who were sent straight to hell will turn around 180 degrees and rise up into the heavenly kingdom. The blessing of eternal life will be given. By becoming a true person who knows God with certainty, knows the spirit world with certainty, and can practice “true love for the sake of others,” which is the traditional philosophy of the heavenly world, you become qualified for the first time to refer to God as your “Father.” It is only in this position that the link in the lineage between parent and child is established, and it is only through this heavenly lineage that the logic and tradition of eternal life are decisively and inseparably attached to you.

Eternal life is an essential attribute of true love. When God created the universe, He did so with the standards of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. Please understand that God pours out His true love for eternity regardless of how the world may change or pass away. So it is impossible for there to be any existence that is not subject to God’s governance or does not attend God as the absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal owner. When human beings, who were created to have eternal life, become God’s sons and daughters, and stand in a position of oneness with God, His Kingdom becomes our kingdom and God becomes a personal God for each of us. When, in our daily lives, we are one with God, the traditional owner of the heavenly world, and there is no room to doubt that we are His son or daughter, then it will be only natural that we enjoy eternal life and immortality. That is why there is truth in the paradoxical statement, “Those who seek to lose their life for the sake of Heaven will live, and those who seek to live for themselves will die.”

In eliminating boundaries, we must address the boundaries within the United Nations. We must also eliminate religious boundaries, ethnic boundaries, and the boundary between hell and heaven. Boundaries were originally created by false parents, so no one except the True Parents can eliminate them. Even God cannot do it, because He did not establish them. Satan absolutely will not do it. Who can bring an end to the conflict between Satan and God that has continued throughout history? Because this is something committed by the false parent, only the person who comes as the True Parent of humankind can set it right.

Distinguished guests who are concerned about the world and cherish the desire for peace among humankind: In this time, which is the final fruit-bearing season in human history, Heaven has sent me to this earth as the Savior, Messiah, returning Lord, and True Parent of humankind. I received Heaven’s command at the young age of 16, and have followed it ever since. My life of more than 80 years has been focused on just one thing — to complete the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven according to the desire that God has treasured since the beginning of time. I have experienced all manner of persecution so unimaginably intense that the six billion people on earth today would not be able to endure even if they joined their hearts together as one. Even in the midst of that, I stood on the standard of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to God and completed all restoration through indemnity for the sake of humankind. The power of Satan has now been completely eradicated from the earth.

Now a new world is opening up for humankind. I have already founded the Federation of Island Nations, the Federation of Peninsular Nations, and the Federation of Continental Nations in the spirit world and the earthly world. Not only that, while you were unaware, humanity has already entered the third year of Cheon II Guk (the Kingdom of God). Not only has the lost realm of the first Israel been restored, but I have also completed the declaration before God and the cosmos of the start of the “Fourth Israel Nation.” In the spirit world, the leaders of the five great religions and 120 billion new blessed families have formed a oneness based on my absolute standard and are standing at the forefront in the effort to build a world of peace.

Your mission now is to engrave into your memory the meaning of my declaration today regarding “The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace,” return to your communities, and be the first to practice true love in your family, society, nation, and world for the purpose of building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and in Heaven. I believe that you will devote your full efforts to the Interreligious and International Peace Council, which we have formed together here today as a body on the level of a new Abel-like United Nations.

I hope that each of you will make a determination to live for the sake of liberating true love and that God’s blessing may be with you as you return home. Thank you.

The Owners of Re-Creation

Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Little Angels Performing Arts Center
Seoul, Korea
August 15, 2003
(On the occasion of the signing of the Seoul Declaration)

Respected present and former heads of state, world leaders dedicated to establishing the realm of God’s ideal, youth and university student leaders, ladies and gentlemen,

I would like first to give thanks before God, who has left behind the darkness and melancholy of the past century to bless the new millennium with bountiful hope and dreams of peace. I have invited you to hold this conference in the Republic of Korea, the only nation on Earth where the sharp conflict between democracy and communism continues even to this moment. I state this not simply because, from the individual perspective, it is my homeland, but rather because, from the perspective of God’s providence, the Korean peninsula, though small in size, is the central country of the twenty-first century that must bring about human peace.

I will speak today on the topic, “The Owners of Re-creation,” to help you understand God’s providence and to clarify our mission and responsibility in building a world of peace.

Respected guests, we live in the age of a great providential revolution.

All nations and religions must now transcend past ways of living, and understand that, for very practical reasons, it is necessary to live in exact accordance with a new understanding of God’s providence. This applies not only in the earthly world but also in the world after death, the spirit world, where we all must go and live when we have shed our physical bodies.

The number of new Ambassadors for Peace that I have appointed throughout the world now reaches into the tens of thousands. The newly appointed Ambassadors for Peace sometimes ask, “How should we conduct our lives?”

According to an established formula, they must complete the course that the unification movement has traveled in the course of its history. They should clearly understand the reality of the spirit world and its direct link to the earthly world. Awareness of this spiritual reality naturally forms the core and guiding content for their lives. They should have conviction to live in accordance with this awareness and become one with the spirit world. They must develop confidence that this is the context in which they now live.

Over the decades, the contents of my sermons have not changed. When someone lives for the accomplishment of God’s will for the new world, these teachings form the basic standard to determine if a person becomes a principal actor in the effort to bring about the ideal Kingdom of Heaven.  So we must now live according to this basic rule. If our lives have been based on vague concepts, then we must now lead lives based on awareness of this reality that brings us into oneness with heaven, including both the spirit world and physical world. We should unify the spiritual and physical realms within our own lives and expand this to the national realm. This is the only way to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven.

We must understand that the position of the owner of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven, is someone who establishes a new standard that enables the peoples of nations around the world to transcend their current ways of thinking that have been based on traditional philosophies and concepts. The owner of Cheon Il Guk progresses to a new, higher dimension.

I was twenty-five when I founded the unification movement, and I hope you understand that I founded this association based on the essential points of God’s principle. The people who joined this movement at that time lived together with the True Parents and helped usher in a new world.

Due to the fall, humanity completely lost the world God originally created, and even lost God Himself. So in pursuing the providence of re-creation, I was responsible for bringing about the world God created but lost at the time of the fall. That is, I was responsible to create again the position that Adam would have occupied had he not fallen. Please understand, the God of grief must be liberated to become the God of happiness.

On the foundation of the Unification Church, I established the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, and, later, offered God the “Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship” and “The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families for the True Love, Peace, and Unity of the True Parents of Heaven and Earth.” Since the fall, God has been unable to involve Himself in the created world, and yet now He can restore all things through indemnity, and can perfect this world through the True Parents.

We need to understand that God is neither the owner of re-creation nor the owner who pays indemnity for Adam’s fall. These are actually Adam’s responsibilities. So everything must be placed in its proper order within the time frame of Adam’s generation. Otherwise, there will be no way to allow God to stand in His original position. For this reason, though He is omniscient and omnipotent, God has worked hard through the long course of history from the position of a God without true sovereignty over the creation. We need to know this mortifying fact.

I hope you each come to realize that your own spiritual development occurs only when God’s Kingdom and the realm of daily life expand through the eras of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. In this way, you will become people capable of traveling freely between the heavenly and earthly worlds. You will be able to attend God Himself. The mission of the perfected Adam will not be completed until God’s Kingdom, starting with His palace, is created and dedicated to Heaven.

The saints and sages now in the heavenly world are not living in glory.

But with that goal in mind, they have worked continuously in order to achieve perfection. We need to understand that they will continue their efforts until they achieve the true love ideal, that is, the unified realm of the liberated earthly and heavenly worlds.

You need to know that, if you are unable to complete this mission while on earth, you will find that when you arrive in the world after death, you will need to go through a long training process to overcome challenges, and to restore the limited realm that you left uncompleted.

We must understand that the time we have on earth offers an opportunity more precious than anything else under heaven, for we have the opportunity during our earthly lives to perfect our love. It is urgent that we understand that the work we do now is for the sake of inheriting a path that is more precious than our own nation, more precious than the world we now live in, and more precious than our own love or life. The lives we lead from here on have indescribable value.

It is important to understand that it is not God’s responsibility to bring about God’s liberation. It is our responsibility. If this were God’s responsibility, He would not have allowed Adam and Eve to commit the fall. The staggering fact is that responsibility for the fall lies with the family of Adam. Not a single person has fully understood this point during human history up to this point. The owner of re-creation does not refer to God but to your families. This is the reason our families are so important. The foundation of Cheon Il Guk, which is the world of God’s original ideal, is the family.

Please understand that when I founded this movement at the age of twenty-five, I did so with full knowledge of all these facts. Then, as now, we need to make a new starting point from this original Adamic position.

Respected guests, do you know the main point of the speech I delivered at the ceremony marking the founding of the “Family Party”, an educational movement to promote good governance? It concerned the registration of marriages and births. Here I refer not to the registration of my marriage, but the registration of God’s marriage and God’s birth. God never had a marriage ceremony. He never had a ceremony marking His marriage. God, as the owner of the creation of the cosmos, was never able to report His birth, or marriage. Why? It was because of the human fall.

Had there been no fall, God’s own love would have blossomed at the time of Adam and Eve’s blessed marriage. Due to the fall, that dimension of God’s love was unfulfilled.

This is the reason that the True Parents must liberate God on the foundation of having offered to God the “Coronation Ceremony of God’s Kingship.” God originally stood in an autonomous position and could do as He pleased with every object in the creation of the heavens and the earth, from the smallest to the largest. However, because of the fall, He could not make a start as the owner of Cheon Il Guk. He could not assert Himself freely. We must understand this mortifying fact.

Because it was the family of Adam and Eve that ruined the realm of creation and freedom that was originally God’s, the perfected family of Adam and Eve has to make this universe anew. So if, from this moment, you make determination with a deep conviction to renew your family in accordance with the direction of God’s will, then all will go well for you.

Why do we need religion?  Please be aware that religion is needed because of the fall. However, religions are being set aside today. Rev. Moon and Mrs. Moon, the True Parents, are remaking with their own hands everything new under heaven. They have even built God’s original palace, where He can be completely liberated, enter the realm of Kingship, and be restored to the rightful realm as the Owner of the Heavenly Kingdom.

If you understand this content, you should mark this day as a new beginning and become sons and daughters of God with strong conviction to fulfill your responsibilities with confidence.

All that would remain then would be to have a family centered on God. You also should make a determination to stand with the political party that is on heaven’s side and set straight the countries that until now have been associated with political parties of Satan’s side that have caused heaven to suffer by persecuting religions.

You must become owners who build the original homelands and fatherlands where you would like to live. You must become people who give true love to all of nature. All things, even plants and animals, must be re-created. Because of the fall, they lost being in the reciprocal realm of true love. The realm of true love only existed until Adam and Eve reached age sixteen, their age at the time of the fall. After their fall, this realm was divided. We must now take responsibility as though it was our mistake, committed by our own hands, that ruined the entire world.

The blessed family that makes the determination to take responsibility to accomplish restoration will be the owner of Cheon Il Guk.

Please realize that all humanity today stands in the position of having been born simultaneously into the realms of hell and heaven. But these two realms of good and evil are now like brothers in one family.

Therefore, you need to develop a heart that is able to embrace a family where an older and younger brother are loved equally by their parents, and feel a love that, based on your own experience, deeply understands and sympathizes with this family’s situation. Otherwise, when you go to spirit world, you will not be able to live in a family qualified for the royal palace. Instead, you will wander continuously around that vicinity for thousands, even tens of thousands of years.

As ancestors to coming generations, you must dedicate all your sincerity and dedication to the task of passing on a lineage of chastity and fidelity, a pure blood, and a pure love. You have a responsibility to your family that you must fulfill before you die, even if it means that you offer up your life hundreds or thousands of times before you are able to go over that mountain. You must travel this path with a constant spirit of one heart, one body, and one thought.

God has had this level of seriousness, and Rev. Moon who founded the Family Federation was so serious to establish a clear family tradition of purity and fidelity. So, like it or not, you must also do your best and run down this path with all your strength in order to achieve the goal.

A new age of heavenly understanding is coming. The age has arrived when the nations can be established based on blessed families, that is, families that have received God’s direct blessing. So you need to set everything right and be on full alert. You must become families that produce heavenly princes and princesses who are fully qualified to attend Heaven’s ideal purpose of creation.

Please understand very clearly that the overall purpose is to inherit this foundation of victory, to live in attendance to God, and return to one nation, one culture, one world, one brotherhood, and one realm that is an expansion of the one family that lives in peace on the earth and in heaven forever and ever.

How incredible it is that something such as the Family Party could emerge. Had Jesus completed the providence of restoration through indemnity, then married and formed a family, he could have established at once a foundation of marriage blessings that would have brought the people of Israel into Heaven’s realm. He could have gone on to give the blessing in Rome. Then the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven would have been accomplished by the time he was in his forties.

Israel and Palestine are fighting each other today because the mission of Jesus as the True Parent was not accomplished. Brothers fight and are not able to unite, because there are no True Parents. At the time of Jesus, the world should have come to have one religion, one culture, one nation, and one realm of heart. When that did not happen, Islam, Judaism and Christianity separated. You need to know that these developments put God in much grief.

Currently in America, there is a movement to remove crosses from churches and this is just starting. Jesus came as the True Parent of humanity, to establish God’s blood lineage on earth; but he was killed before he could do this. The value of the True Parent is more than all humankind.

Therefore, this sin cannot be forgiven even if all humankind were destroyed. The suffering of Israel over the past two thousand years, however dreadful and appalling, could not pay the price of forgiveness for the death of Jesus. It could not be forgiven even if the suffering were tens of times greater. There is actually no way for Israel or any nation to pay for the sin of killing the True Parent. Because humanity was still under the burden of the sin of killing the True Parent, God could not intervene even when Hitler committed genocide against the Jewish people. We must all learn a lesson of how valuable True Parents are, because we are in a similar period of history today.

We have arrived at a time when Judaism, Islam, and Christianity must overcome their historical divisions and unite around the world centering on Unification principles. Restoration through indemnity reaches completion through parallel historical periods. This age is parallel to the age of Jesus, although not on the worldwide level but on the cosmic level.

For this reason, the returning Lord must be the Messiah and Savior. The Savior must turn this world into a Kingdom of Heaven of peace, and in that world there can be no discord among the religions. Also, the meaning of “returning Lord” is that this is the Lord who has come again. This is because the position of the Lord, as True Parent, was not realized when he came the first time. The Lord, having come again, must become the True Parent and bring about the liberated realm in the earthly and heavenly worlds. Humanity did not understand this historical fact, which is interwoven in the history of the providence.

Now that you know this, you also should be able to climb over this mountain to go before God’s holy presence and enter the liberated ideal realm. You need to know that it is still your destiny to gain respect and praise from the highest beings of the heavenly kingdom, to register yourselves in Cheon Il Guk, which is the new global nation, and to enter that nation as new citizens. If you die and go to the spirit world without accomplishing this mission, you will be held back.

This is the reason that you need to sincerely dedicate yourselves to accomplishing all your tasks while you are alive. No one can take responsibility for your life or providential history if you commit an error on the path. It is so difficult. It is not enough even if you burn your five senses, or ten senses (including your spiritual senses), hundreds or thousands of times over. Can God be responsible for this? No, He cannot. As I said earlier, if He could take responsibility, He would never have allowed Adam and Even to commit the fall in the first place.

Who is the owner of re-creation? It is not God. It is you and your families. That is the reason we say in the “Family Pledge” to God each morning, “As the owner of Cheon Il Guk, our family….” From the minutest animal created by God to the heavenly world and the whole universe that is more than a hundred billion times larger than the solar system, everything is arranged in a pair system. This is the orderly existence of all things within God’s realm of love.

Satan divided all this by defiling the blood lineage. So the True Parents need to relate to all things again and recreate them. You also are responsible to resolve God’s grief by loving the plants, the animals, and the land with God’s true love, and to resolve the grief of humanity’s failure to become true owners. That is the reason that a new view of life, a new view of the universe, and a new view of the cosmos are established.

Originally, there would have been no need for a Family Party. What was needed was a family that lived in attendance to God as the Parent.

Because such a family was not established, however, it must be accomplished now, no matter what may happen during the course of indemnity. The Family Party was established to educate all people about the purpose of carrying out this task.

You must go forward with the self-realization that yours is a family of princes among princes, princesses among princesses, and filial children, patriots, saints and sons and daughters of God. We are pioneering the path that God would like to travel. However, we travel in His place as offerings.

Even if you are able to receive God’s love and remain in the realm of His heart for thousands, or even tens of thousands of years, you will shed tears of shame when you face the God who has suffered unimaginable grief throughout the ages. Even if you shed your blood and sweat for God so that your entire being is on fire, you will still feel that you are so inadequate. This is the path that our families must go in order to free ourselves of the mistake of having failed to accomplish our responsibility as princes and princesses seeking after Heaven.

Fallen human beings destroyed the heavenly kingdom, even the heavenly palace. So we should determine to recreate everything for God. On that foundation, our families will create filial children, patriots, saints, and sons and daughters of God, to an extent a thousand, or even tens of thousands of times greater than would have been achieved if the fall had never occurred. If we recreate everything, then how can hell exist? The recreated world will be the core of the royal palace of the heavenly kingdom, and God will be able to dwell anywhere on earth in the same way as when He is in His palace.

I have traveled a suffering course in the process of founding and leading the Unification movement, but none of these experiences until now really feel like suffering to me. I can feel this way, because I have arrived at a place in my heart that enables me to profoundly comprehend, through my own experience, God’s deep, wide, and exalted blessing, and be grateful for this. Those who have not experienced such a position will not understand.

Even though God is the Creator and is almighty, He feels He has nothing to be proud of when He sees what I have accomplished. By Himself, He could not be liberated from His irreconcilable grief, nor begin the process of truly loving humankind as His children. God’s position needs to be recovered. That is, He needs to regain the position of True Parent so He can give and receive love with His children. Because the children committed the fall and these things did not come about, humanity was forced to go through a history of grief. Without the registration of God’s marriage and God’s birth, the nation cannot exist.

The life of the True Parents has also been a course of grief. The historical nature of True Parents’ work has divine value. There will be wailing and lamentation day after day when the world comes to fully understand the content of True Parents’ lives. People will wail the same way the people of Israel repent in tears at the Wailing Wall. We must go this way to establish the realm of liberation from grief.

We finally have entered an age when God can liberate all of heaven and earth through His marriage. Because God has registered His marriage, we, as His sons and daughters, can register our births. Because God can go beyond the realm of the three generations of God’s Covenant, He is able to return to His original position.

On the basis of the realm of the victory of the True Parents, who are the Parents of Heaven and Earth, you can now completely inherit the authority to register marriages and births. I hope that you will have faith that when you make your determination to live in this way, and become citizens of Cheon Il Guk, living with one heart, one body, one thought, and one harmony, then you will unmistakably become members of the royal family.

We have here at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center tonight leaders who signed the Jerusalem Declaration, the Washington Declaration, and, now, the Seoul Peace Declaration, representing the unity of the eras of the first, second and third Israel. Participants in the Seoul Peace Declaration include youth leaders of the second generation who participated in the International Youth Leaders Conference held at Sun Moon University, and world leaders who have attended the IIFWP Summit of World Leaders. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of you.

You are leaders of the first and second generations who can inherit the realm of Heaven’s chosen people. I earnestly ask that you remember that you stand here today at the site of the Seoul Declaration to become one with each other in mind and body, and answer the historic call to renew the United Nations and so recreate a new United Nations that expresses God’s original ideal.

I offer gratitude to God for all these things, and pray that God’s abundant blessings will be with each of you, your families, and your countries.

Thank you.

Father’s Words in Washington D.C.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Washington D.C.
17 May 2003

Joon-ho Seuk made a foundation by pioneering a difficult path like an obedient sheep. Previously, the Soviet communists did all kinds of things together with orthodox Christians, trying to drive out our family and social activity foundations. Nowadays, how many people gather at Moscow University? (About five hundred, most of them university students.) There are more than a thousand core members in Russia. Centering on our young members, the city wants to adopt our ways in the field of education. How great it would have been if America had supported us! We could have won the nation over. Now I’ve made the Original Focus Holy Ground, the Root Holy Ground and the Victory Holy Ground at sea [i.e. in the Pantanal] to build the world palace. What pitiful circumstances.

So God directly commanded Sang-hun Lee to restore everyone, ending with Maria Park, and beholding this tragic reality, Sang-hun Lee wailed as he reported back to God. He said that his heart was broken and blamed himself for what he had seen. Yet it’s not Sang-hun Lee’s responsibility but that of the Unification Church; did they not oppose and persecute the Unification Church? I immediately understood God’s calling. Can I lead the Providence from the formation, growth to the perfection level, bring the satanic world to salvation, achieve South and North Korea’s reunification, meet the day when I could bless saints and criminals alike, and bridge the division between Cain and Abel? Who’s the son of Maria Park? (It’s Kang-suk Lee.) We should liberate the three, including Kang-suk Lee and then, centering on Hwal Lan Kim, restore all the Christian groups. I told him to work on restoring all the ringleaders of the modern era. But it stopped with Young-soon Kim. That shouldn’t be the case. I told you to liberate the American presidents from the twelfth to the thirty-third, but that was delayed. This time, I asked Daemo-nim, Dr. Sang-hun Lee, Heungjin-nim and the other True Children to assemble in Cheongpyeong to educate Korean and Japanese royalty back to the thirty-eighth generation so that they will testify and prepare themselves. Do you understand? Chung-hwan Kwak, you should bring those who oppose our work and have them listen to the testimonies of their ancestors, up to the seventh or eighth generation. Have their ancestors testify to their descendants so that they can understand and obey my word and eventually take the place of loyal subjects. Educate them with the list of those who passed away; and through that, get rid of religions. You should understand that.

Therefore, if the UN is taken care of, we can have the Providence accepted by the world in an instant. To me, the third and fourth years of the Cheon Il Guk are a very important period. May, June and July this year are important. By July, we should be able to win over America based on the unity of the UN, no matter how much military, economic or political power America has. Until now, nobody opposed the united efforts of the religious realm.

Events held by religious organizations … there are not so many religions that focus on interfaith work. Aren’t there thirteen religions? All of them should make a pilgrimage for saints. Even if there are thousands or tens of thousands of denominations under the great world religions, the written resolutions made by the founders of the great religions must be the mainstream under God’s protection. It wasn’t based on my desire; God and the spirit world needed it. That’s why Dr. Sang-hun Lee lit the fuse. Now, it’s unmanageable even in the spirit world.

We saved the elder son, the realm of the blessing in the angelic world and put it in a place higher than Satan’s. By putting the lineage of true love, true life and true lineage higher than the completion stage of the growth period, I got people married. I’m not making this up. From the providential point of view, the great confusion in the final stage will be happening. Everything will be shaken up. In the last days, the whole world will be shaken. The time has come; so nobody owns anything. Dong-moon Joo is not the owner, the newspaper has no owner, the nation has no owner, the religions have no owner, there are no owners, and the heavenly nation has no owners. God, in an effort to find the rightful owner, found me in the place of Adam. Centering on the original position of Adam’s family, if Cain and Abel who were enemies to each other are blessed together equally, the whole can be covered from the top. Do you understand?

The blessing of 360 million couples sounds like a dream. We were so fast in blessing them all, weren’t we? Did Korea win first place or not? (Korea did well.) Centering on that, what came next? Centering on our sons and daughters, we launched the pure love movement! How persecuted we have been! We staged demonstrations and other things to get rid of communism in the congress. We made a foundation with close to nine or ten million people from school principals to students’ parents. Centering on the family, I alone performed God’s coronation. We don’t have God’s nation and our blood lineage changed from God’s. Placing God upon His rightful throne through the coronation was like a dream. You must understand it. It’s inevitable.

The nation went upside down and humankind lost God’s nation. Because God didn’t have His nation, He couldn’t hold the wedding ceremonies, could He? (No, He couldn’t.) He had neither hometown nor land. He couldn’t register marriages and therefore couldn’t register childbirths. No. That’s how things were with God, our Father. Looking at this world, in which humankind lived their entire lives as children of His own enemy, God could neither open his eyes nor breathe. In that stifling reality, no one but I could take care of the situation. Who can ever bring the UN into unity? I can. That’s the only way the spirit world can be mobilized from the formation realm of the first Israel, the Old Testament age, the growth level of the second Israel, the New Testament age of revival realm, and the perfection stage of the Completed Testament age with Parents’ victory. From the top of the UN that used to belong to Satan, all the political realm can be restored back to the realm of the Blessing. The false olive trees will be grafted onto true olive trees in an instant. Not only your children, but all your relatives should drink the holy wine. Even a fetus in a mother’s womb can be liberated. If the mother drinks it, that is the ceremony of rebirth.

After the birth, everyone must cut off from the ties of Satan by the age of sixteen. That is the ceremony of resurrection. Through the ceremony of rebirth in the womb, and the ceremony of resurrection, people can go to a position higher than Adam’s. Because there is no original soil to create yourselves in, you must find your bodies to make the foundation of recreation. You must create yourselves, and then you must fight against Satan and win him over to take things back. You must win over three cities, three nations and three big brothers, only then, you can go beyond the realm of liberation on the family level. That all sounds like a dream. Now, I must tell you things generally. Have you had any dreams of such a thing? Angels and the spirit world did everything they could; what you, blessed families, should do is to find your spiritual children to have them be your heirs and to receive the Blessing. After fifty-eight years, how many couples have you blessed? That’s what the Principle teaches. I gave out awards at the True Parents’ birthday celebrations. Three times seven make twenty-one. Centering on the national foundation, there are 2,100 and the UN is 2,100. They are all like that. Before the year 2005, I awarded 2,100 representatives who can protect the victorious kingship. I couldn’t do it by myself. With God’s supervision, I did it through the lottery.

I also gave away things. Bequeathing thirteen kinds of things, how many was it in all? More than a thousand. Those who took responsibility and sacrificed in the African outback received eight or nine items. God is truly working. Centering on those people, He wants to establish tradition and standards. Didn’t you all think that? You became the bones. Because Jesus couldn’t create his own family by the age of thirty-one, centering on the number thirty-six, centering on 3 years and 6 years, you should make the total living offering to restore the kingship, going from the individual, through the familial, tribal, national and up to the world UN level.

There should be worldwide celebrations everywhere in cities and villages in the name of True Parents, celebrating the kingship of love for eternity. We should offer ourselves to God saying, “You should become the owner of the lineage of one people and one nation, and the owner of the ideal of creation of eternity! May You be the King of All-Immanence, Omnipotence and All-Transcendence!” God gave us physical bodies for our sake and not for Himself. God made the physical bodies of humanity so that we could create the family of spiritual perfection. That’s why you can’t give birth to children in the spirit world. In the substantial realm, through the unity of sexual organs, the love of Adam and that of Eve were meant to be fulfilled together. After the wedding, God could have embodied Himself in the unity of Adam and Eve. The wedding of God’s ideal could have been the fruit of the heavenly kingdom of the cosmic reign of peace. If a generation lived for twenty years, four generations would have spanned eighty years. If it lived for thirty years, then four generations would have spanned 120 years. If it lived for forty years, then four generations would have spanned 160 years. Those periods are for humanity to realize perfection while having physical bodies in the original world. After physical life, people are to live with God in the spirit world for eternity in the realm of the kingdom. Human beings have it better than God because they can directly live in the substantial realm of creation and in the independent life realm beyond the abstract concept.

True Parents, on behalf of God, came and clearly restored the entire universe, even hell, that had been stained by Satan. Now we have completed the substantial realm where no restoration is necessary and where we all can live for eternity. Clap your hands and say, “amen.” Shout “100 million manseis!”. With the settlement of liberation, all people can enter the heavenly kingdom. It is the age of the great transition to the ideal of creation. Do you understand? The time has come. But what is the newspaper doing or the UPI for that matter? They should work together to unite Cain and Abel in the UN. What is Korea doing? True Parents are the only chance you have.

All nations together should set up UN tradition and constitution from the top down; so when people commit crimes, they should be punished immediately. We should educate them to be new people from the bottom of hell. We should teach those criminals the heavenly way so that they could be restored back to their original position. True Parents can raise people up that way. As a True Parent, I make a decisive proclamation. Here, what should the upper house and the lower house of the UN do? They should introduce the Unification Church and True Parents. The realm of the third Israel is divided into two fighting for life and death. The moment has come when it can blow up any moment. So I can’t just stay here doing nothing. I have made the foundation by having given everything. This isn’t nonsense; it’s true. If things go well and South and North Korea don’t break apart, we will have a victory. Though the UN doesn’t move, it wants to learn from me.

President Bush gets to connect to the mother nation, Japan, the Eve nation. Bush must fulfill the elder son’s position, which Britain failed to do. Representing the Abel side, we had to do it in five or six cities. There is no other way than to push forward. You should push forward until the age of your children’s generation. The time has come. The fall that had happened in Cain’s family, the whole thing, is being restored through the synchronism of history. In order to restore a family, the entire nation stands in the position where Jesus failed. By restoring the blood lineage, representing Adam’s family, the representatives of Adam and Eve must restore the lineage centering on Jesus. If the Israelites and Judaism had united with Jesus and had the same destiny with him, the world today would be very different; you wouldn’t even need Rev. Moon.

Although there have been many victorious sons and daughters in Israel, Israel was part of the satanic world. It won a victory independently. But why was the first Israel broken so that God would need the second? The first Israel should have built the national realm and automatically multiplied in the world to have the power of one united government, something like the UN. However, Israel failed. That’s why things had to happen the way they did; so through the crucifixion, christology, the idea of the Lord of the Second Advent. And the robbers on the left side and on the right side were enemies. There was no true Christianity. Because the traditional innocence was lost, I had no choice but to push things forward centering on the reunification of North and South Korea, centering on Britain, which used to be the center of the world, and America. Although all the battles were fought by Britain, America inherited the position to be the center of the second Israel, so it had to begin anew as a new country.

I have been here thirty-three or thirty-four years. The time has come for complete liberation through indemnifying the standard of the realm of heavenly liberation. I must unite even the enemies of the interreligious and international movement, the NGOs, destructive elements in heaven and earth centering on unification thought. I should make unification thought the mainstream tradition of world history and then we should lead the movement to unite Muslims, the Islamic religion. Muslims have been in struggle with America and the Soviet Union., but we should have them lead the movement of liberation and unification, just like Barabbas did. Then, Christianity can start the Christian unity movement. Communists can be included in it. At the founding of the UN, Christianity should have been the center of history, but the leftists infiltrated it. Why? Because America failed to fulfill its responsibility.

Centering on pirates, Britain became an empire on which the sun never set. She had her queen. At the time when a wife had to be chosen for the Lord of the Second Advent, if Britain had welcomed the queen of the Lord of the Second Advent, and if the Lord of the Second Advent had blessed the aristocrats, then people would have been united centering on God’s blood lineage. Everyone would have been brothers and sisters to each other. That way, the providence would have developed worldwide. Heaven and earth would have been in the palm of the Lord’s hand. False olive trees would have grafted onto true olive trees. That was a sure way. All trees, all the greenery would have inherited heavenly love, life and lineage to solely belong to God. They can all stand in the heavenly subject and object relationship. Each being can be the individual truth body in the position of harmony. On this foundation, people can have God’s bones and skin to have the joy of the original sung sang and original hyung sang in the subject and object relationship centering on peace and harmony.

So far the holy wine symbolized blood. Centering on love and blood, people connect to Father and Mother’s blood and love by drinking the holy wine. Not only that, but also to connect to the bones. Sweat, tears and blood are what we must pour out in this world. We must sacrifice our lives if we need to. No one can deny that history has developed following the laws of Creation. Do you understand?

That’s why I can dream dreams that God Himself never dreamed. I’m that kind of person. I can believe the things even God can’t believe. I can do things even God can’t. That’s why God hated me more than Satan hated me. He had to strike people on the Abel side because of me, and told me to win over Cain. From that perspective, persecution is the second and indirect strategy for God to bequeath to humanity. Do you understand? This is a logical solution. This is the clear principle.

If I started hating my enemies, I could harbor hatred stronger than anyone else’s. If I made up my mind, when I see my enemies, I could burn the whole world up, such is the intensity of my heart; but I went beyond that because of God. Because I knew about God’s mortal pain and His tradition, I came to learn to love my enemies. I forgot the names of my enemies. I forgot them all. God, my Father, loved His enemies and pioneered that unbelievable path. You should all pioneer the path of restoration through paying indemnity. After completing pioneering, you should walk the principle course just like Adam and Eve did. You must absolutely obey in walking the course. The realm of objects created by your absolute obedience and dedication are the foundation of absolute love and absolute obedience. I’ve paved the foundation for the spirit and body together to be one with God’s blood lineage on this earth, the substantial realm by giving the blessing diligently. That’s how it is in heaven and on earth. On this foundation, I pioneered the age of God’s kingship and have the declaration of the parents of heaven and earth opening Cheon Il Guk. That was the declaration announcing that finally Parents could have the holy wedding. Is it false or true?

You’ll know the truth only after things have matured. Did you understand, Dong-moon Joo? You didn’t know. Satan didn’t either. Only God alone knows my way of pioneering. Our ancestors fell because of their ignorance of God’s heart. I pioneered the path with the standard of absolute faith by pouring my tears, blood and sweat. That’s how I could pay the indemnity for our ancestors’ failure. That’s how I could do amazing things. I have no fear. I’ve been very close to death several times. My life doesn’t belong to me. By having been in prison, I have crossed over peaks. This man who needs God’s love made up a plan to connect South and North Korea. Even in prison, I received revelations and made plans. Nobody can ever deny the inside story. Even if all nations or even all heaven and earth deny what I have been through, God can vouch for it. Christianity and other religions hated me, and nations hated me. Even God couldn’t teach me how to do things. Where would God go? Who did all the blessing and who knew all this? Did Mother know it? Did I have the mother and children of victory? Who else knew what I knew?

You should pioneer your course and walk up step by step. I’ve given you the blessing by placing you beyond the perfection level of the growth stage where the archangel fell so that you could have the liberation with absolute obedience. Because the Lord of the Second Advent on earth went beyond the standard of the blessed families in the spirit world, those who went beyond the standard of the spirit world can be placed in my younger brother’s position as soon as I connect them, who are in the position of having the separated body of Adam at the age of sixteen, to my victorious blood lineage anew. Because the resurrection of the Second Adam was established, we are in the realm of liberation in which Satan can’t oppose my engrafting of lineage. I give you an example: there is a big olive tree with a third of it belonging to heaven and two thirds to the other side, but the heavenly one third can have true olives and graft themselves onto the rest, and eventually, the entire tree can have olives. Satan needs such true seeds. We need them here on earth as well as in the spirit world.

When the blessed families graft onto the true olive tree, they take three, five or seven years to be true olive trees themselves. When they turn into true olive trees, those who are on the other side can know it too. By cutting off the buds and branches and pouring caustic soda, we could get rid of false olive trees, and those dead false olive trees can be manure for the new life (true olive trees). That way, we can restore the substantial realm back and call out the sons and daughters in the hell of death through the providence of resurrection. The culmination of the providence is the complete acknowledgement of the perfection of True Parents. Although the thirty-six couples were thrown out because of their failures, nobody can oppose them any more if they surpass the standard of other blessed families. This Day of All True Things was a special privilege. By educating all things, we should restore them. You can go beyond the highest level of making good conditions. Women make about twenty times more conditions than men. It’s the principle that the Ambassadors for Peace can go beyond the fall that was stained by the archangel, in the position of Adam’s younger siblings.

It’s the garden of mountains and rivers. I should make the world scale federation and love minerals more than anyone else on behalf of God. From the point of view that I own all nature, I declared the return of the oceans. Am I right or not? (You’re right.) After that declaration, I declared the return of the land, the return of the world of the cosmos, and then the return of the realm of the fourth Adam. Yes, I did it all. What’s funny is, who can really believe in all this? Even God Himself doesn’t want to believe it because He doesn’t have His own principled world. Only I set this absolute standard. God had to follow me to go over this. Because I won the victory and inherited it as my own, God can have the logical foundation to establish it back. So where are the blessed families in the picture? All of them stand beyond the lineage of the fallen Adam and in the position of my victory. Because I bequeathed the blessing in the position of mature Adam, blessed families can completely go beyond the dominion of Satan. You’ve become a complete positive. Therefore, you should automatically go beyond the false positives.

Now in this world, the Bush administration went beyond the realm of the Archangel. From the external point of view, he held the power and the Adam-like position. However, internally, he doesn’t know that he should use all the fallen leaves of the Fall as fertilizer centering on God. He doesn’t know about it; I’m the one who knows it, so I am creating the united system of religions as fast as I can. Do you understand?

Everyone should go to a good family. A husband and wife who are in the position of children must find the mother. I was opposed, persecuted and received all kinds of beatings in eighteen nations. I had to restore my wife and my own children. That’s how I led the Unification Church. There is no forgiveness in the law of indemnity. If you try to keep your face and dignity, how will you end up? You’ll be in hell as the king of dung. You must create a hole through which your tribe can escape. The logical conclusion is that there is a way for the whole to be revived with the spring of the water of life. That’s why Rev. Moon tries not to hesitate for even a second.

With this work we have crossed over another peak. You don’t know how worried I have been about South Korea as well as North Korea. Now, I must teach President Roh how to harmonize with the America and go forward. We should educate our people so that we can build a nation in which people can live better than Americans. If there were no communists, Korea could surpass America economically. The communists are ruining it. Containers are stuck at the port of Pusan. Those who are on the Cain side are ruining this nation. Because the time has come, people will ask for a thirty percent raise. For three years, they will ask for fifty percent and seventy percent raises. Instead, if you digest the labor union and work on the spot, I’ll give a raise higher than you ask for. That way, there will be owner labor unions, won’t there? If President Roh Moo-hyun could do such a thing, he could be president of the world. North Korea would follow. Sang-kwon Park, how many centuries will it take for the development of the world’s economy? It might take at least 120 years. Or it might take just thirty-four years. You should go forward with confidence.

The leaders of South Korea, President Roh, and Kim Jong-il in the North, Cain and Abel should unite. Joon-ho Seuk and Bo-hi Pak met with past high-ranking officials in China and Russia. Because the systems in their nations changed, those high-ranking officials are mostly in trouble. Our representatives met them and in the position of the ambassadors of the second Israel and in the position of the first savior. The power of China and the power of Russia will level and they will educate their satellites. In return, those satellite countries will become more developed. Then China and Russia will have to come around. It’s restoration. Centering on China and Russia, we should educate the North Korean youth. Did you talk about such a thing or not, Sang-kwon Park? (Yes, I did.) Then I said that I could prepare a house and a nation if and when Kim Jong-il runs away. When he comes here and finds out all the background to reach where we are, he can never hate me. Even if he doesn’t want it, he would have to make me his big brother, his teacher or his uncle. Although I didn’t make a brotherly relationship with Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il is like my nephew. As soon as I create any sort of human relationship with Kim Jong-il, I’ll start to be more casual in talking to him, calling him Jong-il! Do you understand what I’m saying? When I win over the UN, such a thing is possible. Do you understand?

Putting ambassadors in front we can have secret meetings. It’s quite simple. Self-centeredness heads toward the hell of individualism, but now people should be other-centered. Others aren’t others. In the world of restoration, we become other-centered and create a new ownership. Because we live in God’s realm, if we live centering on other-centered self-consciousness, and live for the sake of others, we can all enter the Heavenly Kingdom. Others aren’t others any more. We have entered the age when we can organize things with our children. If you know it but you don’t do anything about it, you’re doomed. In the spirit world, if you didn’t take responsibility for yourselves, I won’t take responsibility for you even if you’re blessed members. I taught you everything in detail day and night.

Even if the gate of the Heavenly Kingdom is open, blessed families can’t enter it as they please. You can’t even get into paradise. You must prepare to cross over your own peaks, restore the formation level of Adam’s failure with the growth-level Adam, and by becoming the growth-level Adam, you should achieve the perfected Adam. That’s the principle of restoration, the official theory. If I go to the spirit world, all the blessed families, all the thirty-six couples say that we should make so-and-so join as a blessed family, through Dr. Sang-hun Lee in the spirit world. After Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus, the realm of the twelve apostles was revived. Looking at that, the Completed Testament age is more advanced than the New Testament age. Everyone comes to me to ask my pardon on behalf of so-and-so. Everyone will have to receive permission from the True Parents.

It’s all completed. The foremost external problem of the world is to take care of North Korea and the religious world. No one can manage the religious world. I can, however. Dong-moon Joo, you should understand it. You should quickly create a religious federation. That’s so much more important than the State Department, isn’t it? It’ll be the key to open up the realm of death. I’ve invested so much to open up the realm of religions centering on the Unification Church. If all my life’s efforts turn into precious stones, the most precious one would be hanging up the sign that reads, “God’s Kingdom.” Because I held the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, I can be liberated from the life of religion without any name tags.

You don’t need to pray or ask for things. Furthermore, it will be the age when religions are not necessary. How free it will be. Isn’t it hard to pray? Isn’t it hard to pay indemnity? You should having nothing to fear or be ashamed of. Having the privilege and special right to do anything, why should I hesitate? I can push forward like lightning. Did those who opposed me do wrong or not? I should forgive. I should find those who have deep brotherly love who can be grateful for having been beaten up in order to indemnify the world.

Witness to seven tribes, up to seven generations — to your most distant cousins and relatives seven or eight generations removed. Up to the twelfth time removed signifies the number 12. Hell started because our ancestors didn’t have that. In Isaac’s family the elder son should have inherited but the younger son took his inheritance away. Three generations after that, the younger son took the inheritance from the older son even in their mother Tamar’s womb. God revealed to Tamar that there were two nations in her womb and the elder would serve the younger. History went exactly the way it was written, so you should go together with the direction and purpose. How miserable Jesus must have felt as he tried to take responsibility for what his family and Israel couldn’t do. He suffered more than anyone in history, even more than God. God couldn’t give the blessing to Jesus. He had to go beyond His limitation in restoring heaven and earth. That’s the reason that the Lord of the Second Advent had to believe what even God couldn’t believe or do. He has to command what even God couldn’t command. That’s the way the Lord of the Second Advent creates new things. That’s the conclusion.

In that situation, I transferred all the blessings. If there is something that you cannot do well, it is my fault. I’m the one who’s condemned to death. You have no basis on which to oppose God. I have no hesitation to shed tears, blood and sweat because I have to save the nation and the world in order to inherit heaven and earth. Imagine the suffering of God, even on the road to the cross. How dreadful is the title “Lord of the Second Advent,” how fearful is the title “Savior.” Not knowing the reality, everyone thinks they want to follow such a path — so go ahead and try! My parents opposed me and even God blocked my way. I have been all alone in my life. I walked this course until all my bones, blood and flesh dissolved.

In Washington D.C. the seat of supreme power, I pushed through the international blessing, starting with the blessing of 144,000 couples including the blessing of the second generation [of other faiths], the first, the second, the third and the fourth phases. For the ceremony of building the nation, we have to give the blessing to at least several hundred people centering on those that are interreligious and international. I don’t give the blessing. You should be giving the blessing even to the kings or presidents of some nations. Do you understand?

We should connect the Bush administration to the religious realm to work together in the UN like brothers. Because I initiated it, it would be simple to start the Abel-side UN. Do you understand? If we have support from forty nations or seventy nations, what we want to accomplish will be discussed in the United Nations General Assembly. If we have less than a third of the support, it may be difficult, but everything is decided by the Secretary General; that’s the law. Knowing that, I’m trying to make a breakthrough in the project. When I watched the TV show about Kim Du-hwan, I could see that he went the kind of way I am going. Knowing that his life was at stake, he still went ahead and did what he had to do. He is a real man.

Even if one has to sacrifice serving his own parents, a real man must be willing to make a sacrifice for the nation. A man should be willing to die for several thousand other people. That’s the way Unification Church members should go. I announced it the day before yesterday. Was it the thirteenth or twelfth? That was a very good lesson for me to learn. Our Unification Church soldiers must have that kind of determination. Looking at all of you, I wondered who would have that kind of determination. Whose determination is strong enough to die with me? The proof of the loyal subject is the willingness to die together with the master. Am I right or wrong? (You’re right.)

We can push our way through to the forefront of world history. How great it would be if America did this work? Do Jews own the Washington Post and the New York Times? (Anglo-Saxons own the Washington Post and Jews own the New York Times.) The realm of the second Israel made of the Jewish religion and Christianity did the same thing as the Jews did when they crucified Jesus. In the midst of that, at the 20th anniversary of The Washington Times, I told the audience of 3,300 guests including presidents that they should understand the spirit world and God in the future. Didn’t I introduce and announce the spirit world? I’m not lying.

I spoke to the staff of The Washington Times because I thought this was a good chance. When there are more than 1,000 people gathered, do they want to hear what an old man in his eighties has to say? What would they want to hear? I would ask them to clap their hands, and I would kick out those who wouldn’t; that’s how I would educate them. If we have a festival for family members, there will be Chung-hwan Kwak, Russian, Japanese and Korean representatives. We should make them important family members in the future.

I am commanding you in the name of the Messiah. You should become like special correspondents to meet prime ministers and others. Everything can be done in my presence in the end, simply put. That’s Unificationism. Chung-hwan Kwak, haven’t you managed people under you? Our members are all over the world. We have our foundations in 191 countries. I’m saying that you should try making use of our manpower. Who can beat us? The time has come when heaven and earth can influence the spirit world. That’s why I’ve come.

I know that you didn’t want me to come. This time, you should appoint special correspondents. Do you understand, Chung-hwan Kwak? You should get your grandchildren involved if you need to. Hurry up. Live on the worldwide foundation. We are making the foundation for you to be able to revive; therefore, you shouldn’t oppose what we are trying to do. The Family Party of the Family Federation was established. I’ve already told you not to go against God’s Will. Don’t regret later for not having participated in the work. Distribute the official documents so that people have no choice but to participate in our project. With the cooperation of our special correspondents, we should save nations and establish God’s nation of peace. America bears the greatest responsibility for that. You should be grateful for the fact that I’m talking in the highest dimension. Religious traditions have been established by people searching for right teachers, prophets and leaders. What kind of people have been against that?

I could overturn a director’s desk in his face asking, “How could you not have a sufficiently public mind?” I could meet the director of the FBI and the president of the Washington Post and ask “Do you truly represent the history and the people of this nation or not? I’m trying to represent heaven and earth and how could you try to stop me? You feed your chickens and dogs with uncooked rice. You should try to feed people in the poor countries with the food you couldn’t care less to eat. I’ve lived that way. I couldn’t care less about having some big position. You think you have nothing to fear. You think that I will be finished. You never thought I could continue.” But now, you know what I really think. Will you be loyal subjects or enemies of the heavenly nation? Answer me. You should become loyal subjects. Satan can never make loyal subjects. I must. Even God can’t create loyal subjects. True Parents did. I can’t express how sorry I feel about God who has believed in me until now. Sometimes, I just want to live all by myself. I don’t even have such freedom. Give me the freedom to be alone. You must know that so many times my heart just bursts into tears.

Taking out the blood and flesh of the Unification Church of twenty years, I should sprinkle it in the satanic world. I should obtain my investment. You must be really determined. Flowing water and flowing wind all have their destinations. I have stayed in one place for thirty-three years. I am a man worthy of pity. No matter how many places invite me, I can’t go. I’m in exactly the same situation as God. When I was in prison, I knew that I had to have the day of joyous liberation as soon as possible. I comforted the American ministers when I left Danbury prison and pledged to myself that I would save the churches in America. You need to know this.

I made a new start on August 20th. In July, at the time of the upcoming anniversary, I should gather sons and daughters within the true Kingdom that can live together with God. You should truly yearn for the day of blessing. Make the condition and be willing to send out blessed members to America or the rest of the world. Do you understand? How many people can the Korean church send out? We need a principled number. How many people will the Japanese Church send? How many Russians and how many Americans will go out? Decide the number and push people out. If you’re not going to do it, I will. Will you do it or not? Those who are determined, raise your hands. God told me to prepare for that. Who really knows His heart? Can you know the heart of orphans, widows and widowers unless you’re one? How can you know the heart of a man in prison whose people lost their sovereignty and whose nation was doomed? How can you understand the heart of two brothers facing death together? God is the one who understands such a heart. You should understand that he is the king, master and father.

There is nothing to be ashamed of! You should have the guts to die with confidence when you are face to face with death. Jesus was like that. He died under the inscription, “King of the Jews.” Such a thing happened when the chosen people failed in their responsibility. Do you understand? Have you made up your mind? You must make up your mind and go. I believe that. Take care of all this and draft the constitution before August. Make a external layout of what you think you need to put in. Get the basic idea from some country’s Constitution. Political, business, technological and academic experts assemble on behalf of God and True Parents to create the constitution of totality. What a wonderful day it would be if we could have the United Nations General Assembly to ratify the constitution. Do you understand? In this land, as long as I live, the path I must tread is to teach unforgettable things for our descendants even while vomiting my own blood. That’s the destiny of the True Parents. I sincerely hope and ask you to accomplish your task of inheritance well.

True Father’s Word at Hoon Dok Hae

5월 10일 훈독회 말씀

True Father’s Word at Hoon Dok Hae

East Garden, Tarrytown, New York,
10 May 2003

<말 씀> 비로소, 삼대상 즉위식을 해 가지고 정오정착을 선언한 것과 마찬가지로 정오시대에 들어가는 것입니다. 이제부터 43일 후면 하지가 됩니다. 6월 22일까지의 기간이 그렇게 되기 때문에 통일가에서 정비해야 할 것은 또 정비해야 됩니다.

Forty-three days from today, it will be the summer solstice. We have forty-three days to June 22nd, during which time the Unification Family should prepare itself.

재미있는 것이 무엇이냐 하면 오늘이 현진이 생일입니다. 그렇게 날짜와 시간이 다 맞다구요. 선생님은 지금까지 치료받던 모든 것이 끝나고 눈까지도 새로이 벗고 넘어서게 됩니다. 그렇기 때문에 새로운 출발시대로 들어가는 중요한 날인 것을 알아야 되겠습니다.

What is interesting about today is that it is Hyunjin(nim)’s birthday. The day and time fit together like that. All the treatment I’ve been undergoing is over, and even my eyes are like new. Therefore you should all know today is a very important day, since it marks our entering an era for a new start.

요전에 기도한 날이 3일이었지요? [5월 4일이었습니다.(김효율)] 4일이었던가? 그러니까 오늘이 6일째인가? 4일까지 포함하면 7일째가 되는 거지? 7일째를 넘어서는 날이에요. 그렇게 새로운 시대로 들어간다는 사실을 알아야 되겠습니다.

The day I offered the Prayer was the 4th, wasn’t it? So today is the 6th day from the day of prayer, isn’t it? Including the 4th, today is the 7th day, right? Today we are passing through the 7th day. You should all know that we are entering a new era with this day.

요전에 기도한 내용의 녹음이 잘 안되었어? [녹음이 되었는데요, 양 회장에게 전했더니 그것을 역사편찬위원회에 보내서 거기서 기록하게 했답니다.(김효율)] 여기는 없나? [한국으로 보냈답니다.(김효율)] 오늘 재차 읽고 그런 때인 것을 다 알아야 된다구요. [하지까지는 43일이 남았으니까요. (어머님)]

The Prayer I offered, was it recorded well? [It was recorded, but it was passed on to Dr. Yang, who sent it to the Unification Church History Committee to be transcribed there. (Rev. Peter Kim)] So it isn’t here? [It was sent to Korea. (Rev. Hyo Yul Kim)] We should all read it again and know what era we are living through at the moment. [There are still forty-three days left till the summer solstice. (True Mother)]

정오정착! 한국에 단오라는 것이 있잖아요? 점심시간이 제일 짧다는 것입니다. 5월 5일, 그 날에 말이에요. 그래서 새로운 청산의 시대로 넘어가는 것입니다. 이제 세상의 사람들을 가만히 내버려둬도 자기들이 싸워 가지고 우리를 모셔야 할 시대에 들어갑니다. 그러니까 이 기간에 우리 통일교 전체는 총생축헌납으로 소유권을 전부 다 교회에 이동시켜 가지고 자기의 소유권이 있으면 안 됩니다.

The Settlement of Noon (the time when no shadow is cast)! In Korea we have a special holiday called Dahn Oh. That is the day on which the lunch hour is the shortest. This day is May 5th. Through that day we are entering a new era of liquidating everything we have. Now we are entering an era in which the people of the world will fight with each other in order to serve us. Therefore during this period the whole Unification church should offer all they have to the church as the Total Offering. There should be no property under your name.

정오정착이라는 것은 낮이 제일 짧은 날을 중심삼고 넘어가게 되니 만큼 소유권을 전부 다 부정해야 됩니다. 이제부터 세상의 모든 습관과 풍습을 넘어 가지고 우리의 가정맹세 5번에 있는 것과 마찬가지로 영계를 중심삼고 지상과 하나되어 가지고 모든 것을 맞춰 나가야 할 각자의 책임이 있습니다.

The Settlement of Noon happens centering on the day with the shortest afternoon hours, and that is why you should renounce all your rights of ownership. From now on we should all transcend all customs and traditions of the world, and become one with the physical world centering on the spirit world, just as we have pledged through Family Pledge verse 5. You are all responsible to do so.

천일국의 중심가정이란 말은 타락하지 않은 아담과 해와의 자리를 전세계의 축복가정과 만민이 복귀해서 출생신고를 하고 혼인신고를 할 수 있는 시대로 넘어가는 가정이라는 것입니다.

The words Central Families of the Cheon Il Guk mean that all the blessed families in the world and all people have restored the positions of fallen Adam and Eve, so that now they stand as they did before the Fall. Once that is done, the central families will enter a new era when they will be able to register their births and marriages.

지금까지 출생신고도 못하고 혼인신고도 못했지만 이제부터 출생신고도 하고 혼인신고도 해서 부모님이 이루어 놓은 것을 몽땅 넘겨받게 되는 때가 됩니다. 그렇게 넘겨받는 데 있어서는 자기의 소유권이 없어요. 그렇게 넘겨받는 데 있어서 소유권이 있어서는 안 됩니다. 모두 다 재창조되어서 태어나는 입장이 되는 것입니다. 수백 억의 사람들이 있더라도 전부 다 한꺼번에 태어나는 것과 마찬가지라구요. 그러한 중요한 시대로 넘어가는 흠이 없는 완전한 날이 오늘인 5월 10일입니다.

Until now you could not register your births and marriages, but now the time will come when you can do both, and so inherit everything achieved by True Parents. You should not hold ownership for anything you have if you want your inheritance. There should be nothing left to your name to be inherited. That is because you have to stand in the position of being reborn. Even if there are tens of billions of people in the world, they will all be reborn at the same time. The perfect day on which we enter this important new era is today, May 10th.

광물세계도 주체와 대상, 식물세계도 주체와 대상, 동물세계도 주체와 대상, 인간세계도 주체와 대상으로 되어 있는데 그렇게 주체와 대상으로 되어 있는 모든 것들이 타락함으로 말미암아 우리 몸 마음의 싸움이 벌어지게 되었습니다. 그렇게 벌어진 싸움이 세계까지 확장되어 가지고 이번에 이라크와 미국이 싸우게 되었는데 부시가 정리해 놓았습니다.

In the mineral world there are subjects and objects, in the plant world there are subjects and objects, in the animal world there are subjects and objects, and even in the human world there are subjects and objects. All beings consisting of subjects and objects fell, and because of that our mind and body fight with each other. This fight has been expanded to the world level, and so recently there was a war between Iraq and the United States, but President Bush has taken care of that.

이제부터 세계를 수습하기 힘들게 되는 것은 세계적인 시대에서 국가적인 시대, 국가적인 시대에서 민족적인 시대, 민족적인 시대에서 종족적인 시대로 떨어져 내려가기 때문입니다. 그렇기 때문에 아무리 유엔과 미국이 전부 다 하나로 만들려고 노력하더라도 하나가 안 된다구요.

From now on what will make controlling the world more difficult is that the era we live in is degrading, from the global level to the national level to the tribal level to the clan level. That is why even though the United Nations and the United States are trying hard to unite the world, it is not happening.

지금부터 우리 통일교회에 있어서는 정오정착을 선포해 가지고 새롭게 출발하니 만큼 그러한 생활을 하지 않으면 앞으로 천법에 걸려 즉결처분을 받을 수 있는 시대로 들어가는 것입니다. 정오정착시대에 축복가정들은 전부 다 재림주를 대신하는 자리에 서게 됩니다. 그 자리는 천사장보다 높은 자리예요. 소생, 장성, 완성권을 넘어서 천사장들보다 높은 사랑의 자리에 서기 때문에 하나님을 해방할 수 있게 됩니다.

Now we the Unification church have declared the Settlement of Noon and are starting afresh, and so now we are entering a new era in which all of us can be punished if we break the heavenly law by not leading righteous lives. In the era of the Settlement of Noon, all the blessed families stand in the position of the Lord of the Second Advent. That position is even higher than that of the Archangel. Passing through the formation, growth and completion stage, now we are standing at a higher position of love than even that of the archangels, and so now we can liberate God.

이 시대에 세계의 주인이 없습니다. 이제부터 새로운 주인을 세워서 정오정착의 시대로 넘어갑니다. 그렇게 넘어가는 날이 5월 10일입니다. 이번에 며칠 동안이었던가? 26일서부터 10일까지 며칠인가? 한 달인가, 사십 며칠인가? [한 달 반이 넘었어요. 두 달이 되어가요.(어머님)] 사십 며칠이야? [날짜로 한다면 3월16일, 4월16일, 5월16일이면 두 달인데…. (어머님)] [55일입니다.(김효율)] 55일, 그거 또 맞구만! 쌍쌍이 된다구요.

In this era there is no owner of the world. Now we have to appoint new owners and enter the era of the Settlement of Noon. The day on which we do this is May 10th. How many days was it from the 26th to the 10th? Was it a month, or forty-something days? [It has been over one-and-a-half months. It is almost two months now. (True Mother)] Forty-what days? [When we count the days, from March 16th, April 16th, May 16th would mark two months. (True Mother)] [It is fifty-five days. (Rev. Peter Kim)] Fifty-five days, what a coincidence! It’s the same number repeated twice.

그렇게 해 가지고 넘어선다구요. 숫자나 모든 전부가 신기할 정도로 맞다구요. 또, 오늘이 현진이의 생일이에요. 생일이기 때문에 내가 총을 선물한 거예요. 그러한 기념의 한 표적으로서 남기는 이 날로서 맞이한 식전이라는 것을 알아야 되겠습니다.

That is how we are entering a new era. The numbers and such things all fit together amazingly. Moreover, today is Hyunjin(nim)’s birthday. You should all know that this ceremony is being performed to commemorate such a special day.

천주·천지 참부모님 평화통일 축복가정왕 즉위식이라는 것이 무엇이냐? 아담이 실수함으로 말미암아 하늘나라를 전부 다 깨쳐 버렸고 하나님이 즉위하실 수 있었던 왕의 자리를 파괴시켰습니다. 그것을 전부 다 복귀해 가지고 새롭게 출발하는 날이라고 생각하고 통일가의 맹세문을 완성하는 그러한 가정이 되어야 천국에 들어갈 수 있습니다.

What does the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic Parents and the Parents of Heaven and Earth mean? Adam’s mistake completely destroyed the Kingdom of Heaven and the throne for God’s Coronation. Today is the day we restore all that and start anew. Only when you become families who fulfill the Family Pledge can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

이제부터 이 식을 하고, 전부 다 그렇게 결심하고 넘어서게 되면 사탄세계가 약화되어서 전부 다 무너집니다. 자기들끼리 싸우는 거예요. 종교싸움과 인종싸움이 한꺼번에 벌어질 수 있는데, 어떻게든 그것을 막으려고 노력하는 선생님입니다.

After performing this ceremony, we should all make a resolution to do so. This will weaken and destroy the satanic world. They will start fighting amongst themselves. Religious and racial wars may simultaneously break out, and it is I who do my best to ensure that does not occur.

유엔의 나라가 없어요. 그러니까 유엔의 나라를 만들어서 정리해야 됩니다. 세상의 요사스러운 모든 것들을 유엔에서 결정하는 법대로 처리해 나가야 된다구요. 개인이라든가 국가의 시대는 넘어가는 것입니다.

The UN does not have its own nation. That is why we should build a UN nation. All wickedness in the world should be dealt with in according with laws to be determined at the UN. The era of individuals and nations will now become part of the past.

유엔에도 주인이 없습니다. 우리가 유엔의 주인을 찾기 위한 용사들로서 단합하면 단합할수록 모든 길이 단축될 것입니다. 어떻게든 금년 말에는 아벨적인 유엔을 만들기 위한 준비를 하고 있다구요. 요전에 어디였어요? 인도네시아였어요? [필리핀이었습니다.] 이번 9월에 필리핀의 국회의장을 중심삼고 유엔총회에 새로운 결의안을 제시해 가지고 통과시키기 위한 준비를 백방으로 하고 있습니다.

There are no owners in the UN either. If we unite together as warriors to find the owners of the UN, and the more united we are, the shorter the time it will take. We are doing our best to make an Abel UN by the end of this year. Where was it? Was it Indonesia? [It was the Philippines.] This September we will present a new Resolution at the UN General Assembly centering on the Philippines’ National Assembly President, and we are doing all we can in every way to ensure it is passed at the UN Assembly.

그것이 통과되는 날에는 일시에 복귀천국이 눈앞에 펼쳐질 것입니다. 담 너머에 있는 돌감람나무도 이쪽으로 넘겨서 잘라 가지고 참감람나무의 순을 접붙이면 참감람나무의 열매가 열리게 된다구요. 그렇게 접붙이고 3년이 지나면 열매가 열리거든요.

Once that resolution is passed, the restored Kingdom of Heaven will open up in front of our eyes. The wild olive tree growing on the other side of the wall will be cut and grafted onto the True Olive Tree, and then it will also bear true olives. Three years after engraftment, the tree will bear fruit.

그렇게 열리는 열매를 보게 될 주변국가의 사람들도 담을 넘어와 가지고 눈접을 붙이려고 가지를 도적질하는 경쟁이 붙게 될 것입니다. 이제는 여러분의 3대를 연결해서 축복할 수 있게 되면 자동적으로 커 나간다구요. 그래서 가정생활을 통해서 천국으로 직결될 수 있는 해방의 시대가 오나니라, 아멘! 이 말씀의 내용을 잘 기억하라구요.

When the people from the neighboring nations see the trees bearing true fruits, they will climb over the wall to steal the branches so that they can also engraft them. They will fight with each other to steal them, if need be. Just like this, when the three generations are all connected together and blessed, it will spread out in the world and grow larger automatically. Therefore the era of liberation will come when the road leading directly to the Kingdom of Heaven will be opened through families, Amen! Remember these words.

<기도> 아버님, 5월 10일을 중심삼은 상대이상의 절대권을 하늘이 정리한 복귀상에 있어서 하나님이 봄을 맞이하시고, 여름을 맞이하시고, 가을을 맞이하시어 추수하셔야 할 본연의 잃어버리셨던 동산을 아담이 복귀해 가지고 사탄세계와 하늘세계를 분별한 탕감노정이 정비되는 최후의 날로서 5월 10일을 정해 가지고 정오정착이라는 새로운 출발을 발표할 수 있는 이 시간을 갖게 된 것을 감사합니다.

<Prayer> Heavenly father, the Absolute Realm of the Ideal of Reciprocity centering on this day May 10th has come to pass today with the restoration planned by Heaven. The Original Garden was supposed to pass through spring and summer and be harvested in autumn by You, but was lost. Now it has been restored by Adam, and the last day on which the satanic world and the heavenly world become divided completely through indemnity is today May 10th. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to announce a new beginning, the Settlement of Noon.

모든 것이 부족하게 살던 시대를 전부 다 정비해 가지고 참부모의 새로운 해방권을 선언함과 동시에 정오정착의 날을 중심삼고 아버지를 모시고 하늘나라의 가정과 지상의 가정이 하나되어 창조의 이후로 실패된 모든 것들을 다시 복귀하여 유엔까지 넘어서 가지고 모든 하늘의 승리권을 전수받을 수 있는 자리에서 만국해방의 여건을 조성하여 아버지께 봉헌하옵니다.

Now we will correct the era in which we lacked so many things, and with the declaration of True Parents’ new liberation and centering on the Day of the Settlement of Noon, the families of heaven and earth have all come together under our Heavenly Father. We offer you the condition of all nations’ restoration, in this place where we are restoring everything that failed after the creation, and with the UN, we are inheriting all the victories of Heaven.

뿐만 아니라 지옥이 천국으로 바뀔 수 있는 형태를 갖추게 되었사오니 아버지, 이 날을 기하여 하늘나라와 지상을 자유자재로 주관하시옵소서! 당신의 역사적인 한이 풀리시는 획기적인 한날을 맞이하시는 기쁨으로 만국을 장중에 붙드시어 천상과 지상의 영원한 왕으로서, 부모로서, 주인으로서 출발하시옵소서!

Moreover, now the time has come when hell is transformed into heaven, so Heavenly Father, please watch over all heaven and earth freely from this day! On this great day when Your eternal grief turns to joy, please rule over all nations and start anew as the Eternal King, Parent and Owner of Heaven and Earth!

금번에 부모님의 생신날에 재차 거행한 축복결혼식을 중심삼고 하나님과 하늘나라의 모든 축복가정들과 지상이 하나되어서 조상들을 해방시켰사오니 그들을 아담의 대신이라는 조건으로 부모님이 세워 놓은 천국으로 직행할 수 있도록 허락하여 주시옵소서.

Centering on the Holy Wedding performed on True Parents’ Birthday this year, God and all the blessed families in heaven and on earth all became one to liberate the ancestors. Please allow the liberated ancestors to go to the Heaven created by the True Parents, with the condition that they are the representatives of Adam.

하늘과 땅의 축복가정, 천상세계와 지상세계, 낙원세계와 지옥세계의 모든 전부를 결의문의 방향대로 나갈 수 있도록 허락하여 주신 것을 감사하오며 이 날을 기하여 정오정착의 해방, 지상천상만국의 해방, 만세의 해방, 만주인의 해방을 선포하오니 그대로 만국을 치리하여 주시옵기를 참부모의 이름으로 천상부모의 앞에서 보고하면서 선포하오니, 그대로 받아주시옵기를 바라오면서 보고하나이다. 아멘, 아멘, 아멘!

Thank you again for allowing all the blessed families of heaven and earth, and all people in the spirit world and the physical world, in paradise and hell, to live their lives according to the resolution we have signed. As of this day, I declare the liberation of the Settlement of Noon, the liberation of all nations in the physical and spiritual world, the liberation of eternity and the liberation of all ownership, so please watch over us all. I report and declare this in True Parents’ name to the Parent in Heaven, and I hope you will accept it as I report this. Amen, Amen, Amen!

<말 씀> 이제부터 모두 다 달라져야 됩니다. 자기의 소유물이 있어서는 안 됩니다. 모두 다 재창조되어서 태어나는 입장에 세워진다는 것을 알아야 됩니다. 정오정착이라는 말을 했지요? 단오가 그거예요, 단오! 제일 정오가 짧다는 개념입니다. 새로운 용어를 만드는 것입니다.

<Speech> From now on everybody should change. No property should be under your name. You have to know that everyone is in the position of being re-created. I said the Settlement of Noon, didn’t I? By that I mean Dahn Oh! It means the noon hour is the shortest. I have coined a new phrase.

루시엘이 항복한 그 날(1999년 3월 21일)부터 그 이후에 이르기까지…. 악령들이 인간을 병으로 괴롭힌다는 부분이 상당히 길어요. 그거 남겨놓고 훈독하라구! 알겠나? 전부 이리 나와요! 쭉 나오라구요. 똑똑히 녹음하라구!

From the day Lucifer completely submitted to True Parents (21 March 1999) and what happens afterwards… The part where evil spirits make people suffer by giving them diseases is rather long. When doing hoon dok hae skip that portion but read the other parts. Do you understand? All of you come to the front! Come right out to the front. Record clearly!

(정원주: 이상헌 선생님이 영계에서 준 메시지입니다. 인생이 마지막 가야 할 길, 제1장 영계의 동향, 1)3억6천만쌍 축복식 이후 영계의 변화)

(Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt: These are the messages sent from the spirit world by Dr. Sang Hun Lee. The Final Path Our Lives Should Take, Chapter 1: Current Situation in the Spirit World, 1) Changes taking place in the spirit world after the 360 Million-Couples Blessing)

루시엘에 관한 부분 읽어라! 루시엘이 굴복하는 거기서부터 읽고…. 3억6천만쌍 이후 영계의 동향에는 이 날이 올 때까지 준비한 사실이 기록되어 있는 거예요.

Read the part about Lucifer! Start reading from where Lucifer completely submits… In the part about the changes taking place in the spirit world after the 360 Million-Couples Blessing, the preparations we made until the coming of today is recorded.

(정원주 훈독: 루시엘의 사죄)

(Mrs. Won Ju McDevitt reads: Lucifer’s Apology)

그냥 두지 않아요! 전부 다 지옥의 큰 파이프 통에다 집어넣고 뚜껑을 해 두는 것입니다. 지옥에 들어가서 고통받는 원성을 다 듣기 싫어하는 거예요. 지상도 다 그렇게 되는 것입니다.

They will not be left alone! They will all be put in the big pipe of hell and the top will be covered with a lid. That is because no one wants to hear the way they cry out when they are suffering in hell. Soon the physical world will become like that as well.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

앞으로 잘 나가야 됩니다. 자기의 맘대로 하면 안 된다구요, 전부 다. 그러면 자기의 아들딸이 탕감을 받는 것입니다. 그렇지 않으면 자기의 가정까지도 갈 길이 막힌다구요. 그렇게 무서운 때가 옵니다. 알겠어요, 무슨 말인지? 적당히 어영부영 살 수 있는 시대는 지나갑니다. 우리의 맹세문대로 살아야 합니다.

From now on you should tread your paths wisely. You can’t do everything as you please. If you do, your sons and daughters will pay indemnity for your actions. Otherwise you will block the paths of your whole family. The time will come when you cannot live the way you want to. Do you understand what I am trying to say? The era in which we could live any way we want is over. We must live according to our Pledge.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

지금 선생님이 지옥까지 철폐하는 놀음을 하고 있는 거라구요. 이제는 그것이 법적으로 결정되었기 때문에 여러분의 생활기준이 맞지 않으면 문턱이 생겨 가지고 영원히 못 넘어가는 것입니다. 그래서 지금까지 통일가의 잘못된 모든 것을 용서하는 거예요. 요전에 내가 다시 36가정부터 불러 가지고 용서해 주기도 했습니다.

Now I am trying to do away with hell. Now the law is set so that if the standard of your life does not correspond that of Heaven, you cannot enter because there is a threshold which you cannot cross. That is why all the wrongdoings of the Unification Family were forgiven. Recently I called all the Thirty-Six Couples and forgave them all.

이제부터 천국에 입적할 수 있는 명단을 뽑는 데 있어서 탈락되면 영원히 탈락되는 것입니다. 자기들의 삼위기대가 있지요? 36가정, 72가정, 124가정의 삼위기대들을 불러 세워야 할 책임이 있다구요. 지금까지 모두 다 무책임하게 살았다구요. 형제들인데 말이에요.

From now on, if for some reason you fail to be on the list of those going to Heaven, you will be out forever. You all have your trinities, don’t you? The Thirty-Six Couples, Seventy-Two Couples and 124 Couples all have the responsibility to call on their trinities and set them straight. Until now you have all lived irresponsibly, even though you are brothers and sisters.

형제지애를 세울 수 있는 하늘나라의 궁전에 들어갈 수 있는 황족권내에 입적하느냐, 못 하느냐 하는 것이 문제입니다. 생사지권의 판결시대를 향해서 나아가고 있다는 사실을 알고 자기들의 처소에서 해야 할 책임완성에 결여가 없도록 노력하기를 바랍니다.

The problem here is whether you can be registered as someone from the Royal Family who will enter the Palace of the Kingdom of Heaven and build loving relationships between brothers and sisters. I hope you will all do your best to fulfill your responsibilities, knowing that now we are walking toward the era in which whether we live or die will be judged.

효율이는 지난날의 모든 것들을 다 알지? 원초성지, 기초성지, 승리성지 등 자르딘에서 지금까지 탕감선언해 가지고 여기까지 나오게 된 것들을 효율이 잘 안다구. 임자가 아무나 의심하면 안 돼! 알겠나? [예.]

Hyo Yul (Rev. Peter Kim), you know everything that happened in the past, don’t you? You know all about everything we have done after declaring indemnity in the Original Focus Holy Ground, the Root Holy Ground and the Victory Holy Ground in Jardim. You should not just doubt anyone! Do you understand? [Yes]

모두 다 24시간 자지 않고 그 일을 해야 됩니다. 영계에서 자겠어요? 영계에서는 돈 벌어서 먹지 않고 이 일에 주력하고 있다는 사실을 생각할 때 그들에게 부끄럽지 않도록 가정왕권시대를 향해서 나가는 데 있어서 본이 되어야 할 자기들의 책무가 있다는 사실을 망각하면 큰일납니다. 다 이거 저 나라의 표어말씀으로 남을 거라구요. 저 나라에 가서 핑계할 도리가 없습니다. ‘우리 몰랐습니다.’ 할 수 없다구요. 똑똑히 다 가르쳐 주었습니다. 여러분이 지키지 않으면 이러한 축복권내에 넘어설 수 없다는 것을 알아야 됩니다.

All of you should not sleep at all for twenty-four hours on one day and just work hard. Do you think you will be sleeping in the spirit world? When we consider the fact that in the spirit world spirits are doing nothing else except concentrating on this work, we should work hard and remember our duties as we approach the era of the realm of kings of families, so that we will not be ashamed in front of them. Everything that I say will become like mottos in the spirit world and will be recorded. There is no excuse you can give once you have gone to the spirit world. You cannot say, “we didn’t know.” I have already told you very clearly. You should all know that if you don’t keep to these words, you will never be able to enter this realm of blessing.

누구든지 하늘나라에 들어가게 될 때 두 마음을 못 가집니다. 오직, 하나님과 참부모밖에 몰라야 된다구요. 이제부터 철저한 생활을 시작해야 됩니다. 선생님이 그렇게 생활해 나왔습니다. 수천년간 벌려 놓은 것을 선생님의 일대에 축소시켜 가지고 탕감해 놓은 것을 여러분도 한 발짝으로 따라 넘어가야 됩니다.

No matter who is entering heaven, no one can harbor two minds in his/her mind. They should only know God and True Parents. From now on you have to start living strict lives. I have lived like that all my life. I indemnified all the happenings of thousands of years in one generation, and you should all follow what I did in one step.

개인, 가정, 종족, 민족, 국가, 세계, 우주, 천주의 8단계 십자가 시대를 넘어서려면 자기라는 이름이 있을 수 없습니다. 이름까지 잃어버리고, 성까지도 한국 사람이면 다 잊어버려야 됩니다. 그래서 원초적인 만물과 같이 되어야 합니다. 원초적인 만물에 이름이 있었어요, 무엇이 있었어요? 의식이 있었어요? 그와 같은 자리에서 재창조되어야 합니다.

If you want to surmount the eight stages of the cross, individual, familial, clan, tribal, national, global, universal and cosmic, you must forget your name. You have to lose your name, your surname, even your nationality. In doing so you will become like the basic creation. When beings were first created, did they have names? What did they have? Did they have consciousness? Only when you are in that position can you be re-created.

그렇게 될 때 참부모가 승리한 모든 것을 몽땅 전수해 줄 수 있는 것입니다. 자기를 중심삼고 3대를 모두 다 연결시켜야 합니다. 그래야 3대를 잃어버렸던 하나님이 지상과 천상의 통일적인 기반을 가지실 수 있다는 것이 원리관입니다. 자, 다시 읽으라구!

Only when you are in such a position can True Parents bequeath all their victories to you. Centering on yourselves you have to connect the three generations. The principle tells you that with the connection of the three generations, God, who had lost the three generations, can finally have a foundation of a unified heaven and earth. Now, continue the reading!

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

종족을 복귀하고, 민족을 복귀하고, 국가를 복귀하고, 세계를 복귀하고, 천주를 복귀해야 될 각자의 책임이 있습니다. 그것을 알겠어요? 한꺼번에 전부 다 변할 수는 없습니다.

Each one of you has the responsibility to restore your clan, your tribe, your nation, the world and the cosmos. Do you understand that? Everything cannot be transformed at the same time.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

핏줄, 핏줄전환이지! 핏줄이 더렵혀진 돌감람나무밖에 안 되는 것입니다. 참감람나무로 핏줄이 전화되어야 합니다. 절대적인 참사랑과 참생명 그리고 참혈통을 상속받은 참부모의 아들딸이라는 의식이 어떤 나라의 충신, 어떤 나라의 장관이라던가 대통령의 직책에 있는 것보다 더 실감이 나야 된다는 것입니다.

Lineage, it is the total conversion of the lineage! Now your lineage is like the wild olive tree, it has been violated. The lineage should be converted to the True Olive Tree. What I am saying is that the consciousness that you are the sons and daughters of True Parents, who have inherited the absolute true love, absolute true life, and absolute true lineage should be more real to you than your position, even if you are a nation’s high official, a minister, or even a president.

그 자리까지는 멀지요? 고생을 해야 됩니다. 내가 보따리를 싸들고 삼천리반도를 누비고 세계를 누벼 가지고 기반을 닦은 것과 마찬가지로 여러분도 일족과 일국을 책임지고 남북통일까지 하지 않으면 세계가 수습 안 된다는 것을 알아야 됩니다.

To reach that position would be very difficult, wouldn’t it? You have to go through suffering. Just as I packed my things and traveled around the world and established the foundation, you should take responsibility for your tribes and your nation, and know that if North Korea and South Korea are not united, the world cannot become one.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

여러분은 모두 다 일족을 품고 나라를 이루어야 할 선생님의 대신자들입니다. 그렇기 때문에 천일국 주인 우리 뭐라구요? [가정!] 천일국 주인 아버지가 아니에요. 부모가 아닙니다. 천일국 주인 우리 가정은 부모님이 승리한 모든 전부를 핏줄을 통해 가지고 일괄적으로 전수받아야 됩니다. 아들딸은 부모를 닮지요? 그것이 가능한 결과를 가져 와야 됩니다.

You are all representatives of True Father, responsible for embracing your tribes and forming a nation. That is why we say as the owners of the Cheon Il Guk, our what? [Family!] It’s not as the owners of the Cheon Il Guk our heavenly father, or True Parents. As the owners of the Cheon Il Guk, our families should inherit all the victories of True Parents through your lineage. Don’t sons and daughters take after their parents? You should make that possible.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

우리가 뭘 해야 될 것이냐? 뭘 하긴 뭘 해요? 영계의 결의문을 중심삼고 지상세계와 천상세계를 연결할 수 있는 다리를 놓아야 된다구요. 자기가 희생되어 가지고 말이에요. 딱 정해져 있다는 것입니다.

What is it that we have to do? What do you think it is? We should build the bridge that connects heaven and earth centering on the resolutions of the spirit world. You have to sacrifice yourselves to do so. You should know that our path has already been defined.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

부모님이 여러분을 내버려두더라도 씨앗이 싹터서 자라 가지고 씨알과 같은 열매를 맺는 것과 마찬가지로 여러분이 부모님과 같이 될 수 있는 자리에 서야 되는 것입니다.

Just as seeds sprout shoots and grow and finally bear fruit, you should also stand in positions where you are like True Parents, even if True Parents leave you alone and don’t tell you what to do.

(훈독 계속)

(Resumed hoondok)

(일심!) 본래는 일심세계가 되어야 됩니다. 일심! 몸도 하나되고 마음도 하나되어야 했습니다. 타락함으로 말미암아 일심(一心) 일체(一體) 일념(一念)이 갈라졌습니다. 몸과 마음이 싸우고 생각이 달라졌다구요. 본연의 일심! 하나님과 같이 하나의 마음과 하나의 몸과 하나의 이념이어야 합니다. 그 이념이라는 것이 지상·천상천국의 해방적 가정정착을 말하는 것입니다.

(One mind!) Fundamentally the world should become a world of one mind. One mind! The body and the mind were supposed to become one. Because of the Fall, one mind, one body and one mindset all became separate things. The body fights with the mind and they don’t agree on anything. The original one mind! Just like God you should all have one mind, one body and one mindset. That idea is the liberated settlement of families in both heaven and earth.

가정입니다. 하나님의 생각이 뭐였겠어요? 창조해 가지고 하나님의 가정정착입니다. 여러분의 생각이 그래야 돼요. 먹으나 사나 가정정착입니다.

It is the family. What do you think was God’s original idea? It was to bring about the settlement of God’s family after creating them. You should also have the same idea. No matter what you are doing, always remember the settlement of families.

 창조 처음부터 과정도, 지금까지 탕감복귀 섭리의 재창조 섭리도 전부다 아담이 실수한 이후에 잃어버렸던 자리를 찾기 위해서도 이와 같은 심정적 기준을 다시 창조해 내지 않으면 안 되는 것입니다. 아담이 창조해야 합니다. 하나님이 안 해줘요. 부모님이 안 해 줍니다. 부모님의 등을 타고 어디나 맘대로 날아갔지만 이제는 그렇지 않습니다. 자기가 날아가야 합니다. 자기나라는 자기가 세워야 하는 거예요. 자기 씨족은 자기가 해야 된다구요.

We have to re-create such a standard of the heart in order to restore the process of creation from the very beginning, the providence of re-creation, which is also the providence of restoration through indemnity, as well as the position lost due to Adam’s mistake. Adam should be the one who creates it. God will not do it for him. True Parents will not do it for him. Until now everything was done by True Parents, and we were just carried on their backs while they did all their work, but it will not be like that from now on. You have to do your own work. You have to build your own nation. You have to take care of your own tribe.

그래서 축복중심가정, 천일국 주인 우리가정이에요. 재림주 가정, 하나님까지도  결혼식 해줘야 하고, 하나님까지도 재창조한 주인, 천사장 이상의 자리에 올라가서 하나님을 해방한 자리에 서 있기 때문에 하나님이 타락하지 않고, 아담 해와를 축복해 주던 그 마음을 계승해 가지고 거짓 사랑이 아니라 참사랑을 그냥 그대로 사랑에 연결시킬 수 있는 것을 알아야 합니다.

That is why we say central blessed families, and that our families are the owners of the Cheon Il Guk. Now we have to bring about the wedding of God and the family of the second messiah, and stand in the position of the owners who have even re-created God. Our position will be higher than even that of the archangels, and we will stand in a position whereby we have liberated God. We will then inherit God’s heart the way it would have been if he had blessed Adam and Eve who had not fallen. You all have to know that it is not false love but true love which will be connected to the love that exists.

부모님으로 말미암아 인류는 전부다 재창조한 아담해와 이전의 자리에 올라간다는 것입니다. 그런 자리에서 축복을 해 주었기 때문에 천사세계, 사탄세계는 완전히 굴복을 해야 된다는 것입니다. 관계가 없다는 거예요. 핏줄이 거기서부터 가정적 정착을 했기 때문에 사탄세계는 그런 기반이 없기 때문에 전부다 물러가야 돼요. 사탄세계 주변에 지배하던 영들이 전부다 보따리 싸 가지고 지금 수평이 벌어집니다.

Through the True Parents, humankind will be restored to the positions of Adam and Eve before the Fall, in other words, in the position of re-created Adam and Eve. In such positions they will receive the Blessing, and so the angelic world and the satanic world will have to completely submit to Heaven. There will not be a connection between humankind and these two kinds of worlds anymore. Humankind’s lineage will make a complete settlement of families, and since the satanic world does not have such a foundation, it will have to pass away. All the spirits in control of the satanic world and its nether realms will have to pack up and leave, and a great leveling-out will take place.

천국, 위에 있던 것이 낙원에 떨어져서 수평이 되는 거예요. 이것을 중심삼고 이제부터 경계선이 되어서 마음대로 못 갑니다. 경계선이 되어 가지고 타락한 세계의 천사들은 낙원의 별동부대, 하늘나라의 낙원권내에 세워주는 것입니다. 세워 줘 가지고 상대적 입장이 이렇게 되어 있기 때문에 여기를 중심삼고 하나님은 사탄세계 천사세계의 가정을 붙들어야 되고, 참부모는 전부다 지상세계 가정을 중심삼고 교체된 것을 수평화 시켜야 된다는 것입니다.

Heaven, the highest realm, will come down and become level with paradise. Centering on this the border will be formed, which will prevent people from going where they would like to go. With the border, angels from the fallen world will be brought into paradise, into the realm of paradise in heaven, to be part of a flying column. Once they are in their positions, their roles will be reversed from what they were doing before, and so centering on them God can now hold onto the families in the satanic and angelic world, and True Parents will be able to centralize the families on earth and level what was replaced.

그래야 비로소 전부다 하나된 천국에 들어가서 수평화 되기 때문에 본연의 창조의 이성성상의 중화적 존재의 자리에 서서 형태를 입지 않았던 것이 참부모가 남성격 주체로 재차 창조함으로 말미암아, 아담이 실수한 모든 것을 다시 복귀해 세웠기 때문에 비로소 형태를 갖지 않은 하나님이 해방된 몸을 쓰고 지상·천상세계를 지배할 수 있는 시대로 넘어가는 것입니다.

Only then can all enter into Heaven and be level and stand in the position of the neutral being with the dual characteristics as at the time of creation. What was formless will then be re-created into a male subject by the True Parents, through which every occurrence brought about by Adam’s mistake will be restored and set right. Only then can we enter an era in which God, who previously had no form, will be able to have a liberated body and rule over heaven and earth.

그럼으로 말미암아 성상 형상의 중화적 존재 격으로서는 남성격을 완결해 가지고 사탄이 없는 하나님이 절대 일방통행 할 수 있는 권한을 중심하고 천상·지상천국을 중심삼고 출발할 수 있다는 것을 알아야 합니다. 이게 전부 이론적이에요. 그걸 확실히 알고 거기에 걸리지 않도록 노력해야 합니다.

You should all know that only when what I described above happens, the neutral being with the dual characteristics perfects his male characteristics, and God will have absolute authority and start anew centering on heaven and earth, without Satan. This is all based on theology. You should all know this clearly and ensure you don’t run foul of this law.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

하늘의 명령의 이러한 모든 근본물음을 누가 알았느냐는 것입니다. 이것을 해결해야 인류의 근본 문제가 해결되는 것입니다. 그 사실을 참부모가 나와서 밝혀줌으로 말미암아 하늘이나 땅이나 광명천지를 맞이할 수 있는, 정오정착해방 천상·지상천국시대로 전진할지어다―. 아멘! [아멘!]

Who knew about all these fundamental questions about God and His orders? Only when we solve these problems can the problems of humankind be solved. Now that True Parents have revealed all these facts, heaven and earth will now be able to march towards the Liberation of the Settlement of Noon and the Age of God’s Kingdom in Heaven and on Earth when they will have a bright future. Amen! [Amen!]

이것이 공론이 아니에요. 틀림없이 역사를 연구하게 되면 그거 찾아 올라가는 것입니다. 어떻게 전 세계적인 것을 알아 가지고  선생님 말씀한 것이 전부 딱딱딱딱 다 맞아떨어지고 옳다고 쌍수를 들고 만세, 해방만세를 할 수 있는 이런 내용의 진리가 지금까지 사탄의 반대를 받아 묻혀 가지고, 권위가 있지만 힘없이 묻혀있던 것이 폭발될 수 있는 시대에 들어간다는 것입니다. 자기들이 전부다 원자탄이 빵 때려 가지고, 자기가 먼저 맞아서 벼락이 떨어지는 그런 입장에 서지 말라는 것입니다. 자기는 수양해 가지고 내용을 알고, 이런 결과가 된다는 것을 바라보고 일했으되 세계에 대한 관이 확실해야 그대로 된다는 것을 알아야 돼요.

What I am saying is not pointless. I am sure that if you study history you will be able to see that what I am saying is true. What I am talking about is of the whole world, and everything fits in together so well you have to raise both hands and say “mansei, mansei” for liberation. Now we are entering an era in which all the truths that were buried because of Satan’s opposition, which held authority, but were buried deep within, will explode. Don’t stand in a position where you will be struck by atomic bombs and lightning. You have learned everything, and you have known of the results that will be brought about by your hard work. But in order for everything to happen the way they are meant to be, you have to have a clear idea about the world.

원리도 얼마만큼은 외워야 됩니다. 훈독회에 참석해서 시간이 많이 간다고 꼬리를 젖고 머리를 젖고 몸뚱이를 젖고, 세상일이 바쁘고 뭐 핑계를 대지만 세상일은 다 허사예요. 그걸 중요시하는 그런 미련한 사람이 되어서는 안 되는 것입니다. 선생님은 오로지 이 뜻을 중심삼고 홀로 나는 화살, 첨단 타깃을 격파하기 위하여 일사불란한 놀음을 해 가지고 여기까지 왔다는 것은 놀라운 사실입니다.

You should somehow memorize the Divine Principle. While you are attending hoon dok hae you complain that too much time has passed and you can’t keep your body still, and you give excuses that you are too busy and all, but what you are busy about will be in vain. You should not be so foolish as to think that worldly matters are important. The fact that I have come all this way only centering on this Will, amidst opposition and attacks, is remarkable.

그렇기 때문에 부모님이 구세주가 아니 될 수 없고, 메시아가 아니 될 수 없고, 재림주가 아니 될 수 없고, 하늘땅을 통일하지 않을 수 없는 거예요. 왜? 하나님 자신도 그렇게 알고 있고 천상세계의 전부가 그렇게 알고 있으니 그 길을 따라가는 것이 지상의 인간들이 필시 가야 할 행로인 것을 절대적으로 지켜나가야 되는 것입니다.

That is why True Parents are the Savior, the Messiah, and the Lord of the Second Coming. And that is also why they are able to unite Heaven and Earth. Why? Even God knows and all of Heaven and Earth know that that is the right way, and so all people on earth should follow this path and keep to it absolutely.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

이제 축복가정들은 도시에 사는 것이 아니라 자연으로 돌아가 하나님이 만물을 지었던 첫사랑과 더불어 자연을 품고 길러야 합니다. 그것들이 싸워 가지고 종의 멸종이 벌어지는 사실을 내가 지켜 가지고 보호해야 할 책임이 있는 것입니다. 하나님 대신 만물을 사랑하고 인간을 사랑하고 나서야 본래의 주인 자리에 돌아가는 거라구요.

From now on blessed families should not live in cities but go back to nature, and embrace and nurture it with the first love endowed on nature by God as He was creating them. We all have the responsibility to protect the creation from fighting amongst each other and certain species from becoming extinct. Only when we love all creation and all people in God’s stead can we return to our rightful positions as owners.

자연을 사랑해야 돼요. 바다를 사랑하고 그 다음엔 산을 사랑하는 거예요. 산수원입니다, 산과 물과 들이에요. 산수원을 사랑해야 돼요. 거기까지 가야 천지만물들이 생물들이 장성하는 것입니다. 우리들이 사랑한 물과 공기와 흙이 영양소를 대 가지고 하나님 대신 본연의 자리로 무성히 자랄 수 있는 축복 받은 땅의 존재로 만들어야 할 책임이 타락한 후손인 우리들에게 있다는 것을 알아야 합니다.

You should love nature. You should love the sea and the mountains. You should love the mountains, the water and the fields. You should love all three. In order for all creation and all living things to grow, you need to love them all. You should all know that you have the responsibility as the descendants of fallen Adam and Eve, to love water, air and earth in God’s stead, so that they will supply nutrients for all things to grow, and all creation will become part of the blessed world where they will grow back into their original places before the Fall.

아담이 잃어버렸던 것을 찾았으니 아담대신 내가 지켜주고 보호해 줘야 할 책임이 있다는 것입니다. 그래서 선생님이 박물관을 만들어 가지고 앞으로 전부다 곤충이라든가 동물이라든가 하나도 그 종자가 멸종해서는 안 된다는 것입니다. 그것을 다 보호해야 된다는 것입니다. 작은 것은 큰것에 먹히는 거예요. 여러분들에게 다 이빨이 있지요? 동물도 이빨이 있습니다. 맹수도 이빨이 있고 작은 동물도 이빨이 있습니다.

What I am saying is that since we have got back what was lost by Adam, we have the responsibility to protect the creation in Adam’s place. So I am planning to make a museum which will prevent any species, whether of insects or animals, from becoming extinct. We have to protect them all. The smaller are eaten by the bigger. All of you have teeth, right? Animals also have teeth. The beasts of prey, as well as small and helpless animals, have teeth.

참 재미있는 것이 먹이사슬의 균형입니다. 맹수라는 것이 마음대로 새끼를 치지 못 합니다.  2년에 한 번씩 새끼를 칩니다. 사자나 호랑이는 2년 8개월, 3년 가까운 기간에 새끼를 치는 것입니다. 토끼는 석 달에 한 번씩 새끼를 칩니다. 무수히 번식을 해서 식량을 만들고 작은 것은 큰 것에 먹히고 주인 앞에 하나님 대신 키워나가는 거예요. 전부다 창조하는 것입니다.

What is really interesting is the balanced nature of the food chain. Beasts of prey cannot reproduce anytime they want to. They can only reproduce once in two years. In the case of lions and tigers this period is two years and eight months, almost three years. In contrast, rabbits bring forth their young once every three months. By having many offspring, they provide food for the larger beasts and raise their young in God’s stead. They all create.

재창조가 그렇잖아요. 아담 해와가 하나님 대신 창조를 하는데, 하나님이 본성적으로 근원이 되어 태어난 만물은 마음이 몸적인 완성을 위해서 협조하는 것과 마찬가지로, 자기의 모든 것을 희생해서라도 투입 봉사하는 것과 마찬가지로 만물은 마음자리에 있는 모든 만물과 같이 몸뚱이를 키우는 놀음을 해서 희생하는 것입니다. 희생하는 데 하나만이 아니에요. 그 일족 그 일가족, 가정 가정들이 결실이지 개인이 결실이 아니라는 것입니다.

That is the way re-creation is. Adam and Eve create in God’s place. The creation was created based on God’s characteristics and so their minds cooperate for the perfection of the body, sometimes sacrificing everything for the body. In the same way, those creations in the position of the mind have to sacrifice themselves in order to nurture the body. It is not only one that sacrifices itself. What I am saying is that it does not happen at the individual level, but in the family and tribe.

희랍사상철학으로 보게 되면 만 우주는 전부다 투쟁이라고 보는 것입니다. 서로가 원수라고 보는 거예요. 그러나 그게 원수가 아니에요. 타락했기 때문에, 타락한 결과이기 때문에…. 공산주의 이론인 자본론이라든가 변증법을 보면 투쟁해서 발전한다고 하는데 그게 아니에요. 투쟁이 아닙니다.

Greek philosophy looks at the world as being in constant struggle with itself. It states that all things regard each other as enemies, but they are not enemies. It is because of the Fall that such ideas have come about. Das Kapital and the dialectic, which are the principles of Communism, state that development comes about through struggle, but that is not true; struggle is not the answer.

악한 균도 그 병균 앞에 천적 몇 마리만 있더라도 잠잠해진다는 것입니다. 천적 알아요? 개 앞에 천적이 호랑이예요. 개는 호랑이만 보면 오금을 못쓰고 떨면서 개집으로 찾아 들어가는 것입니다. 천적이 있어 가지고 균형화 시켜 전부 소화해 나가야 된다는 것을 모른다는 것입니다.

Even the vilest germs disappear when faced with several of their natural enemies. Do you understand what I mean by natural enemy? A tiger is the natural enemy of a dog. When a dog sees a tiger, it freezes and trembles and crawls back to its dwelling to hide. What is not known is that natural enemies balance each other and take care of everything that comes in the way.

오늘날 의사들도 그래요. 병을 고치기 위해 자르고 벱니다. 그래서 내가 한의학과  서양의학을 하나 만들기 위해 만든 통일의학이라는 것은 보호의학입니다. 병이 나기 전에 천적의 기반을 활용해 가지고 방어할 수 있는, 수술 안 해도 근원적인 모든 것을 해방할 수 있다고 보는 것입니다.

The same can be said for doctors today. They cut and slice in order to cure diseases. That is why I am going to make a unified medical science, which will be the combination of eastern and western medicines. It will be a protective medical science. I believe that by using the notion of natural enemies we can protect ourselves in advance, so that we can be liberated from all diseases even without coming under the knife.

하나님의 사랑을 중심삼고 자르고 깎고 그렇게 되게 되어 있지 않습니다. 그걸 다 알고 뜻 가운데서 모든 만유의 모든 존재가 하나하나 정리되어 나아가는 천상세계에 일치될 수 있는 그 세계를 향해 가는데, 얼마나 복잡하겠어요?전부가 싸움이 터져 나오고, 그 싸움터의 중심에 가서 만나 돌아가는 통일교인들, 그것을 극복해야 돼요. 싸움이 벌어지면 그것을 흡수해 가지고 커야 됩니다. 그것을 벗어나야 돼요. 개인 자리를 벗어나고 가정 자리를 벗어나고,그렇기 때문에 가정왕 시대에서 종족왕 시대로 넘어가야 돼요.

Centering on God’s love, we were not meant to cut and carve and slice our bodies. How complicated will it be for us to march toward a new world, in which all beings of heaven and earth become one, when we know all these things and try to abide by it? There will be endless fights along the way. Some may even turn back when they encounter such fights, but you should overcome them all. When there are fights, instead of shirking from them, you should absorb them and grow. You should be free from them. You should move from the position of the individual and family to higher places. Through this we will be able to move from the era of kings of families into the era of kings of clans.

그렇게 크는 것입니다. 종족왕에서 민족왕, 민족왕에서 국가왕, 국가왕에서 천주왕까지 되면 해방의 자리에 가기 때문에 병이라는 것은 생사지권을 관여할 수 없게 됩니다. 해방세계로 넘어간다는 것입니다. 세계는 그렇게 되는 것입니다. 주인이 없습니다. 주인이 우리라는 것을 알아야 돼요.

That is how you will grow. From kings of clans you will grow to kings of tribes, nations, and the cosmos. Once you reach that position, you are now in a position of liberation, and so there will be no diseases that can harm you in any way. What I am saying is that you will enter a liberated world. The world will become like that. You should bear in mind that there are no other owners except ourselves.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

그래서 지금 선생님 앞에 보고해 주는 것입니다. 알겠어요? (예) 꿈이 아니에요. 사실 이상 몇천배 이상 믿어야 거기에 합당할 수 있는 사람이 될지 모릅니다. 그런데 80%도 50%도 못 믿어 가지고, 왔다갔다해 가지고 뭐 어떻고 어떻고….

That is why I am telling you all this. Do you understand? (Yes) What I am talking about is not a dream. You will have to believe even more incredible things than this, some stories which are thousands of times more incredible. Only then can you become people fitted to walk this path. But some people cannot believe eighty or even fifty percent of what I tell you, and so you titter and go other places and come back and there are such goings on.

영계의 실상을 확실히 알아야 하는 거예요. 상헌씨도 그렇잖아요. 학자들과 통일교회의 식구들을 격려하고 하나님 앞에 돌아올 수 있는 직행 코스를 소개하기 위해 영계의 실상을 전달하고 밝히고 있다는 사실을 그 이상 몇 십배, 몇 백배 확장해서 믿어야 자기들이 설자리가 세계와 영계와 관계된다는 것을 알아야 되는 것입니다.

You have to know clearly about what is going on in the spirit world. Even Dr. Sang Hun Lee is like that. He encourages scholars and unification members, and in order to introduce us to a direct road towards God, he is sending messages and revealing the actual conditions of the spirit world. You must know that you have to believe even ten times, or even hundred times, of what is told to you. Only then will your positions have something to do with the world and the spirit world.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

절대신앙 절대사랑 절대복종, 이 세밀한 것은 내가 이번에 한국에 가서 돌아올 때까지 가르쳐 주려고 합니다. 식구의 머리가 깨끗해져야 됩니다. 잡동사니가 없게 그것을…. 한국에 빨리 갔다와야겠습니다. 6월, 7월 넘으면 안 된다고 보는 거예요.

I plan to teach you the details about absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience by the time I go to Korea and come back. The members’ heads should all become clear. There should not be any unnecessary things in there. I should visit Korea soon. I think I should go before June or July.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

이것이 하나님이 결혼식을 하고 하나님이 출생신고를 하면 다 끝나는 것입니다. 지금 선생님은 지옥과 천국을―천국은 바른쪽이고 지옥은 왼쪽인데 지옥은 없어졌어요. 낙원권내예요. 선생님이 언제나 불러서 쓸 수 있습니다. 선생님의 명령을 지금 학수고대 바라고 있다는 거예요. 이래 가지고 몸 마음이 갈라진 것을 통일적 기준에서 천주적인 이상의 자리에서 이 일을 가능케 해야 할 것이 선생님이 해야 할 일입니다.

This will all be over when God has a wedding and birth registration. Heaven is on my right and hell used to be on my left, but now hell has disappeared. Instead, it is the realm of paradise. I can call at any time to use the spirits in the realm of paradise. Everyone is waiting for my orders. It will be my job to unite the mind and body, which had been separated, and make it possible to attain the position of universal ideal.

지옥에 있는 사람도 선생님을 통해서 천국에 갈 수 있습니다. 지옥에 있는 사람들도 선생님에게 오면 부모와 일체가 되어 있기 때문에 천국에 올라가서 비로소 교체됨이 없어 평면 선이 되어서 올라가는 것입니다.

Even the spirits in hell can go to heaven through me. When the spirits in hell come to me, they become one with the True Parents, and so can ascend to heaven in a direct line without any obstacles in the way.

우주의 근본이 뭐냐 하면, 성상 형상의 하나님이 중화적 존재이고, 격위에서는 남성격 주체라는 것입니다. 아버지라는 것입니다. 다시 실체를 써 가지고 아버지 형태를 만들기 위한 것이 복귀섭리입니다. 오늘서부터 영계도 부모님의 형상이, 이제 무형으로 나타난 하나님이 형상으로 나타나 훈시할 수 있는 시대에 들어간다는 것입니다. 방송할 수 있는 시대에 들어가는 것입니다. 인터넷 시대와 마찬가지로 이메일을 가지고 일시에 세계에 공포할 수 있는 시대인 것입니다.

The basis of the cosmos is that God with the dual characteristics is a neutral being, and rank-wise He is the Male Subject. In other words He is the Father. The providence of restoration is giving God a physical form as the father. Today we are entering an era in which even in the spirit world True Parents and God will be able to appear in physical form to give directions. We are entering a new era where instructions will be broadcast. Just like the internet age, proclamations will be made around the world at the same time through e-mail.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

전부다 거짓말 같잖아요. 옛날에는 선생님 한 사람밖에 어디 있어요? 하나님도 이해하지 못합니다. 하나님이 성인하고 살인마하고 축복을 해 달라고 나보고 할 수 있어요? 이번에 부모님 생신에 있어서의 천주천지 평화통일 가정왕 즉위식을 할 수 없어요. 그것을 하나 만드는 한 자리에서 한 핏줄을 중심삼고 실체를 입은 그 몸을 가지고 비로소….

It all sounds like lies, doesn’t it? In the past there was only I. Not even God can understand. Can God ask me to bless a saint with a murderer? On my birthday of this year we could not have performed the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic and the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Only when we united centering on the one lineage could we carry out this ceremony with Him present…

하나님이 혼인신고 출생신고를 못했었습니다. 했어요, 못했어요? 나라가 없습니다. 나라가 없으면 어떻게 해요? 천일국을 만들기 위해 선생님이 얼마나 수고를 했는데, 여러분은 천일국을 생각하고 있어요? 천일국 국민증이 어떻게 되었던가? 가지고 있어요? 거기에 천일국 뭐라고 쓰여 있어요? 천주평화 통일국 학습증! 미리 준비하는 것입니다. 그래서 완성하는 것입니다. 거기서부터 개인시대 해방, 가정시대 해방, 자기 일족을 중심삼고 등차가 벌어집니다. 같지 않다구요. 학습증! 미리 연습하는 것입니다.

God had not been able to register His marriage and birth. Did he register, or didn’t he? He does not have a nation. How can He register if he does not have a nation? I went through so much to build the Cheon Il Guk, but have you ever thought about the Cheon Il Guk? Do you know what the Cheon Il Guk citizenship cards look like? Do you have them? What is written there? Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity Learner Card! That means we have to prepare in advance. That is how we can be perfected. From there we move on to the liberation of era of individual and of families and each and every one will be in a different grade, centering on your tribe. It will not be the same. Learner Card! That means you have to practice in advance.

선생님이 발표한 것이 지나고 보니까 그것이 전부 꿍꿍이 수속이 아니에요. 하나의 목적을 중심삼고 맞추기 위해 정리해 왔다는 사실을 알아야 합니다. 인류, 인간이 어떻게 이렇게 되었다는 이 방대한 사실을 풀 자가 없어요. 전부가 문총재가 결론 낸 그 결론을 따라 가야 다 풀리는 것입니다.

When True Father makes declarations, time shows that what he has been doing is not some underhanded scheme. You should know that we have been working towards a single purpose. There is no one who can reveal how humankind came to be and why we are living the way we are now. Only when you follow Rev. Moon’s teachings can you find the answers to all these problems.

이제 길만 열리면 유엔총회에서 강연만 하면 세계와 하늘땅에 태풍이 불고 광풍이 불어 가지고 번개가 치고 토네이도가 일어나는 그와 같은 놀음이 벌어지는 것입니다. 거기에 혼돈된 그것을 바라보면서 ‘세상아 잘 있거라 우리는 간다’며 작별 인사를 하나님 대신, 참부모 대신 할 수 있는 주인의 자리에 서야 되는 것입니다.

Now when the road is open and I address the UN General Assembly, there will be typhoons and strong winds which will blow through the whole world and heaven and earth, there will be lightning and tornadoes. You should be able to stand in the position of the owners, who can look back on the world in chaos and say “farewell world, we are leaving” in God and True Parents’ place.

여기 서 있는 사람들, 특별히 이번에 여기에 와서 낚시를 했는데 스트라이프 배스가 뭐예요? 스트라이프는 줄이에요. 줄이 있는 배스라는 거예요. 줄 없는 배스는 얼마든지 있습니다. 특별한 고기를 잡고 있다는 사실은 인류를 대표해 공헌할 수 있는 산제물로 바쳐 가지고 만물을 희생시키고 많은 새끼들을 길러서 멸종되지 않을 수 있는 주인의 자리에 서기 위한 것입니다.

The people standing here came and went fishing. What is a striped bass? Stripe means a line. So that means the bass has a line on it. There are many basses without a stripe. When we catch this special fish, we give it as a live offering on behalf of humankind. That means that we are doing it to stand in the position of owners who are preventing the extinction of any species by growing their young in large numbers.

여기 와서 수고한 사람들은 농장도 만들고 양식장도 만들고 공원농지도 만들어 지나가는 사람들이 과일도 따먹을 수 있는 주인 없는 천국을 만들어야 하는 거예요. 그게 꿈이 아니에요. 그렇게 되는 것입니다. 그런 마음이라도 갖고 그렇게 살고, 그렇게 대하고 주체적 입장에서 주인 노릇을 하고 가야 천상세계 선생님이 가는데 따라갈 수 있습니다.

The people who have come here and worked hard should make farms and breeding grounds and orchards and build a heaven without owners, so that the people passing by can pick a fruit or two and enjoy it. That is not a dream. It will be like that. You should keep such thoughts in your minds and try to live like that, and try to stand in the position of the subject and act like owners and treat others well. Only then can you follow True Father as he goes to the Kingdom of Heaven.

그렇지 않으면 제까닥 걸려버려요. 설명이 필요 없습니다. 영계에 다 자기들 기록된 사실이 있는데 여기에 걸려서는 안 됩니다. 그건 자기가 넘어서야지 선생님이 협조하지 못합니다. 아담 해와와 마찬가지예요. 천사장 형님의 자리도 걸리는 거예요. 확실히 알기 위해서 재차 세뇌수업해서 잊어버려서는 안 되겠습니다.

If you don’t do that, your way will be blocked. No explanations are needed. There are records for each and every one of you in the spirit world, so you should not be caught transgressing the law. Any obstacle you encounter you will have to surmount by yourself; True Father cannot help you. It is just like the time of Adam and Eve. Even the archangel himself will be in trouble if he is caught transgressing the law. In order to know it by heart, don’t forget to study over and over again.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

영계가 천국, 낙원, 지옥 됐던 것이 횡적으로 되는 것입니다. 물이 수평이 되어 있기 때문에,  여기에 이것이 상대가 없으면 안 되기 때문에 상대의 입장에 세워 충성할 수 있게끔 하는 거예요. 이 끝은 여기서부터 충성을 해야 합니다. 그래서 천국을 거치고 낙원을 거치고 지옥을 거친 입장에 돌아와 서야만 비로소 천사세계에 별동 기업으로 만들어 놓은 공기가 통하지 않은 경계선을 넘어설 수 있는 것입니다

The spirit world which was divided into different realms of heaven, paradise and hell will become level. Just as water is level, since you need an object, you should put them in the object position and they should be loyal to you. They should be loyal to you from this end. So you will pass through heaven and paradise and hell and come back to the original position. Only then can you cross the border set by the angelic world, where it is a vacuum and no air passes through.

지금 교차되어서 상하가 전부 엇갈려 있습니다.  여러분들이 개인시대부터 천주시대까지 8단계를 거쳐 수평이 되어 개인시대 가정시대 종족시대를 이루고, 개인시대왕권, 가정시대왕권을 합쳐 자리를 잡음으로 말미암아 비로소 8단계가 평행선이 되어 지상 나선형으로서 영원한 천국이 계속되는 것입니다. 이론적으로 다 맞는 말입니다. 맹목적인 말이 아니에요.

Now everything is crisscross and highs and lows are all mixed together. When you pass through the eight stages from the individual era to the cosmic era, the world will become level. And then you will be able to fulfill the individual era, the familial era and the clan era, and achieve the kingship of the individual era and the familial era, and attain a position. Then the eight stages you have passed through become parallel lines and like a spiral from the earth, an eternal heaven will be kept up. These words are all according to theory; they are not spoken thoughtlessly.

세상이 우리 통일교회가 못 들어가게 물샐틈없이 막는다고 했지만 우리는 그 밑창을 뚫고 올라온 것입니다. 이제 세계 국가가 통일교회를 환영할 수 있는 시대에 들어왔습니다. 돌감람나무 밭을 접붙여 3년만 되면 참감람나무 열매를 맺게 할 수 있습니다. 세상천지 어디에서든 사방으로 만만세 환영해 가지고 사탄세계나 지상세계나 완전히 천국백성화 된다는 것입니다. 일원화해 가지고 하나님 마음대로 하나님 왕의 권한을 대접받을 수 있는, 지상천국 천상천국이 일원화되는 것입니다. 아멘이라구요. [아멘!]

The secular world tried to erect blockades that our Unification Church could not overcome, but we went under and came out through the bottom. Now we have entered an era in which all the nations of the world will welcome the Unification Church. When a wild olive tree is grafted, it takes only three years for it to bear true olives. Wherever you go in the world, you will be welcomed with open arms and the satanic world and the earth will all become citizens of Heaven. They will all become one, and form a unified world in which God can be served as the King with royal authority. Amen! [Amen!]

여러분들 가정을 중심삼고 어머니 아버지가 가정의 왕이요 종족의 왕입니다. 그 왕권을 잃어버린 것을 여러분들이 찾아서 거꾸로 세움으로 말미암아 하나님을 대신해 가지고 왕의 자리에 서는 거예요. 새로운 출생의 자리를 신고해 준 참부모의 일을 대신한 여러분의 일족이 됨으로 말미암아 부모님의 혈족으로서 천상세계에 따라 들어 갈 수 있는 것입니다. 해방적인 자리에 서는 것입니다. 만세가 되는 것입니다.

By centering on your families, the mother and the father are the king and queen of the family and of the clan. When you restore that kingship which had been lost, and you set it again from the bottom, you will stand in the position of the king in God’s stead. Since you have done True Parents’ work, who have registered a new place of birth for you, you will become part of True Parents’ family and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven with them. You will stand in the position of liberation. It will be for eternity.

여러분들이 앞으로 실수해서 영계에 가게 되면 선생님 앞에 못 갑니다. 딱 그 자리에 머물기 때문에 어떻게 선생님을 만나겠어요? 하나님 앞에서 담이 있으면 되겠어요? 일체가 되어야지요. 이제는 쓸고 닦아 몸 마음이 하나님이 임할 수 있는 성전이 되어야 합니다. 하나님이 찾아와 기다릴 수 있게끔 해야 할 것이 통일가의 축복 받은 선배가정들의 권위다 그거예요.

From now on when you make a mistake, once you come to the spirit world you cannot come in front of me. You will have to stay where you are, so how will you come to me? Should there be a wall in front of God? No. You should become one. Now you should clean both your mind and your body so that you can be the temple in which God can reside. The elder blessed families of the Unification Family should make it so that God will come to them and wait to enter their bodies and minds. It is their privilege.

그 일을 완결해서 바쳐드려야만 자기들까지도 3대권, 하나님 1대, 아담 2대, 3대의 가정으로서 부모님 대신 가정의 자리에 서 가지고 천일국 중심가정으로서 해방되어야 되는 것입니다. 그러나 책임분담을 완성하지 못하면 못 넘어서는 것입니다. 여러분들은 7년까지는 가야합니다. 그것이 공식적이에요.

When they complete this task and offer themselves, they can stand in the position of the family True Parents’ stead and be liberated as the central families of the Cheon Il Guk, in three generations, God being the first, Adam the second, and blessed families the third generation. Yet this will not happen if they do not fulfill their responsibilities. You will have to walk this path for at least seven years. That is the procedure.

그 모든 방대한 것이 어떻게 이런 한 일련의 체계에 의해 시작해 가지고 연대적 관계가 방향이 맞고, 결과에 일치될 수 있는 내용을 어떻게 결론지을 수 있겠느냐 하는 것입니다. 여러분은 몰라요. 그건 참부모만이 아는 것입니다. 아담은 장성기 완성급에 서 있기 때문에 완성에 대해서 모릅니다. 그건 선생님만이 개발한 것입니다. 하나님이 하지 못하고, 하나님이 원하지 않는 것까지 생각하고 있는 것입니다.

The question then arises: how can such a vast thing start from this single system, and how can the relationships of generations fit together and the results answer for the paths taken? You do not know. True Parents are the only people who know the answer. Adam is standing at the completion period of the growth stage, and so he does not know about perfection. I am the person who came up with that. I am even thinking about what God cannot do, and what He does not want.

그러기 때문에 부모님을 해방하고 천지의 대왕마마를 해방해야 돼요. 입적할 수 있는 나라와 그 출생기지에 만민의 축복의 조상으로 세워 가지고 계대적인 기준이 자동적으로 천국에 연결되어 만세가, 해방천국이 천년만년 태평성대 하나님의 사랑의 왕궁이 되느니라―. 아멘이에요. [아멘!] 선생님의 말씀이 틀림없습니다. 기록해서 들어보라는 거예요.

That is why True Parents and the King of Heaven and Earth have to be liberated. You will be set as the ancestor of the Blessing in the nation where you were registered and you will have birth registrations. The standards according to the generations will be connected automatically to heaven, and for eternity the liberated heaven will become the kingdom of love of God. Amen! [Amen!] Mark my words, because they will come true. Record them and listen to them.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

이젠 루시엘을 해결해 주는 것입니다. 오늘 선포했으니 출발이에요. 냅다 밀어라 이거예요. 문총재를 반대하는 대통령이 있으면 가서 멱살을 붙들고 받아치우라는 거예요. 문총재 하는 일을 아느냐고, 한번 들어보라고 하는 거예요.

Now we should resolve the problem of Lucifer. Since I made the declaration today, today is the beginning. Let’s just start pushing. If there is any president who opposes Rev. Moon, grab him by the throat and confront him. Ask him if he knows what Rev. Moon is doing. Tell him to listen to one of my speeches.

지금 문총재가 하는 것은 조상이 아니에요. 혈족입니다. 자기 책임이 있는 것입니다. 루시엘이면 루시엘, 공자면 공자로서 책임 추궁 받는 것입니다. 4대 성인들도 영계에서 지상의 교파 만들듯이 하나 만들려고 하게 되어 있습니다.

What Rev. Moon is doing right now is not for the ancestors, but the kinship. Each one has his/her own responsibility. Whether it is Lucifer or Confucius, they will all be asked to answer for their own responsibility. Even the Four Great Saints in heaven are trying to become one just as they would have done on earth.

천상세계 지상세계 연합해 가지고 전부다 통일시킬 수 있는 인맥을 선생님이 배치할 때가 왔습니다. 내가 배치할 수 있는 권한이 있지만 그들 앞에 배치하라고 하면 배치하게 되어 있습니다. 영계에 믿고 간 선한 영들, 영계에 간 기독교인들 데려다가 전부 하나 만들어야 합니다.

Now the time has come for me to place the people who will unite all with the help of heaven and earth. I have the authority to appoint whomever I want to, but if I tell them to appoint the people, they will do so. All the good spirits who believed in the spirit world, and the Christians in the spirit world should all be brought together and united into one.

두고 보라구요. 원리말씀이 이제 공개되고 선포되어 가지고 언론계가 들고 일어서면 6개월 이내에…. 원자탄 수소탄보다 몇 백배 더 무서울 수 있는 무기라는 거예요. 사탄이 언론계를 선동해 국권을 중심삼고 세계를 선전함으로 말미암아 방어했던 것을 한꺼번에 틀어 나가는 것입니다. 내가 워싱턴 타임스, UPI통신을 인수해 미국 언론계의 왕초의 자리에 있습니다. 미국의 국방성이든 국무성이든 내가 손대게 되면 문제가 벌어질 수 있는 내용을 다 갖고 있습니다.

You just watch: when the Divine Principle is made public and declared and the media make noise, it will take less than six months. It will be a scarier weapon, maybe even several hundred times scarier, than atomic and nuclear bombs. What Satan had prevented until now by taking hold of the media and holding in the world, will all flow out at once.

누구든 피해를 보게 되면 내가 보호할 수 있는, 그래서 환영할 수 있도록 쓰는 거예요. 자기를 위해서 쓰는 것이 아니에요. 세상을 위해서 만들었지 선생님을 위해 한번도 써보지 않았어요. 한국정부가, 한국 교계가, 미국과 세계가 반대해도 가만히 있는 거예요.

I will use that information to protect anyone who suffers, and so welcome them to my side. I will not use it for my own good. I made them for the world and not for me. That is why I am not acting even now as the Korean government, the Korean religious sector, the United States and the world are opposing me.

하나님은 참부모가 참고 때를 기다려 자동적으로 밤이 익어 떨어지기를 바라는 것입니다. 이제 그럴 때가 됐습니다. 그럴 수 있는 참 밤알이 되어야 우수수 바람이 불면 다 떨어지는 거예요. 그 말은 바람이 불어야 떨어진다는 것입니다. 이 세상에 자기가 설 수 있는 참 밤알이 되고 자기 자리를 찾아 부활할 수 있는 완충기관을 적절히 써먹어야 할 지혜로운 영계 육계의 축복가정이 될지어다―.

God wants True Parents to wait patiently until the fruit is ripe and it can be harvested. Now the time has come. When the right fruits are ripe they will fall with the help of the wind. By that I mean they will fall only when the wind blows. You should all become the blessed families of the spirit world and the physical world, who become the true fruits and are wise enough to be resurrected to their rightful places.

(말씀 훈독)

(Resumed hoondok)

절대 믿어야 됩니다. 하나님의 창조의 처음 말씀대로 되는 것과 마찬가지로 절대신앙 절대사랑 절대복종, 거기에는 이의가 없습니다. 내 오관 십관을 함께 해서 전부다 불사르기를 바라고 보따리 싸서 기다려야 합니다. 그래야 탕감복귀를 할 수 있습니다.

You must have complete faith. Just as it will become like the very beginning of the creation when God spoke His first words, there is nothing else to it except absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. You should burn all that ties you to the past and pack your bags and wait. Only then can you be restored through indemnity.


(Resumed hoondok)

이게 엇갈리면 폐기가 됩니다. 8단계 전부다 거꾸로 되면 전부가 폐기가 된다구요. 상충적 기준을 전부다 수평으로 만들어 줘야 할 책임이 있다는 것입니다. 아담이 다 잘못했으니까, 아담가정 대신해서 하늘땅 대신해서 책임 할 수 있는 전체 동원권 내에 동행해야 됩니다. 천태만상이 있습니다. 이제 전승자로서 하늘이 축복해주는 그런 해방시대가 온다는 놀라운 사실을 알아야 합니다.

When this does not come right it will become useless. If all the eight stages are reversed, it will all become useless. We have the responsibility to level all standards that contradict each other. Since Adam made a mistake, we should take the responsibility upon ourselves in place of Adam’s family and heaven and earth, and all come together in the realm of total mobilization. There is great diversity. Now as the victors, you should all know the incredible fact that an era of liberation blessed by Heaven is coming.

(김효율 보좌관 기도)                                <<끝>>

(Rev. Peter Kim’s Prayer)                                                    <<The End>>